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Unexpected Brides #3.5

The Convenient Bride Collection

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Sometimes marriage is a must, not a desire. . .as it is in this collection of romances that follows nine brides of convenience into marriages in historical settings from the mountains of Colorado, to a steamship on the Mississippi, along the Oregon Trail, into high society of New York City, plus many more. Each couple tries to secure their future with marriage, never dreaming that God might take their feeble attempts at security and turn them into true love stories for His glory. Readers will enjoy watching love grow from questionable beginnings.

448 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 1, 2015

About the author

Erica Vetsch

55 books1,179 followers
Best-selling, award-winning author of The Debutante’s Code, first in the Thorndike & Swann Regency Mystery Series, Erica Vetsch loves Jesus, history, romance, and sports. When she’s not writing fiction, she’s planning her next trip to a history museum. You can connect with her at her website, www.ericavetsch.com where you can learn about her books and sign up for her newsletter, and you can find her online at https://www.facebook.com/groups/inspi... where she spends way too much time!

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Profile Image for Jane.
Author 14 books900 followers
August 9, 2015
Where I got the book: given to me by one of the authors, Maureen Lang, who’s a good friend. She dedicated her story to me because I helped her through a bad day while she was writing it!

Ah, the marriage of convenience trope. It’s delightfully predictable: the marriage is necessitated by some external circumstance, and both parties agree that it’s going to be in name only—none of that bedroom stuff. Usually this means that poor Mr. Wonderful get the couch while Mrs. Wonderful has the bed, because the men are gentlemen. Time passes, stuff happens, the married couple become friends, obstacles are thrown in their path and overcome, True Love blossoms, and we usually end with one or both of them suggesting it’s time to make the marriage a “real” one. Marriages of convenience are a boon to Christian writers and those unwilling to allow their characters the freedom to be together alone when it wouldn’t otherwise be historically accurate—you can legitimately put your protagonists together alone in close proximity, generating all those lovely, awkward scenes without the potential for ruining your heroine’s reputation.

After reading this collection of stories, I’m tempted to try one myself. As always in a compendium I had my preferences—the ones where the heroine isn’t married because she’s plain always annoy me a bit from the outset, because I don’t like seeing a woman’s worth calculated in terms of her appearance, but there weren’t so many of those. I think my out and out favorite was Erica Vetsch’s A Bride For Bear, a sparkling treatment of the marriage-of-convenience-with-children-thrown-in trope. I also liked Melissa Jagears’s Blinded By Love (despite the plain heroine) because so much of it was from the viewpoint of the awkward, middle-aged hero, and Maureen Lang’s Bonnets and Bees because the heroine is a businesswoman, different shades of Christianity are brought in, and the egalitarian compromise at the end is very satisfying.

All in all I was highly tickled by the different ways the authors had thought up to put their couples into marriages of convenience and bring them to the HEA. I dived into this one soon after I’d received it simply because I needed some light entertainment, and that’s exactly what I got. The paperback’s pretty too, with deckled edges and artworked cover flaps, although the latter tended to get in my way when I was reading one-handed. On the other hand, a pretty compendium makes a good gift, so the extra decoration was no doubt a smart move on the part of the publisher.

I think this compendium hits its spot in the market nicely—it’ll please readers looking for undemanding entertainment, and gives them a chance to try out authors who are new to them. The settings range across America, from California through the Midwest to New York City, and the time periods are generally mid- to late-1800s. The spiritual elements are worked in naturally and are fairly low-key, and the overall effect is a light and pleasant read with plenty of humorous moments.
4,622 reviews16 followers
April 21, 2015
**I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review
This was an anthology of Christian romance stories. They take place when when women didn't have many options in life and each match is a marriage of convenience.
When I requested this book, I hadn't realized that it was Christian romance. So, to read something where love was not based on instant and explosive attraction was definitely different for me. This helped me to place even more focus on each author's writing and not if there where hawt scenes.
As with every anthology, some of the stories worked for me, and some not so much. However, reading this book successfully put me in a time and place where women didn't have much rights nor life options, so the women had to hope for a decent marriage. I really enjoyed reading this book and recommend it to anyone that either likes these kinds of romances or just need to take a step back.
Profile Image for Rhonda.
516 reviews18 followers
July 26, 2015

