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Sand Creek Serenade

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One woman with a deep desire to serve and help. One brave who will stop at nothing to save his people. Each willing to die for their beliefs and love for one another. Will their sacrifice be enough?

As a female medical doctor in 1864, Sadie Hoppner is no stranger to tragedy and loss. While she grapples with the difficulties of practicing medicine at a Colorado outpost, she learns that finding acceptance and respect proves especially difficult at Fort Lyon.

Cheyenne brave Five Kills wants peace between his people and the American Army. But a chance encounter with their female doctor ignites memories from his upbringing among the whites … along with a growing fondness for the one person who seems to understand him and his people.As two cultures collide with differing beliefs of right and wrong, of what constitutes justice and savagery, blood spills on the Great Plains. When the inevitable war reaches Fort Lyon, the young couple's fledgling love is put to the test.

Written for the General Market (G) (I): This story contains mild violence appropriate to depict battle scenes or other war-themed situations. This story does not contain strong language or explicit sexual content. May also contain some content of an inspirational nature.

272 pages, Kindle Edition

Published March 14, 2019

About the author

Jennifer Uhlarik

15 books342 followers
Jennifer Uhlarik discovered the western genre as a pre-teen, when she swiped the only “horse” book she found on her older brother’s bookshelf. A new love was born. Across the next ten years, she devoured Louis L’Amour westerns and fell in love with the genre. In college at the University of Tampa, she began penning her own story of the Old West. Armed with a B.A. in writing, she has won five writing competitions and finaled in two other competitions. In addition to writing, she has held jobs as a private business owner, a schoolteacher, a marketing director, and her favorite—a full-time homemaker. Jennifer is active in American Christian Fiction Writers and lifetime member of the Florida Writers Association. She lives near Tampa, Florida, with her husband, teenaged son, and four fur children.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 87 reviews
Profile Image for Trisha.
426 reviews43 followers
March 11, 2019
There is so much to love about this story! The strong female lead, rich historical details, Native American culture, faith in God, mystery, and a tender romance. You won't want to miss this delightful, page-turning adventure on the wild frontier!

Sadie Hoppner has studied and worked hard to learn all she can about medicine. She spent long hours reading her father's medical journals, watching and assisting him with patients. Now working alongside her brother for the Army, she is beginning to see her dream of healing and helping come true. 

When an unlikely encounter with a Cheyenne brave sparks tensions already on edge Five Kills is injured and in need of medical attention. A friendship blooms. Amidst peace talks and fragile allegiance, will their friendship bloom or their differences drive a wedge between them?

With beautiful descriptions, strong dynamic characters and vivid dialogue, I was swept into the story and blissfully along for the ride! My emotions ran the gauntlet as I enjoyed every page. The massacre scene was difficult to read. My heart broke for the atrocities that were done by the Army to the peaceful Indians camped at Sand Creek. But we are reminded that even in the darkest moments, love and grace abound!

I truly didn't want the story to end. I highly recommend this excellent story to one and all, especially those who enjoy a story set in the Western frontier! I look forward to reading more from Jennifer Uhlarik in the future!

(I received a copy of this book from the author/publisher in exchange for my honest opinion. I am not required to write a positive review. My thoughts and opinions are my own.)
Profile Image for Abigail.
Author 2 books209 followers
May 8, 2020
I love these types of books so much. I need more books like this in the Christian fiction genre. I demand we get more interracial historical fiction romances, they are seriously my favorite especially when they involve Native Americans. I honestly wanted to punch so many people so many times throughout this book. I was so mad at how the military dealt with some things and I know that there were bad people on both sides, don't get me wrong that Natives weren't innocent, but reading this book made me realize just how awful some white people were when dealing with the natives.

The characters were amazing. I loved Sadie so much, she was a strong woman who had to face life on the frontier, but she also was a sweet, caring woman who fits perfectly in with the time era. Five Kills was such a cinnamon roll and I wanted to jump into this book many times just to save him from the harassment that he had to endure. He was so caring, protective, and just all-around amazing, Sadie is one lucky woman. ;)

The plot was amazing and I was hooked from page one. I really did enjoy reading this book a lot. The encounter that Five Kills has in his cell was one that left me a little uneasy, but then again I know that stuff like that can happen so I know where Ms. Uhlarik was going with that. I loved this book so much and I wish that is was longer so I could spend more time with these darling characters!

