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The Future Chronicles

The Jurassic Chronicles

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Journey back to the most incredible adventure of all, back through the gates of the Jurassic era, back to a time when dinosaurs roamed the earth.

In this title in the acclaimed Future Chronicles series of speculative fiction anthologies created by award-winning author Samuel Peralta, thirteen authors assemble an array of astonishing tales around creatures extinct for eons, around prehistoric creatures suddenly, and awesomely, made real.

The Jurassic Chronicles features stories by Victor Milán, author of Dinosaur Lords - "a cross between Jurassic Park and Game of Thrones," according to George R. R. Martin; John W. Campbell Award winning author Seanan McGuire; New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Laxmi Hariharan; plus ten more of today's top authors in speculative and science fiction.

398 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 27, 2017

About the author

Samuel Peralta

70 books105 followers
Samuel Peralta is a physicist and storyteller. He is most well-known in publishing as a poet, short story writer, and creator of the "Future Chronicles" anthologies, with over 20 bestselling titles to date.

Peralta's writing has been spotlighted in Best American Poetry, selected for Best American Science Fiction & Fantasy, and has won multiple awards, including from the UK Poetry Society and the Palanca Memorial Foundation.

He is a supporter and producer of independent films, one of which was nominated for a Golden Globe and another garnering an Emmy Award.

Peralta is the founder of the Lunar Codex, launching the works of 30,000 writers, artists, musicians, and filmmakers from over 155 countries, to the Moon.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 33 reviews
Profile Image for Montzalee Wittmann.
4,809 reviews2,300 followers
January 2, 2018
A fairly good book

My favorite story of the book was the first story. I would give it 5 stars. The rest of the stories are mostly 3 stars with an occasional 4 star.
Profile Image for Charles  van Buren.
1,862 reviews260 followers
January 11, 2020
The Good, the Bad, the Indifferent

If you are looking for stories in the JURASSIC PARK vein, you might be disappointed with this volume. Some of the stories are only very peripherally dinosaur stories. One or two feature characters who are dinosaurs, have evolved from dinosaur-like creatures or have had themselves medically altered into something similar to dinosaurs. In most of the stories of this type, it does not really matter to the plot what kind of creatures the characters are. Some of these stories, such as An Implant and a Hard Place, seem to have little or no point. Fortunately stories of this sort do not make-up the entire book.

One of the stories, Szcar's Trial, features raptors or raptor-like creatures who, despite being animals with an extremely limited, almost nonexistent language, think very clearly in a very human way. These creatures are visited by an apparent alien construct which operates much like the mysterious black monolith in 2001: A Space Odyssey and with just as little explanation.

Some of the stories feature humans who feel a strong sexual attraction to nonhumans. Over the past several years, I have noticed the increasing popularity of similar stories. Some of these seem to verge on bestiality.

One of my favorite stories in the collection is A Spear for Allosaur which has very faint hints of Tolkien's Farmer Giles of Ham without the humor. This story explores the true nature of bravery.

I think that about half of the stories are pretty good adventure and suspense tales featuring mad scientists, adventurers, time or dimension travel, psionic powers, etc. There are not enough of those for me to recommend spending much on this volume. However, it is currently free via Kindle Unlimited and, I think, worth downloading. At the beginning of the book there is a helpful summary of each story which is a big help in guiding the reader in selecting stories to read.
Profile Image for Arun Divakar.
803 reviews405 followers
March 29, 2017
Finding a book full of short stories that featured dinosaurs felt just about great when I started this book. What better entertainment than to spend time with dinosaurs on the rampage and humans trying desperately to escape from them ? While I did find a few stories in this collection along this vein, most were totally off the mark. There are dino-human hybrids, lands lost in time, experiments gone wrong and so on but they were not what I was looking for. Most of the stories were lacklustre and did not hold water but there were a couple I really liked :

A spear for Allosaur by Victor Milan – A teenager who hunts a fierce Allosaur in the world of Milan’s Dinosaur Lords. The backdrop and the structure of this story was good and held my attention for the entire duration of the tale.

Szcar’s Trial by Harry Manners – Told from the POV of a raptor and her ordeal by fire this one was a whiff of fresh air in the anthology.

While a few others showed promise in fits and starts, the overall stories were rather lukewarm. There was even a very obvious rip-off of a famous scene from Jurassic Park in one of the stories.

Just so-so.
Profile Image for Michael Hicks.
Author 38 books470 followers
February 7, 2017
Samuel Peralta's series of Future Chronicles anthologies always provide a solid mix of indie and traditionally-published authors who are able to present their Big Ideas in short story format. This time around, the uniting theme is ... wait for it!... DINOSAURS! Who doesn't love a spec fic dinotopia mash-up? I'm not going to cover every story in this anthology, but below are some of my favorites.