My Review of The Substitute Wife by Amanda Barratt: Bristol, Connecticut, June, 1883; Dr. Raymond McNair is thrilled that the day has come for him to wed the incredibly beautiful young Audrey Whittaker, but she runs off with another man and her father offers to save him from disgrace by giving his other daughter, Grace, to him to marry. Grace agrees and their marriage of convenience begins. But somehow love takes root. Will they make it through? Will they allow love to grow in their hearts?
This is a 5-star romantic novella! It is very sweet and a quick read. This definitely left me feeling good about love, marriage, and life.

MY REVIEW of One Way to the Altar by Andrea Boeshaar with Christian Linstrot Miller: Montana, 1902; Leah Hermaning travels by train from Newport, Rhode Island to One Way, Montana to take over the position of school teacher but when she arrives her aunt and uncle tell her that the position has already been filled. Her aunt and uncle are leaving town and have another plan for her life. They want her to marry the sheriff, Jesse Waite. What will Leah do? Will she agree to marry the sheriff? Why? oh, why is this her fate?
This is another 5-star novella that allows the reader to develop feelings of concern for the characters and great interest in their fate.

MY REVIEW of Keeper of My Heart by Mona Hodgson: May, 1866, Ian is traveling west with a wagon train and his wife dies. He is left with his five children and his mother and no wife, no mother. Neelie's abusive husband is killed and she works as a sharp-shooter and dresses in men's clothing as she puts on shows for groups as she travels west. She finds her long lost brother and his new family as she heads west to her job. Will she ever know what it means to be a mother? Will she ever have the desires of her heart?
This is a 5-star novella that grabs the attention of the reader and pulls them into the story as they hope along with Ian and Neelie.

MY REVIEW of Blinded by Love by Melissa Jagears: Set in California, 1888, Helen is a spinster who has helped her sister and brother-in-law raise their children while living in a tiny attic room in their home. Neil Oliver is a wealthy business owner who has received news from his doctor that he is going blind. He proposes a marriage of convenience with Helen so that she can help him as he loses his sight and fulfill needs of hers as well. They marry but find they don't really know each other. Can they find a way to connect? Can love grow in their hearts?
This is a very short and quite interesting romantic novella. I enjoy learning more about life and the ways that people acted and lived in the 1880's as I read this novella. This is a 5-star romantic novella and one that will leave readers with a good feeling.

MY REVIEW of Bonnets and Bees by Maureen Lang: Set in Turnbridge Acres, Wisconsin, June 1871, Paul agrees to his brother's request to marry Virginia, a spinster who runs a hat shop when her father passes away and stipulates in his will that she must marry in order to own the hat shop or her cousin will attain ownership of it. Paul agrees to the marriage
and when disaster strikes Virginia, Paul comes to her rescue. Will his rescue be enough to give love a chance to grow between them? Will this marriage become a real one in every sense?
This novella was very informative with a great deal of information concerning beekeeping included within the plot. I rate this 5 stars and think readers will be all "abuzz" about it.

MY REVIEW of A Groom for Josette by Gabrielle Meyer:St. Louis, June 1856, Josette must marry within 3 weeks or all her father's estate and business will go to her half-brother. She travels to a small town to respond to add seeking wives. She finds a husband in Alejandre but he is the new preacher for the Comanche mission and she feels called to run her father's shipping business. How can they live so far apart? Neither one can give up their calling. What will God's plan for them reveal?
This may well be my favorite of the novellas featured here in this collection. It is refreshing and new in its approach to the story. Another 5 star novella!

MY REVIEW of Wedded to Honor by Jennifer Uhlarik: Petaluma, California, August 2, 1875, Honor Cahill advertises for a husband and Ash Rutherford answers her advertisement. Honor's father stipulates in his will that she will inherit the ranch and land as long as she is married previous to the reading of the will. What begins as a marriage of convenience may seem unlikely to last but as Ash and Honor work together on the ranch and battling her half-brother, Nate, who wants to take the ranch from her, things begin to change between them.
Readers will enjoy this 5-star romantic novella and watching the action and drama as Honor and Ash try to get along with each other and her half-brother.