*I volunteered to receive a copy of this book from the author through JustRead Tours. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.*
Profile Image for Nicole.
821 reviews20 followers
March 17, 2020
Sand Creek Serenade by Jennifer Uhlarik is breathtaking! This story captured my interest from the first sentence and wouldn’t let me go until the very end. Sand Creek Serenade is a story that will stick with me for a very long time. The characters in this novel, specifically Sadie and Five Kills, are excellently crafted. The good guys are decent and relatable. The bad guys are villainous and their actions are incredibly difficult to stomach. I found the action in this story non-stop and highly engaging. I loved the thoroughly researched historical detail and found that it made this novel that much richer. And the romance! It is just perfect. I found the romantic elements to be the perfect combination of tension, passion, and true love. Sand Creek Serenade is truly an outstanding historical romance.

Sand Creek Serenade is too good to be reviewed adequately. This book needs to be experienced. But I do want to discuss Ulharik’s Author’s Note. In her note, Ulharik ends by stating, “I hope Sand Creek Serenade has entertained you, but far more, I hope it makes you think, stirs your heart, and perhaps causes you to seek God in a new and deeper way.” For this review, I would like to go through each point briefly.

Entertainment: YES! On all counts, Sand Creek Serenade is a highly entertaining story. As I stated above, I was hooked and could not put this book down. I will admit that this story kicked my nostalgia into high gear and I just had to purchase Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman. I’ve been binge-watching ever since. LOL!

Thoughtful: Oh my word, did this novel make me think and then some. At one point, I did have to put the book down, but that was so I could do my own research. I scoured Google for info on the military men, the Native Americans, the massacre, and the location. I had to see for myself who these people were, why they thought the way they did, and where they lived. While it was clearly a tumultuous time in history, it was also a fascinating time as well. I feel that Ulharik did a great job capturing the historical aspect of this story.

Stirs the Heart: Yes, yes, yes! This book has beautiful moments and really ugly, evil moments. My heart soared for Sadie and Five Kills as they realize and walk down their path towards true love. But, I also bawled my eyes out. I don’t understand evil and human depravity. My heart broke for the innocents at Sand Creek. What men did to women and children that day should NEVER have happened. Yes, this novel stirred my heart for sure.

Seek God: This novel has affirmed my faith in God. I am walking away from this novel even more in love with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is amazing, and the illustration of His saving power and grace is one of the most beautiful scenes I’ve ever read in a novel. This one moment in the story is my absolute favorite, and this scene alone is why this book should be read by EVERYONE!!!

I cannot speak for other readers, but for this reader-girl, I can honestly say I am leaving this novel a changed woman. I adore this story. It’s beautiful and heartbreaking, but it’s also hopeful. I highly recommend Sand Creek Serenade!

While I am part of the JustRead Review Tour for this novel, I purchased a copy of this novel in eBook form from Amazon.com on November 25, 2019, in order to review. In no way has this influenced my review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.
Profile Image for Mariana.
715 reviews80 followers
January 6, 2021
Not for the faint of heart

Wow! I don't know what I was expecting, but this was not it. Although this was unapologetically Christian, it was quite graphic and historically accurate. Definitely not a light read. I enjoyed the story and the characters very much. I know this is not a proper review; and for those considering reading, I'm not giving much about the specifics of the storyline or the H/h. If you don't mind some angst and violence, and you like the idea of a romance between a white female doctor and a half Native American warrior during the Civil War, this is definitely worth a try.
557 reviews
February 9, 2019
I love stories about women in history who bucked tradition and made their path in life outside of what society expected. In this case, Sadie Hoppner practices medicine alongside her brother Ben at Fort Lyon in the Colorado Territory circa 1864. Treating illnesses and mending wounded men has it's own degree of satisfaction for her. Convincing the soldiers of her skill and experience will take a bit more time. Things get even trickier when she encounters a Cheyenne brave named Five Kills and then later treats his injuries after he was attacked by the same soldiers. With tensions already at an all-time high and peace negotiations between both Indians and the Army, these two walk a fine line when they feel an instantaneous draw to one another. How can their opposite polar worlds come together for the good of their people and their hearts?