The Jurassic Chronicles gets off to a strong start with Anthony J. Melchiorri's "Fatal Mutation," a near-future story of black-market genetic mixing set in his Black Market DNA series. I hadn't read the DNA books previously, but "Fatal Mutation" is blessedly straight-forward for newbies. I dug the combination of science on top of its beat cop characters, squaring off against a unique threat in an abandoned research facility.

Harry Manners takes us on a trip in the wayback machine to a story of alien first contact with Earth in "Sczar's Trial." The premise on this one is wonderfully simple, original, and makes a heck of a lot of sense. The story is told strictly from the dinosaurs point of view as an injured raptor makes a startling discovery.

I've been meaning to read Philip Harris's Glitch Mitchell novel, but have been slagging off on that. Thankfully, I got a really good taste of his pulp action hero here in "Glitch Mitchell and the Island of Terror," a story inspired in equal parts by Jurassic Park, James Bond, and Flash Gordon. The villain is over the top, his plan is deliciously diabolical, and the resulting piece is a fun bit of lighthearted entertainment. Harris keeps his story firing on all-cylinders with non-stop action that reminded me a bit of a Matthew Reilly novel.

Stant Litore delivers what I thought was the best story of the collection with "The Screaming of the Tyrannosaur." Young women compete in a brutal race with dinosaurs for the entertainment of the ruling class. The premise sounds simplistic, but Litore packs a lot into ~30 pages. The writing is beautiful, and the world he's created here is one I'm eager to explore more deeply. "Screaming" is set in the same universe as his previous title, The Running of the Tyrannosaur, which I haven't read but certainly will be.

Laxmi Hariharan delivers a Bourne-esque sci-fi thriller with "Ugly," that takes from pretty sharp turns amidst plenty of WTFerey. Piers Beckley plays around with private eye story tropes in "Monsters," infusing a bit of genetic mixing and sci-fi shenanigans into a story of a missing girl.

Seanan McGuire delivers a short story with the longest title ever in "Please Accept My Most Profound Apologies for What is About to Happen (But You Started It)." Dr. Constance O'Malley saw Jurassic Park when she was 12, a film that helped her escape the world of bullying inflicted upon her in her day-to-day life. Now, as an adult, she's going to make the world pay. McGuire closes out the collection with a deep and beautiful story of a psychologically scarred villain, hitting on present-day issues of sexism inherent in our justice system (O'Malley is nearly killed by her male tormentors, who escape punishment because 'we have to think about their future' ala Brock Turner). I loved this story and it provides a wonderful outlet for McGuire to say that which needs saying, while also providing plenty of motivation for the central character.

Overall, The Jurassic Chronicles is another strong entry in The Future Chronicles canon. Not every single story worked for me, which probably goes without saying for virtually any anthology, but there were enough hits to keep me bouncing along from story to story. Of course, one of the best aspects of works like this is discovering authors that are new to me. Litore and Melchiorri have been on my radar for a few years now, and it was terrific to finally read some of their stuff. Both have whole new worlds for me to dive into and explore, and that's always worth an anthology's price of admission for such a gateway.
Profile Image for Theresa.
7,878 reviews126 followers
February 9, 2017
The Jurassic Chronicles

Fatal Mutation by Anthony J. Melchiorri
Fatal Mutation is a short story that brings to question the ideas and work of Jack Holder, the scientist that theorized that we could take Chickens and genetically select for dinosaur phenotypes. Like all great science fiction, what would the reality of the process prevale?
Mr. Melchiorri uses his character Ana Dellaporta from his series Black Market DNA as the main character in the short story.

Noble savage by Terry Maggert
What is the noble savage? Taking a twist from the original Terry Maggert looks at our world and turns it on its head. Using time travel, science fiction and dinosaurs this History teacher questions the ideals of society and man's place. A great theoretical romp.

An Implant and a Hard place by Zen Dipietro
The science behind the advanced robotics has a new twist. What if bionics would not only enable humans to function with missing limbs. Other species could use those same bionics to enable themselves the dexterity and movement known to humanity. If the three toes and three fingers could be replace by our human five finger limbs.
Zen looks into the the medical use, and manipulation of financial manipulation of science.

Szcar’s Trial by Harry Manners
Harry Manners uses his love of the field and the desire of the scientific method to look at experiments of intelligence from the perspective of the subject. In this instance a raptor. A masterful game of suspense and revelation.