MY REVIEW of A Bride for Bear by Erica Vetsch: Idaho Springs, Colorado, September, 1874, someone sends a package via the train to Bear McCall but he is shocked to find the "package" is three little girls. What will a bachelor who lives in a one-room cabin do with three little girls that he has inherited from his deceased cousin? He finds a wife and quickly, that's what! Emmylou has traveled by train in answer to an ad in the Matrimonial News to become a stranger's bride and he already married another woman! Bear meets her and asks her to marry him and help care for Deborah, Miriam and Tabitha. She agrees and a family is born. Problems develop for them, but I won't spoil the book for other readers.
I really enjoyed this novella! I love the historical features of this novella and all the others as well. The characters are very believable and lovable. I rate this novella 5 stars and hope other readers enjoy it as I did.

MY REVIEW of Have Cash, Will Marry by Renee Yancy: Set in New York City, April 28, 1899, the Honorable Robert Alexander Radclyfe has plans to refurbish his family's estate in England but he needs funds and his father intends for him to return with an American heiress as his bride. Rob has a rule for his marriage partner though; they must be in love. He meets Anna and falls for her but must convince her of his true love for her and not just her dowry.
Another top-notch 5 star novella! Each of the novellas in this collection are fun, fast-paced and sure to delight many readers!
I received a free ecopy of this book from netgalley in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Yvette.
778 reviews34 followers
December 4, 2017
Each story in this collection of historical/inspirational romances left me smiling. These "9 romances [that] grow from marriage partnerships formed out of necessity" are heart-warming tales of couples coming together, often for the sake of family and survival. Whether it is an inheritance with a marriage stipulation, children who need a mother, familial obligation, a favor or medical need, these nine couples start out as complete or near strangers but find love in their unions.
Usually in this type of collection there are clear favorites, but not in this case. Each story is distinct, even when they share plot points such as a father's will requiring marriage. Maureen Lang may have written the sweetest of the stories with a marriage in name only between a hat maker and a beekeeper, and Andrea Boeshaar with Christina Linstrot Miller may have provided one of the best fictional romantic leads in Jesse Waite.
Melissa Jagears, whose Unexpected Brides series I previously reviewed on my blog, had the most surprising story. Having the romantic leads be a 47 year old "spinster" and a mature man,the brother of Rachel Oliver from the novella "Love by the Letter," whose prior acquaintance consisted of debating controversial scripture was a refreshing change from the more typical characters found in romantic fiction.
While considering how to approach a review of this collection, several things became clear. First, nearly everything I wanted to say in describing the stories would be a spoiler. Second, that I would be willing to read more by any of these authors. And finally, that I would like to reread all of these stories. And those last two reasons are why I am giving this collection a high recommendation for anyone who enjoys Historical and/or Inspirational Romance and rating it as 5 out of 5 stars.

I read a review ebook copy courtesy of the publisher through NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Tina .
756 reviews
August 25, 2015
The Convenient Bride Collection:***** (9 Romances Grow from Marriage Partnerships Formed Out of Necessity)
by Amanda Barratt, Andrea Boeshaar, Mona Hodgson,Melissa Jagears, Maureen Lang, Gabrielle Meyer, Jennifer Uhlarik, Erica Vetsch and Renee Yancy

-The Substitute Wife by Amanda Barrat
In 1883 Bristol, Connecticut Dr. Raymond McNair readies for his upcoming wedding to the daughter of wealthy Mr. Bromley Whittaker. Only Audrey had other plans, she runs off with someone else. Left practically at the alter, Raymond agrees to marry Mr. Whittaker's other younger daughter, Grace. Can love grow between Raymond and Grace?

I enjoyed this novella very much. I wanted to shake Audrey for her selfishness. Grace and Raymond captured my heart and I so wanted them to find love in their marriage. The medical scenes were well described and some were humorous. I liked the way Raymond decided to court his wife. Betrayal, rejection, selfishness, forgiveness, love and faith are woven throughout this novella to make a sweet love story.