I have to say I was super impressed with this work of fiction! I found it well-written, engaging and drew me in right away. Not to mention my emotions were running on high throughout the whole thing. My heart definitely ached for both Sadie and Five Kills as they try to navigate the rough waters of what life has thrown them into. My heart also hurt for so many Indians who were senselessly slaughtered, many of them defenseless women and children. There were places in the book where I tears in my eyes as I read the account of the Sand Creek massacre. So many innocent lives lost just because they were viewed as an inferior people, it definitely tugged at my heart! Jennifer Urlarik did her research and it shows through, so many vivid historical details made for a richly satisfying story that sticks with you long after you finish. All with an underlying love story to smooth the rough edges and made me root for Sadie and Five Kills to find a way to be together. I can't honestly say enough good about this book! There was so much to it for me and ticked so many boxes of what makes a great story. I really hope the author has more coming, they would be my automatic must-read-now.

Be sure to read the author's note at the end where she gives more detail about this story, some of the characters in history she portrayed and shares her research. I found it fascinating and made the book come more alive for me!

*I received a complimentary copy from the author and was under no obligation to leave a review. All opinions are my own. *
20 reviews1 follower
March 7, 2019
Sand Creek Serenade is a historical romance fiction book that tells a story of a woman in a field that normally belongs to men during this time in history. She was a doctor, and a spunky, outspoken one at that! She was brilliant, brave and was not afraid to do what she felt God was leading her to do. She was not going to backdown no matter what any man told her.
I loved Sadie Hoppner and was rooting for her the whole time! I also really enjoyed the story line between her and Five Kills. It is a sweet story that keeps you interested until the end of the book!
Profile Image for Connie Saunders.
1,614 reviews136 followers
May 1, 2020
As I read Sand Creek Serenade I quickly recognized that prejudice is definitely an underlying theme. Sadie Hoppner is a dedicated and talented doctor but in 1864, women doctors weren't the first choice when people needed medical care. Time and again, she had to overcome their reluctance and prove that she could heal them. But her greatest challenge occurred when she met and fell in love with a Cheyenne brave! A white woman and an Indian? Unheard of!

This is my first Jennifer Uhlarik book and I couldn't have picked a better book to introduce me to her amazing writing talents. She has created two exceptional characters to tell a story of forbidden love during a time of unrest that culminated in the Sand Creek Massacre. It's very evident that she extensively researched this tragic occurrence and I won't soon forget the evident mistreatment of Native Americans. She doesn't have a faith message evident in every page but there is a conversion scene that I will long remember, and then...there is the love story. The deep love between Sadie and Five Kills is sweet and pure but their physical attraction simply took by breath away! If you enjoy historical romance, you need to read Sand Creek Serenade.

I voluntarily accepted a complimentary copy of this book from the author. These are my personal opinions.
Profile Image for Pegg.
Author 20 books177 followers
August 27, 2019
A deeply moving story set against the backdrop of a tragic moment in U.S. history. Even amid turmoil, however, love can blossom. When a young female doctor meets a Cheyenne brave, both their worlds expand. However, it's a dangerous time to be on the plains. Blood has been spilled from both sides. Tensions are impossibly high. Some men aren't to be trusted--even men in positions of authority. How can two people from such polar-opposite backgrounds find common ground that will allow them to help those who are hurting the most? Read this one and find out.
Profile Image for Beth Westcott.
Author 3 books24 followers
March 16, 2021
Jennifer has delved into history to create a novel that is so much more than romance. Strong-willed and compassionate, Sadie Hoppner is the only single woman living at Fort Lyon in Colorado Territory in 1864. She is a doctor, and she lives with her brother, who is also a doctor. Sadie has a deep faith and a strong sense of right and wrong. She doesn't hesitate to care for anyone who needs doctoring, even if it endangers her This brings her into contact with the Cheyanne encampment outside the fort, and with Five Kills, the brave who's father was French. The Native Americans are ready to sign a peace treaty with the whites, but they are betrayed at Sand Creek when the Cavalry attacks and brutally murders the peaceful Cheyanne. A story of faith, grit, betrayal, and love.
1,172 reviews
May 4, 2020
Sand Creek Serenade is a book for those who love romance fiction set in the old West. Using real events, Jennifer Uhlarik lays the foundation for a story that brings the historical record to life. Historic details and figures bring an authenticity to the novel that took this reader back in time. Recommended reading!