Glitch Mitchell and the Island of Terror By Philip Harris
Glitch Mitchell by Philip Harris connects to his past love of BBC television, this extraordinaire dare do well has run into the unexpected in a plane crash. Dinosaurs prowling the jungles, and he has a lot to do to save himself and his friends. This is a thrilling short jaunt into the jungle, with survival and proof positive of their adventure on the line.

The Screaming of the Tyrannosaur by Stant Litore
A violent brilliant sport to celebrate the consummation of the royal wedding. Well it’s nothing without a little death and mayhem. The Women are ready with their glistening tech, and outrageous skills to celebrate and find remembrance in their feats of daring.

Ugly by Laxmi Hariharan
What is the idea of ugly. Is it the outside or the inside. Is it the lack of understanding or the inability to connect. Drawn by two forces ugly can be a confusing concepts. This story looks at the aspect of finding the truth of what is ugly.

Cryptoscience by Emily Mah
In cryptoscience you study the phenomenon of what is not there. What is legend or legendary. A young scientist finds a way in his own insanity and beautiful mind to create something that can bring the extinct into our modern age. How will that be recorded or perceived by history and his own family.

Victor Mula’s Earth Dream by M. J. Kelley
He had to find him… to repay what he had taken. But the long years of waiting has taken it toll. He finds him alone. It a worse place than he has ever known. Yet would it make him reconsider… or just connect to the man who gave and took everything.

The Thundering Grind of Jurassic Gears
by Ed Gosney
A dark paintbrush of revenge and death. Ed Gosney looks into the psychiatric tendency of revenge and power. Using dinosaurs as toys of destruction to play out the revenge game of a truly evil and psychotic man.

A Spear for Allosaur Victor Milan
Ah! The story which i have read the whole book for. Being a lover of Victor Milan’s characters I love our little jaunt into the history of the Dinosaur Lords series. Victor Milan knows full well whom my favorite character of the series is. This little story, gives me the warm and fuzzy feelings for that character all over again. I love the fact it was not a simple circumstance that brought the two characters together, and the ties that bind the two are stronger because of this story. Thank you Victor for giving me a little more about Shirra… and knowing how Karl was connected to her is priceless.

Monsters by Piers Buckley
Monsters looks at what we consider what we call human and what we call monsters. The idea that people can genetically change their appearance, and capacity through manipulation has brought many changes to society. Piers Buckley looks at the reality of what changes would do to affect society. The use of enhancements has helped society but has not changed the monsters hidden under the human skin.

Please Accept My Most Profound Apologies for What is About to Happen (But You Started It) by Seanan McGuire
What started this all is what you have done to me. This story is the nerds revenge. What you have done to this nerd that you thought she would not remember will cause you a problem in the future. Just because she is able to manipulate genes for your benefit don’t think that she will be above avenging the wrongs she perceives.
Profile Image for Andreea.
29 reviews2 followers
January 17, 2018
This is probably the first anthology I have ever read, and I loved it! I can't believe I haven't read any until now, but I am also happy that I had such an awesome experience with the Jurassic Chronicles. The stories are as different as interesting, and I found myself asking for more with each story. They were entertaining, filled with futuristic imagination and, most of all, dinosaurs.

And now I'm making this year's purpose to read all of Samuel Peralta's anthologies. You should too, otherwise you can't know what you're missing.
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,054 reviews15 followers
December 2, 2017
All of the stories in this anthology are good, and with hard SF, high fantasy, riffs on Jurassic Park, and even a Raymond Chandler-type story, there's something for everyone. Also: dinosaurs.
Profile Image for Kathy Ann'tie.
249 reviews11 followers
March 21, 2017
This is not my usual type of book, however I did enjoy a lot of the stories quite a bit. They were very well written and quite entertaining. Many of these authors I have never read any of their work but I can see myself picking up their stuff.
Profile Image for Isabeau.
30 reviews6 followers
April 19, 2017
Rawr (means I love you in dinosaur)

This is a delightful anthology for fans of dinosaurs and science fiction. The concepts are as varied as breeds of dinosaurs, and the stories are all excellent. Impossible to pick a favorite. If you like Jurassic Park, this is a must-read.
Profile Image for Shervin Jamali.
Author 7 books42 followers
February 6, 2017
I rather enjoyed this collection of stories with one central theme: dinosaurs. The writing is stellar from top to bottom. Even the one or two less impressive tales would still garner a three star rating. Stant Litore's contribution is the cream of the crop, but there are a couple of others that are close seconds.
Profile Image for Ernie Luis.
Author 9 books3 followers
February 10, 2017
Another Homerun

Another homerun for the Future Chronicles. Blending bestselling names with the best up and coming authors. Want to find your next favorite author? Pick up a Future Chronicles title. I just found a few of mine in this one.
Profile Image for M. R..
Author 42 books125 followers
February 7, 2017
Read it all in one day. Great short stories by some awesome authors. I'm never disappointed by the Future Chronicles.
Profile Image for Jd weber.
79 reviews6 followers
February 4, 2017
I was very excited to read this book. I was familiar with Victor Milan's Dinosaur Lords and honestly just love dinos. Unfortunately, this book definitely did not really deliver as advertised (or at least not how I imagined it should have / what I thought I would be reading).