-One Way to the Alter by Andrea Boeshaar
Leaving Philadelphia, Leah Hermaning has traveled a long way to One Way, Montana to live with her Uncle Robert, a missionary pastor and Aunt Estelle. However, things are not what she expected on arrival. Her aunt and uncle are nowhere in sight and she has no idea where she is to stay. Sheriff Jesse Waite comes along and informs her he will accompany her to the boarding house. She soon learns that the teaching position she was to fill has been given to someone else and no other position available for proper young ladies. What is she to do? Her uncle and aunt have it all figured out, she will marry the sheriff. They couldn't be serious, could they?

There is much to like about this novella. The characters are very likable, with the exception of one or two. I liked the way Leah dealt with her unexpected situation. Jesse was my favorite character in the story. I would have liked to learn what happened to Estelle.

-Keeper of My Heart by Mona Hodgson
Nellie Finch is not your typical 1866 female and is on the run—from her past and to an uncertain future. Ian Kamden's wife died shortly after joining a wagon train on the Oregon Trail leaving him with five children and his mother who has lost touch with reality. Nellie and Ian run into each other—literally—while up in a tree waiting out a buffalo stampede. She follows him to the wagon train and is shocked at seeing someone from her past among the people gathered there. There are more surprises in store for her, but will she find acceptance there? I liked the way the people traveling on the wagon train took Nellie and helped her. I loved the loving heart of the young woman who befriends Nellie and shows her love and how to trust. The five children were so cute and loveable, hated that they lost their mother and was hoping Nellie and Ian could come to some arrangement. Caring hearts, surprises, uncertainties, restoration, romance, love and strong faith all weave a beautiful romance.

-Blinded by Love by Melissa Jagears
Neil and Helen both are characters that need love in their lives. Neil is rather reclusive and enjoys reading, but loves to discuss the Scriptures and theology with Helen the few times they met. However, he is fast loosing his sight and will need help with his business and finances—a trustworthy wife seems the only answer...or is it? Helen is a reclusive in a different sense—she lives in the attic of her sister and brother-in-law's home, helping out with the cooking and children. Her sister has never shown her love and constantly harps at her faults. I so wanted to show both Helen and Neil what it is like to be loved, unconditionally. Both Neil and Helen were set in their ways and to marry this late in life would be a major adjustment. I really did not like Helen's sister. But enjoyed watching love bloom in Helen and Neil's hearts. Beautiful story.

-Bonnets and Bees by Maureen Lang
Paul Turnbridge reminds me of the absent-minded professor. When he is studying his bees, he tends to tune everything and everyone out—which is how he agreed to marry Virginia Haversack as a favor to his brother. Virginia is in need of a husband quickly in order to inherit her father's store and continue making the fashionable bonnets she so loves making. Her best friend has an idea of the perfect groom. Virginia and Paul live three hours or so apart, how can they make a marriage—even one of convenience—living so far apart? I wanted to shake both Virginia and Paul and wake them up to what is in front of them. Unexpected tragedy strikes which could cause more problems for the couple, but I was hoping maybe this would bring them together. I enjoyed the vivid descriptions of the bonnets Virginia created. I really enjoyed this novella.

-A Groom for Josette by Gabrielle Meyer
Josette LeBlanc needs to find a husband—fast, so she answers a newspaper advertisement and travels from St. Louis to Little Falls, Minnesota Territory to find one. She was totally unprepared and shocked at the number of men who came to apply. Of all the men, there is only one man, Rev. Alexandre Dugas, who she would even consider marrying. However, he is not looking for a bride. Can she convince him to change his mind in time? Josette certainly is a brave...well, desperate...woman—I don't think I could have done what she set out to do. I enjoyed the interaction between Josette and Alexandre and hoped they could come to an arrangement. Tense moments, struggles with wants and what God had planned for them both, romance, love and strong faith make this novella a sweet novella.

-Wedded to Honor by Jennifer Uhlarik
It was fun watching Ash try to overcome his city ways as he struggled to adjust to working on the ranch. Honor had her own struggles and fears trying to keep the ranch from her greedy half-brother—who was not giving up easily. I found myself laughing out loud several times during the story. I did not like Ash's father at all and wanted him to leave them alone. Unexpected, dangerous situations pop up which kept me reading on to see how it would turn out. Love the neighbors and Honor's long-time friends. Ash's two younger sisters captured my heart too. I really enjoyed the way the story line flowed and the humor in the story.