The two main characters in Sand Creek Serenade, Five Kills and Sadie Hoppner, could not be more different. They are also unique for the time period in which the book is set. Five Kills is the product of the union of a white man and a Native American woman. He is uneasy in both worlds. Sadie is a doctor in a time when women were very rare in that profession. They meet in the days leading up to the Sand Creek Massacre, a new-to-me event that was both fascinating and heartbreaking. Their love story seems doomed from the very beginning as they face cultural obstacles from both worlds from which they come. For fans of romance, there are some sparks and some sizzle in their relationship. There is also a deep spiritual thread that is unusual, and gave this reader a lot to think about. Really there are so many unusual aspects to this book — a nice departure from formulaic romances.

So if you like complex characters, interesting historical settings, and spiritual food for thought, then Sand Creek Serenade is a book for you.


Audience: adults.

(Thanks to the author and JustReadTours for a complimentary copy. All opinions expressed are mine alone.)
Profile Image for Laurie Bower Lupin.
101 reviews7 followers
September 24, 2020
Jennifer Uhlrick weaves a wonderful historical fiction story about the unlikely romantic pair near the time of the battle at Sand Creek. In the Civil War era, an Indian brave and a woman who challenges the traditional roles of femininity fall in love. Sadie is a great doctor in her own right but has the courage to go after her dreams. By falling in love with an Indian brave named Five Kills, she’s going to need every ounce of that courage. Uhlrick has a wonderful storytelling ability and will transport you out on the prairie. This book is a must read for any lover of a western themed romance.
Profile Image for Melissa Dawn (pages.for.dawn).
176 reviews8 followers
April 22, 2020
How often do you stumble across a book that is so captivating, you don’t want to put it down? But then...because it is so good....you force yourself to slow down to savor what is left? Ahhh...yes! Sand Creek Serenade was that book for me!

Sadie Hoppner is a beautiful, smart, fearless character. Her only desire is to have the freedom to practice medicine and become a doctor like her father and brother. But in a male driven 1800s era, women are given little respect and living at a military outpost with her brother proves to be especially challenging.

Cheyenne brave, Five Kills, has a history living amongst white people. He remembers the goodness and honor some of them showed to him, but also the danger and deceit others imposed on his family. A promised peace treaty proves unlikely when the two cultures collide. Can Sadie find a way to help everyone when she is torn between two worlds? And where does her heart lead her?

Sand Creek Serenade brings to life a heartbreaking battle for survival and one woman’s struggle to hold on to an impossible love. It is a powerful rendition of how faith and love can conquer all things even when hope seems to be lost.

This book contains mild graphic scenes and descriptions appropriate to depict battle scenes and other war-themed situations.

Sand Creek Serenade will be logged as one of my favorites reads for 2020. I’m definitely looking forward to reading more books by Jennifer Uhlarik.

I received an ebook copy of this book from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Lori.
1,892 reviews120 followers
March 31, 2020
This book is amazing and will have you turning the pages to see how and what will happen on the next page. It was a very enjoyable story based on a real life event that I liked very much.
I how the author has added the information at the end of the book that explained a little bit more on the Sand Creek Massacre.
Sadie is a spunky lady before her time. I admired her a lot! I admire her because she's doing something that only men at that time would do. To my way of thinking, she paved the way for women doctors today.
Five Kills has a surprise. He's my hero really. I wanted to reach through the book and take care of him myself. Yes, I have experience just like he did but of course in a totally different way. I loved how he kept his faith even in the rough times that he experienced.
Oh, how my heart hurt for the American Indians. They truly didn't deserve that.
I just don't understand why we all can't learn to get along. It really doesn't seem to be that hard.
But, I guess it is.
I will recommend a box of tissues because you'll cry in some spots of this book. At least I did. Now I'm not much of a crier but this book made my heart hurt for the American Indians who were here first.
The author has woven some faith filled themes in here very well. And yes, I have experienced what Five Kills has only in a different way of course. It's difficult to explain without ruining this book for others.
I'm now a fan of Uhlarik. She's a fantastic story teller. I love how she makes history come alive on through the pages of this book. I will be looking for more by her.
My thanks to JustReads Tours for a copy of this book. I was NOT required to write a positive review of this book. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Courtney | Soul of a Librarian.
232 reviews23 followers
March 23, 2020
This book hits the ground and takes off running from the very first page. It’s action-packed and full of heart, immediately drawing readers into the time period and the atmosphere. I finished it in less than 48 hours because I just didn’t want to put it down. So many things were happening and I was afraid I’d miss something! I feel like that’s the evidence of a good book--when the characters and the life between the pages feel so real that it seems they can go on when you aren’t looking.