There are dinosaurs in the book but that is kind of the only engagement with the theme of the anthology. I think the story that most exemplified what I felt the anthology should have been composed of was Harry Manners' "Szcar's Trial". It's POV of an actual dinosaur that comes into contact with some alien technology. While the tech is important to the plot, it is really Szcar's battle for acceptance within the pack that composes "the story". Very well done.

The other stories seem to just be little asides from the different authors' other projects that they just threw dinos in to bring awareness of their other works.

Even Milan's story "A Spear for Allosaur" can kinda be thought of in this way, but I enjoyed it much more as I was already familiar with the Dino Lords "universe". For anyone who is familiar with that series, we get to see a young Karyl and the story really shows how much the character has changed and developed in to the Karyl we know now.

In all, I'll be looking out for stuff from Harry Manners and will continue being a fan of Victor Milan, but otherwise, was not super impressed by this anthology. This is my first 'Future Chronicles' anthology so hopefully the others will prove better :-)
Profile Image for Donna.
336 reviews3 followers
May 6, 2017
Dinosaurs stories...what more could you want!

Another solid book in the Future Chronicle series, this time featuring dinosaurs! As usual, all great stories but I really loved this one as I love dinosaurs. Well done to all that contributed, each story was excellent, enjoyable and very readable.
Profile Image for Chrystal Roe.
1,123 reviews8 followers
February 6, 2017

There are lots of different types of dinosaur stories in this book, so you're bound to find something you like. I love dinosaurs and this book was a blast for me. I hope you pick up a copy of your own. You won't be sorry.
Profile Image for Marcy Kennedy.
Author 21 books124 followers
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
July 6, 2023
I didn't finish all the stories in this book. After I got into the second one, and I wasn't feeling any desire to continue, I decided to look at some reviews. It sounded like many of the stories are only peripherally related to dinosaurs or involve people being attracted to animals, which is gross.
86 reviews
February 10, 2017
This was a great collection. It reminded me of the old science fiction books I read as a kid. Plus, there were authors I wasn't familiar with so now I have even more great books to read.
Profile Image for Jen.
695 reviews11 followers
May 7, 2017
Bumped up my review from 3 to 4 stars just because of Seanan McGuire's story. It was amazing and well worth the price of admission.
4 reviews
December 11, 2017
You have to get this one...

This one is really cool, different, and has some GREAT ideas in it. Definitely worth reading. You wont be wasting your time.

Profile Image for Charl.
1,368 reviews6 followers
July 30, 2018
I liked it. A good, fun read for any fan of dinosaurs. Like all the Chronicles series, the range of stories was excellent. Worth reading.
Profile Image for Lyn Mckenzie.
865 reviews16 followers
February 2, 2017
So far i have only read three of the books in this anthology and will update this review once i have finished it, here are my thoughts so far

Fatal Mutation by Anthony J Melchiorri - 4*
I have never read any books by this author before so didnt know what to expect from this story, i have to say that i did really enjoy this book and i will definitely be looking to read more of his work after seeing the quality of this authors work.
This is a very creative and imaginative tale that is a very enjoyable read and the thing i liked the most about this book is the characters especially Ana, she comes across as a very strong and independantoman who can look after herself but also has a huge heart and really cares about prople in her city and takes her job very seriously.
I would definitely recommend this book to others

Noble Savage by Terry Maggert - 3*
I had to give this book a 3 star rating and that is just down tohe fact that i struggled to read this book, i really liked the concept of this book and i enjoyed reading about that but right from the start i found it a little confusing and i just couldnt seem to get into it for some reason. This would not stop me from reading this authors work in the future as i really did like the idea of this story.