-A Bride for Bear by Erica Vetsch
Emmylou Paxton arrives in Colorado to meet her promised groom only to find he already married another mail-order-bride the day before. Now, what is she to do? Mountain man Bear McCall arrives at the stage depot to pick up a package left there for him. The package he picks up was a big shock—three very young girls await him. What is he to do with three girls on the top of the mountain?! Are Emmylu and Bear desperate enough to form an agreement—a marriage of convenience? Until he can remember their names, he calls them, “number 1, number 2, number 3” (oldest to youngest). I fell in love with these sweet girls—Miriam, being the oldest, watches out for her sisters like a little mother, Deborah can't seem to sit still for a minute at a time, observes everything and is not afraid to share her opinion, and sweet little Tabitha, I want to snuggle her close.

There is much to be done to make Bear's mountain cabin liveable for them all. I like the way Emmylu didn't dwell on her circumstances, but went about doing what needed to be done. The girls helped and did the chores Emmylu gave them to do. Bear is overwhelmed I think, with the little ones and now a wife, but he too did what needed to be done for them all. An unexpected surprise that threatens to break up this family had me saying to myself, “no, no!”. Living on the top of a mountain has dangers which the girls and Emmylu soon found out—I was holding my breath til the danger had passed. I like the way God brought Emmylu, Bear and the three little girls together to make a family out of their own losses and hurts—how they learn to trust and love again despite past heartaches. I really enjoyed this novella.

-Have Cash, Will Marry by Renee Yancy
Robert Radclyfe and Anna MacDougall both have past hurts resulting in mistrust in any potential marriage partner. Anna's father is ill and wants to see her married to a good godly man before he has to leave her. But Anna is not sure she can do what he asks of her, but because she loves him she will try. Robert's father has ordered him to find a wealthy heiress to marry right away. But he doesn't know of the one condition Robert puts before all of his father's wants—shh, not telling. I enjoyed watching Robert and Anna as they got to know each other and try to learn to trust. I felt they were a perfect couple and hoped they could get beyond their past heartaches. I really liked Anna's father and didn't like Robert's father's demanding ways. There are secondary characters that bring about situations that could have been avoided, but liven up the story.

~I won a copy of this book from Inspirational Historical Fiction Index giveaway and author Erica Vetsch, this is my honest review~
Profile Image for Brandi.
203 reviews55 followers
October 3, 2015
I was a bit surprised at how much I enjoyed this work of fiction. I tend to not like the super short romances that span about 50 pages. Not enough space for development, attachment, etc. But I found most of these very enjoyable.
The Substitute Wife by Amanda Barratt – Sweet story. Though quite on the unrealistic side, it was a cute, entertaining story. 3 stars.
One Way to the Altar by Andrea Boeshaar – This one was good as well, though I wished there had been a dab more romance. Still, I enjoyed it. 3 stars.
Keeper of My Heart by Mona Hodgson – Though I would have enjoyed this one more if it had more room to develop, it was an endearing story. 3 stars.
Blinded by Love by Melissa Jagears – I didn't much like this one. I wasn't used to the older age of the characters and the romance seemed stilted. 2 stars.
Bonnets and Bees by Maureen Lang – An interesting story, but not especially sweet to me. 2.5 stars.
A Groom for Josette by Gabrielle Meyer – This was an adorable story. I enjoyed all aspects of it and didn't want it to end. I look forward to reading more by this author. 4 stars.
Wedded to Honor by Jennifer Uhlarik – I also really liked this one, though the ending of chapter 10 seemed to be pushing it. 3.5 stars.
A Bride for Bear by Erica Vetsch – Very sweet story. Each character played their part to perfection. I only wish it had been longer. 4.5 stars.
Have Cash, Will Marry by Renee Yancy – Romantic, well-paced novella. I really liked this one. Will look for more by this author.
Profile Image for Leone (She Reads too Much Romance).
355 reviews17 followers
June 20, 2015
For as long as I have been reading I have been a devoted reader to such Christian romances with individual stories such as I have discovered within the boundaries of this book. Each story is always unique, historical accurately a bit of a refreshing breeze when comparing such tales to the more modern and yet somewhat exhausted storylines of the modern world.