Readers of historical fiction and inspirational romances will enjoy this one. However, there are instances of violence as this book depicts a heart wrenching battle between the Army and Native Americans. In any other book, I may have felt it was too much, but the atrocity was handled well among the rest of the story. It simply unfolds before the reader in such a way that you forget it was written; it seems it’s just happening.

I’m a Book Boyfriend kind of girl and Five Kills certainly earns the trophy for this read. His heart is golden, always caring for his people and for Sadie even as he wrestles to discover more about his heritage and his faith. Overall, I really enjoyed this one! I highly recommend it.
Profile Image for Denise Weimer.
Author 31 books273 followers
November 27, 2019
Refreshingly not your typical 1800s romance between a Native American man and a white woman. Sadie is a spunky physician practicing under her brother at a frontier fort. Five Kills is a Cheyenne warrior drawn by memories of his deceased white father's love and faith. When an altercation with some soldiers brings Five Kills under Sadie's care, their relationship begins with the warrior in a position of weakness -- which is an interesting place for a romance to start. Especially when a handsome lieutenant is expecting to marry Sadie. Full of unexpected twists and free of stereotyping, you'll want to read Sand Creek Serenade yourself to see how in the world this unlikely love can ever be fulfilled.
Profile Image for Sarah.
556 reviews36 followers
May 6, 2019
Sadie Hoppner is a doctor among a military fort. Five Kills is a Cheyenne Indian who has had a hard life. Residing near the fort, Sadie gets a chance to treat him. They get to know one another. A relationship would be unheard of. Sadie's career is on the line and she may move away. A massacre occurs. Will they survive?
Profile Image for Heidi.
66 reviews13 followers
May 2, 2020
First Initial Thoughts

Sadie is a young woman living with her brother at Fort Lyon practicing medicine. Many at the Fort are wary of her being a doctor because she is a woman. One day a mysterious dog comes up and steals one of her shoes. That dog belongs to a Native American Five Kills. There she gets a brief meeting and interaction with Five Kills. She is instantly intrigued by the man. The soldiers at the Fort force him to leave. On his way back to camp he was caught by the soldiers and beaten to the point where his ribs broke. Sadie comes to the rescue and intervenes. The Fort is not all too happy with that. However, she doesn’t care what they think and treats Five Kills.

Five Kills is part of the Cheyenne tribe. They are living at Fort Lyon and are hoping to create a peace treaty with the whites so they can live peacefully. When he meets Sadie he is impressed with her knowledge and is interested in her book collection. He is half-white; his mother is a Native American and his father was a French man. He used to live the white man ways when he was younger until his Father died and they had to go back to his mother’s tribe. Many years have passed and he can barely remember that life with his father. Connecting with Sadie reminded him of his former life.


The author did an incredible job of creating Fort Lyon and what it was like for the Native Americans at this time. It was incredibly sad what people thought of the Native Americans and how they were treated. Jennifer created that feeling perfectly. She also did a lot of research to make sure everything was historically accurate for both the Fort and Native Americans. Which I appreciate!

Final Thoughts

The battle in the book actually did occur. It is called the Sand Creek Massacre. It is considered one of the bloodiest battles in history with the Native Americans. This is part of the book that was quite intense and graphic. It was not a pleasant battle. Many of the soldiers wanted to refuse to follow Chivington's orders, however, he threatened to court marshall them. It was incredibly sad how people treated the Native Americans (and still do).

I really liked Sadie and Five Kills together. They complimented each other well. During this point in history, it was not all uncommon to have a white man marry a Native American woman. But a white woman marrying a Native American man? That was unheard of. What I liked is that despite her being white and a Christian, she was interested in his culture. She was not ashamed and willing to learn his way of life. I liked that about Sadie. She was a woman who was not afraid to go against social norms.

I liked how Jennifer did not shy away from writing intense scenes. Sometimes in Christian novels, the author shies away from writing authentically to the historical event and we don’t get a “clear” picture of what it was really like. For a Christian novel, I was impressed that she decided to write about real issues that women in the frontier faced and what the Native Americans faced as well. While it may be depressing for sure, this novel also reminds us of God’s love for us. He can help heal our hearts.

I won’t say what happens at the end (as that would spoil the whole story) but it was the only reason I gave the book 4 stars. I didn’t really like where the author took the story. While in the author's note she did give an explanation for it, and I can see where she is coming from, I just didn’t see how it fit in with the rest of the story.