Ugly by Laxmi Haiharan - 5*
As with all the other book i have read by this author i absolutely adored this story, i am always so blown away when i read books written by this author. No matter the length of the books there is always such a wealth of details and of information in the books, they are also so unbelievably vivid in their descriptions, you can always “see” everything in HDand my advise for anyone that hasnt read her books is go out and start reading her work asap, it's not something that you would regret!
Her characters are always so unique and fresh, you feel like you get to know them on a really deep level, their, thoughts and emotions even if they are not verbal. I could rave about her writing all day but the best thing is to read her work, the stories that she produces from her imagination will always stay in your head, they are amazing in their uniqueness, you will never read anything else like it.
3,574 reviews10 followers
January 29, 2017
"How can you be evil?... You're wearing a bow tie."
Surely, as children, we have all been entranced, awed by the mighty restored skeleton of a museum dinosaur or the huge footprint carefully reproduced? And haven't we all shaken with delicious terror at stories of transported travellers lost in time and fighting for their lives? And then there was Juassic Park ...
We grow up but the thrill remains, perhaps buried, like the dinos themselves, but still there ready to be reborn. In this book thirteen very talented authors help reconstruct that wonder, sometimes in ways quite unexpected. Every story has a different approach to the theme of the Jurassic era, from a near 'forgotten island' adventure, through the 'birdseye vision', to detective noire - each is fresh and deliciously complete even if short in length. A true chocolate box selection and every one worth reading. Plus the introduction by Samuel Peralta is, itself, unique.
As with all of the Future Chronicles series, each story is followed by a brief comment by the author and some of these are interesting in themselves, whether relating past memories or simple notes on how that story came to be written as well as pointing the reader towards other works available. A great way to become acquainted with new-to-the-reader authors.
My thanks to one of the contributers for gifting me a copy of this book. It was an excellent read as well as helping to reawaken my forgotten inner child
Profile Image for Karen.
357 reviews18 followers
February 6, 2017
I'm a huge fan of anthologies,because I never fail to discover new authors to add to my TBR list.This collection starts out with a bang with Fatal Mutation by Anthony J.Melchiorri.I was fascinated with the characters and was left wanting to know more about this world he created.The standout in this collection was Nobel Savage by Terry Maggart and I really hope he plans adding more books set in this world. Szcar & Rsqo;s Trial by Harry Manners had me emotionally engaged and rooting for Szcar. The Screaming of the Tyrannosaur by Stant Litore was beautifully written and kept me glued to the last page.I will definitely be reading more by these authors.I received an arc of this book from the authors for an honest reveiw.
Profile Image for Rebecca McChesney.
66 reviews2 followers
February 15, 2017
A lot of fun

I have never quite grown out of my dinosaur phase, which means I thoroughly enjoyed this anthology. There's something for everyone.
1,910 reviews
February 2, 2017
The best part about Samuel Peralta edited books are the authors! Authors like Zen DiPietro, who is a self proclaimed Browncoat/Trekkie/Whovian... In other words my kind of people! You can tell that all the writers have a real passion for dinosaurs. They tackle the theme from divergent angles, and with great gusto! From retroengineered DNA, to matriarchal  dinosaurs... I was even  surprised to see an old friend show up, Glitch Mitchell, and he's up to his eyeballs in Killer Dinosaurs with a side order of evil scientist... Thanks to Stant Litore, I find myself silently cheering "Timberwolf, Timberwolf"... When you read his story you'll understand! But it doesn't stop there. There's Space Opera and a story with some pretty creepy animatronics that just might kill you. You'll also find a cryptozologist, and the last story is a love letter for dinosaurs and retribution towards mankind... And what collection would be complete without a Sword and Sorcery tale? Yes, it's in there too!
I urge you to find out what's lurking between the covers of this book... and be prepared to run... FAST!
347 reviews19 followers
February 9, 2017
Once again Samuel Peralta does a fantastic job of creating another part of the "The Future Chronicles" As always I'm always impressed with the these books. So far I have had the pleasure of at least 8 from The Future Chronicles. While this is speculative fiction I was hoping for more dinosaurs. That was the only disappointing point. Samuel handpicked some fantastic authors but not all of the stories I felt fit quite in with this theme.

Since this is a collection of authors I want to mention my favorite without a doubt is the very 1st one! Fatal Mutation by Anthony J Melchiorri which is actually a brand new author to me and I was quite impressed with his vivid story. I truly did enjoy each story and each has their own merit as well.

As always the cover, editor and everyone involved in this project is spot on. Highly recommend to those who enjoy a bit of dino's with speculative fiction and short stories. I look forward to the next book in The Future Chronicles.

Profile Image for Marion Buehring.
59 reviews4 followers
February 7, 2017
This is a pretty good collection of shorts

For the most part I enjoyed reading this book. Some stories were not as good as the rest, but that's just personal preference. Poor editing is a pet peave of mine. I have yet to find a book that did not have some sort of typo or word choice error. This is no exception. About 60% into the book I read "His raises his hand" and I had to put the book down. Didn't pick it back up for a week. But I did finish it. Overall a good collection.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 33 reviews

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