As both a reviewer and a reader I could not have been more happy than what I uncovered in this collection of stories. Enjoyable and yet slightly heartening I found these stories of faith, of journey and of love to be worth cherishing and certainly praising.

It would be extremely difficult if I had to choose just one of these stories to declare as my favorite. I couldn't. I loved each story as equally as I did the ones before. I think each story does in fact reminds that love can be found even in the most unexpected places and that such facts as well as these stories offer hope.

I am more than looking forward to continuing to add these books to my shelves in print as well as reading more from each collection. In fact I can hardly wait to start my reading on the next set of collections.
Profile Image for Brittany .
2,495 reviews175 followers
August 21, 2015
I enjoyed this collection of nine novellas so much! I love marriage of convenience stories and it was so fun to have nine different takes on this theme. Some stories I liked better than others, however, I did have fun reading every one. Another fun thing about these collections is discovering new authors in a way that is low pressure. If I find that I am not a fan of a certain author’s writing style, it is no big deal since these stories are novellas and shorter reads than a full-length novel.

I thought that, for the most part, the stories contained well-developed plots and characters. I connected with some characters and stories easier than others, but I really appreciated the diversity of setting, characters, and time periods from story to story. I definitely recommend this book to those who enjoy marriage of convenience stories.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

You can read this review on my blog at:
Profile Image for Teresa Tysinger.
Author 13 books242 followers
January 30, 2016
Oh, how I enjoyed this sweet series! Nine novellas in one book, you sure get a healthy dose of feel-good love stories. All stories are set in the past, from the West to the East, perfect for those who enjoy eras of times gone by. I loved being able to devour a story in one sitting, but found myself itching to read the next. There's no one story in the collection that does not deliver! I especially enjoyed discovering the creative, unique situations of each bride...and watch the love blossom between her "convenient" suitors. Well done!

Synopsis from Amazon: Join nine brides of convenience on their adventures in a variety of times and settings gone by—from a ranch in California…to the rugged mountains of Colorado…to a steamship on the Mississippi…to the dangerous excitement of the Oregon Trail…into high society of New York City. No matter the time or place, the convenient brides proceed with what must be done, taking nuptials out of necessity. . .and never dreaming that God might take their feeble attempts to secure their futures and turn them into true love stories for His glory.
Profile Image for Christina.
Author 2 books37 followers
August 9, 2015
The Convenient Bride Collection offers nine sweet, funny, and even hopelessly romantic stories of couples from different backgrounds and walks of life coming together in holy matrimony, at least in-name-only. One woman needs to marry to keep her business. Another woman is a jilted mail order bride. They all have convenience in common in the beginning, but they all also find unexpected love along the way.

Most of these stories were so good they should have been full length novels. My favorites of the nine were A Groom for Josette by Gabrielle Meyer and because I have a soft spot for mountain men I really liked A Bride for Bear by Erica Vetsch.

This collection is perfect for fans of sweet, clean romances.
Profile Image for Amy S.
250 reviews38 followers
July 13, 2016
Okay. So I am giving this four stars FOR WHAT IT IS: a marshmallow mind fluff book that you read when you are on vacation and your sister brought it, and you want something light and sweet with a happy ending. It is the convenient marriage trope: two people who must marry for convenience but promise it will be in name only. Of course, he is handsome and kind, and she is kind and a hard worker, and of course they fall in love with a sweet kiss at the end. The second story was my favorite. Only one or two stinkers.

A collection of short stories.
Profile Image for H.
1,309 reviews1 follower
September 26, 2015
Such a fun collection! I love the marriage-of-convenience/arranged-marriage-to-a-stranger trope, and while each story used the same trope, they were all so different and focused on such different things that it wasn't like reading the same story a dozen times. My favorite, hands down, was "A Bride for Bear" by Erica Vetsch. So funny. Other favorites were "One Way to the Altar" by Andrea Boeshaar, "Blinded by Love" by Melissa Jagears, and "Wedded to Honor" by Jennifer Uhlarik.
Profile Image for Melissa.
667 reviews
September 7, 2015
fun short stories. still wish they were longer. each ended before I was ready to be done with the characters
Profile Image for Carrie Webb.
200 reviews
February 16, 2020
Entertaining, as well as, good variety of stories.