**I was sent a copy of this book from the publisher to review. All opinions are my own.
123 reviews
March 19, 2019
It is exciting for a historical romance reader to find a novel that takes place in an area they know well. Such is the case for me with Sand Creek Serenade. This story centers around the historic and horrific Sand Creek massacre, which occurred on the southeastern plains of Colorado in 1864. Much of the story takes place at Fort Lyon, where I worked for many years when the facility served as a VA Hospital.

Sand Creek Serenade is a well-researched novel that bridges the chasm between whites and Native Americans during a time in history when hostilities ran rampant between the two cultures. Author Jennifer Uhlarik presents a well-crafted story enriched by historical fact. and actual historical characters who played a major part in the tragic events leading up to and during the brutal and bitter attack.

The author, in addition to capturing authenticity with her research, has brought to life the daily existence of both soldiers and Indians with believable fictitious characters. Five Kills, a Cheyenne brave, is caught between the white world he used to know as a young child and the customs he adapts when circumstances require him to seek a home with his mother’s tribe. Sadie Hoppner possesses the perseverance to pursue a male-dominated career as a physician, throwing caution aside in pursuit of her passion to care for her patients. When these two come together, their worlds collide, but their hearts form an unbreakable bond.

I loved the western action and the depiction of the Colorado plains where I have made my home for many years now. The portrait Jennifer Uhlarik paints of the people who lived here and the struggles they faced over a century ago is delightfully accentuated by a supposedly impossible romance that only God’s hand can see fulfilled.

The story is told from a Christian worldview without preachiness, but with a sincere growth and strengthening of faith as the characters experience doubts, fears, and experience healing.

I highly recommend Sand Creek Serenade to anyone who enjoys 1800’s western historical romance while learning historical facts along the way on their reading journey.
Profile Image for Blessed & Bookish.
276 reviews29 followers
May 4, 2020
As a historical fiction fan, I enjoyed this book from beginning to end. I love western fiction and this time period especially, so this story was easily added to my TBR. I thought the author did a wonderful job of describing life on the western frontier at Fort Lyon as well as within the Cheyenne/Arapaho camps. It gave the story authenticity and made the characters come to life.
I was a huge fan of Sadie Hoppner. One because she is a medical doctor at a time when it was difficult for women to hold such professions. She is confident in her abilities and uses her gift of healing for any and all who need it. Two, she is a great woman of faith. Three, she is a true example of how we should love others the way Jesus commanded us. Many obstacles block Sadie’s path to finding her place in the world, but it was easy to cheer her on as she stumbled through her journey.
Five Kills is an honorable man with an interesting past. I enjoyed getting to know him and his family. He is a strong warrior but has a gentle and loving heart. A perfect hero for this story--and one you will fall in love with!
Some of the historical details of this story are difficult to read. The atrocities that took place at Sand Creek are unthinkable but need to known. It is important for history to be kept alive for future generations even if it is through fiction.
The only thing that bothered me a little (and I mean a little) is that some parts of the ending seemed rushed or tied too pretty in a bow. I still enjoyed the entire story, and knowing how it ended would not have stopped me from reading it.
If you are a fan of historical fiction, especially western/frontier fiction, then you will appreciate this story.
I was given a copy of this book without any expectation of a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Dawn.
544 reviews9 followers
February 10, 2019
Dr. Sadie Hoppner and her brother Dr. Ben Hoppner live at the fort where her brother is stationed. She joined her brother after the death of their father. She is working hard to find acceptance as a doctor by the men at the force.
Outside the fort Cheyennes and Arapahos are camped as the work on a peace agreement with the Army. When Five Kills, a Cheyenne brave, meets Sadie by chance their worlds collide and the peace treaty is in danger.
I wasn’t sure if I would like this book, but I was quickly hooked. While it is based on a real event in our country’s history, the romance adds a different dimension. The characters are well-developed and interesting. The plot moves at a steady pace. The romance drives the action in this story, but the massacre caused me to stop reading for a day. Knowing that is was one of several attacks on innocent people with no purpose is difficult to read. I recommend this book to those who like historical fiction.

I received a complimentary copy from the author and was under no obligation to leave a review. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Gail Lenhard.
12 reviews
February 12, 2019
Sand Creek Serenade by Jennifer Uhlarik

I have to be truthful here. I don’t normally read historical romance books, but the title Sand Creek Serenade caught my attention and I sent the author, Jennifer Uhlarik, a message stating that I would like to read her new novel.

After reading the first paragraph, I was hooked! Jennifer does a remarkable job of weaving historical facts with the struggles that her characters faced. Her detailed descriptions allowed me to “see the events” as they unfolded.

I found myself drawn into the story, praying, crying, and laughing while reading the many events that took place. When I finished, I wanted more.

For those who like American history, Sand Creek Serenade won’t disappoint you.
Profile Image for Christi.
869 reviews19 followers
May 21, 2020
Since the quarantine went into effect I have been homeschooling my boys and my 8th grader just so happens to be currently studying about the Civil War in his history class, so I've been beefing up on my Civil War knowledge quite a bit, and Sand Creek Serenade came at just the right time for me. We've been reading about what happened in the eastern/southern part of the country during that time period, but Sand Creek Serenade gives us a taste of what was happening in the west during that tumultuous time.

Biracial relationships, or forbidden love, is an interesting topic for me, especially since I myself am in a biracial marriage. I am so thankful to live in a time where I can freely love whom I choose. Many during that time weren't so lucky, and that pains my heart.

What also tugs at my heartstrings is the Sand Creek massacre, which was tastefully depicted in this story. It is another ugly stain on our country's history, was utterly tragic, and absolutely senseless and unnecessary. Massacred just because you're a native...sickening...but the author depicted it in an honest, yet not too graphic way, focusing more on the emotion than on the gruesome details, though the details mentioned turned my stomach. I can't even begin to imagine...

Beautifully written with such heart, Sand Creek Serenade will leave you thankful for the freedoms that we all too easily take for granted.

*I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author and/or publisher through JustRead Tours. All views and opinions are completely honest, and my own.
Profile Image for Jeanne Alfveby Crea.
782 reviews80 followers
March 18, 2019
I am now a permanent follower of Author Jennifer Uhlarik after finishing her first full length story A Sand Creek Serenade! She is an amazing storyteller and has a way of writing that puts you right in the story as if you are experiencing all the emotions and adventures along with the characters in the story. I could not put the book down! It was interesting to imagine what fort life might have been like on the frontier.
I love Sadie, the strong female lead in the story who is a rare female doctor for the time, working alongside her brother Ben, the official army doctor. She tries to follow God's promptings in her life and what an adventure she has. I love the story line with Michael Five Kills the half white, half Cheyenne male lead in the story.
The conflicts between the white man and the native american peoples is a truly sad part of our american history. Author Uhlarik handles it deftly, she has actual people from the Sand Creek Massacre appear in this story and it is apparent that she has done her research well. If you like historical fiction, you will love Sand Creek Serenade. I highly recommend it.
1,813 reviews
May 2, 2020
This was a romance story that takes place in a time when a white woman and a Native American man's love would have been forbidden. This is also a time of tentative peace between the US government and the Native American tribes. Based on the massacre that happened at Sand Creek, the author takes us right into that conflict, where evil men decided to take vengeance for themselves.

Sadie Hoppner is a doctor who is working along side her doctor brother at a military fort. Not everyone accepts her, but she strives to prove herself as every bit of a competent doctor as her brother is.

Five Kills is half white and Native American. He knows languages and so he has a very important job as translator. He catches sight of Sadie and he knows deep down he wants to get to know her more and her books. However, there is political upheaval in the military ranks and not everything is as it seems, which leads up to this devastating massacre in history.

I like that we had a romance to root for as the atrocities of this event were hard to read about, and I know we didn't get every detail. If ever the author wanted to, I would very much like to read more about Sadie and Five Kills. I very much enjoyed watching these two fall in love, while seemingly battling the world, and finding true faith. Five Kills knew he needed help that was beyond him and the author did a good job telling his faith journey.

I received a copy of this novel from the author. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

Profile Image for Jane.
1,136 reviews33 followers
May 2, 2020
Having spent 20 years on the Navajo Reservation, Native Americans are near and dear to my heart. It is always my hope when reading a book about Native Americans that it will remain true to history as well as treating Native Americans fairly. Jennifer Uhlarik has done just that in Sand Creek Serenade. During the Civil War era, Native American were being rounded up and killed by the United States government. It was a sad time in our history. It was also a time when women were just making inroads into becoming doctors. Jennifer Uhlarik takes a female doctor and places her in one of those incidents, the Sand Creek Massacre. The story is well-written. The characters are believable. While it is hard to read at times because of the atrocities described, I believe the book to be historically accurate.
If you enjoyed the Doctor Quinn, Medicine Woman television series, you will probably enjoy Sand Creek Serenade.
While the book is very well-written and enjoyable, it does contain some very descriptive language about the cruel things done to the Native Americans. It also includes tastefully done, yet somewhat descriptive language about the consummation of a marriage. For this reason, I cannot recommend this book for inclusion in a high school library. The book would have a place in a church library although I would mark it for adults only.
I enjoyed Sand Creek Serenade and would like to read more from Jennifer Uhlarik.
I want to thank JustRead Publicity Tours for the complimentary copy of Sand Creek Serenade. This is my honest review.
Profile Image for Cindy Huff.
Author 9 books50 followers
March 21, 2019
Sand Creek Serenade surprised me. I wondered how the author would make her story believable amid something so ugly, the Sand Creek Massacre. Wow! This story is more than a white woman falling in love with the noble savage. More than a female doctor struggling to prove herself in a man’s world. So much more than your typical love story. Well-written, thoroughly researched and beautifully moving. No one can read Jennifer’s Uhlrick’s words and not be touched by the atrocities inflicted on innocent people. The description of the Cheyenne village and the Native American culture was vivid. I loved Sadie and Five Kills. These two characters had me rooting for them. I final plot twist brought this story to a satisfying conclusion. Be sure to read the author’s notes at the end. Those really help settle any questions you may have about various elements in the story.
Profile Image for Yvette.
778 reviews34 followers
May 4, 2020
Sand Creek Serenade follows the first meeting and growing attraction between Sadie Hoppner, a gifted female doctor-in-training living in a Colorado Army fort with her brother, and Five Kills, a half-white man from the neighboring Cheyenne settlement. But more than simply a story of a relationship that must surmount prejudice and cultural divides, it encompasses the horrors of the actual history of the Sand Creek massacre as well as traumatic events in Five Kills’ family history.

This is unapologetically Christian fiction, as Five Kills begins to speak to the God of his French father despite not knowing His name, with this part of his story culminating in a very personal encounter. While I'm not opposed to divine visitations in fiction, they often do not work for me as a reader, so this was one of the brief hitches in an otherwise engaging and interesting story. 

Recommended for those who enjoy Historical Inspirational Romance set in the American West of the 1860's and prefer it with a dose of gritty true history rather than a spoon full of sugar.

This review refers to an Advanced Readers Copy I voluntarily received through Just Read Tours. A positive review was not required and all opinions expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Kailey.
708 reviews83 followers
February 12, 2019
I loved this book! The author did a great job writing this! She took a very difficult topic and wrote it with grace. It was great reading about a woman that went against the norm for her time. I loved the characters, especially Five Kills. This is a book that I would like to read again!

I was given a complimentary copy of this ebook from the author, but was not required to write a review. The thoughts and comments are my own.
Profile Image for Mary Ann.
Author 2 books290 followers
March 19, 2019
This historical drama is based on an actual incident—and a sad one, at that. The touching story captures the heart and helps readers better see events from the Native American’s point of view. A fledgling woman doctor struggles to find her way at a Western fort during the Civil War period. She treats both soldiers and Indians, and as she learns more about the Cheyenne she feels drawn to help them. One young brave especially catches her attention. The novel includes the horrific and uncalled-for massacre by the army. Such a tragedy is well depicted by the author without too much gruesomeness, although it’s still hard to read about. I believe she presents a realistic look at the event and her characters seem quite authentic. I would recommend this to teens and up. I received a copy from the author. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Janet Grunst.
Author 4 books50 followers
March 20, 2019
I find stories set in the midst of actual historical events particularly interesting. Sand Creek Serenade takes place in 1864 during the time of the Sand Creek massacre. Tensions between settlers and Native Americans had increased and these two cultures fought for control of the Great Plains of eastern Colorado.
Sand Creek Serenade is full of independent, and strong-willed, multidimensional characters. As one might expect, it’s fairly raw in parts, but it is also a story of friendship, faith, an unconventional romance. Jennifer Uhlarik did her research and crafted a compelling story that keeps the reader thinking long after the story ends.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 87 reviews

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