I thoroughly enjoyed the variety of stories contained in this collection. Unique characters, and situations, make for an entertaining read!
Profile Image for Kathleen E..
468 reviews
July 9, 2015
Thursday, July 9, 2015
The Convenient Bride Collection, © 2015 ~ review of Mona Hodgson's Keeper of My Heart

KEEPER OF MY HEART is one of nine novellas in The Convenient Brides Collection. Join shootist, Neelie "Shott", as she meets up with the Boone's Lick Wagon Train Company just west of Fort Kearney, Nebraska.

As you are running away, could you actually be running to the life meant especially for you?

Fort Kearney, May 1866
Sharpshooter Neelie Shott starts out with a bang, but soon hightails it out of town with the hopes of catching up with the caravan of wagons heading West. From the sound of it, they can't be too far ahead; what with her quick steed and their slow turning wheels, two weeks past will be no distance for her.

Adventure lies ahead with Neelie's hopes of further lining her own pockets, with amazing skills with her cross-draw six-shooters while riding atop her galloping mustang, Whistle.

Setting out from Saint Charles, Missouri, in the spring of 1866, the Boone's Lick Wagon Train Company has passed Fort Kearney in South Nebraska, an important post on the Oregon Trail. Widower Ian Kamden and his five motherless children journey on after the death on the trail of his wife, Rhoda. So many dreams set aside.

A surprise was in store for Neelie when she reached the wagon train. Having read the previous stories, I was surprised too!

I love how Neelie's life is turning out ~ all of the things she thought were not accessible for her ~ love, recognition, a caring heart, nurturing, fulfillment.

O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly; My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You, In a dry and weary land where there is no water. --Psalm 63:1 NASB

Anna sees her. How lovely to be seen beyond what we see of ourselves! Davonna sees her. To be accepted and stood up for just exactly as you are ~ for right now, and then change begins! Ian sees her. No need to hide anymore. Come as you are, to be cherished.

I am looking forward to further adventures West with the Boone's Lick Wagon Train Company.

***Thank you to author Mona Hodgson for sending me a print copy of The Convenient Bride Collection. I am reviewing her story, Keeper of My Heart. I have so enjoyed the previous stories of the Boone's Lick Wagon Train Company. This review was written in my own words. No other compensation was received.***

Prairie Song, the first book in the Hearts Seeking Home Series, chronicles the overland journey of the westbound Boone’s Lick Wagon Train Company; a sequel to The Quilted Heart Novellas.
844 reviews4 followers
July 26, 2020
Wonderful collection of sweet, clean romances. Personally, I love convenient marriage stories. They are so cute and this collection is a great group of novellas.
I especially liked the following stories:

The Substitute Wife by Amanda Barratt
When her sister runs away on the morning of her wedding, Grace's father offers her instead. Can she make her new Dr. husband happy? Will he value her, even though no one else does? This was a cute story,.

One Way to the Altar by Andrea Boeshaar
She arrives in town to stay with her Uncle and Aunt, expecting to be the new schoolteacher. But things have changed and her best option (pretty much only option) is to agree to marry the Sheriff. Does he only want a wife so it looks like he's a family man? Or does he really want a family?

Blinded by Love by Melissa Jagears
He's going blind and asks her to marry him to help him. She's tired of being the spinster Aunt. Can they be happy together?

Bonnets and Bees by Maureen Lang
SO cute!! He's a happy bachelor living on a farm, caring for his beloved bees. She needs to be married in order to inherit her Father's business. They agree with no strings attached. But what happens when a fire destroys part of town? Loved this one.

Wedded to Honor by Jennifer Uhlarik
She also needs a husband in order to inherit the ranch. Too bad he's such a city dude. But can they find a way to help each other? Will they fall in love along the way? Will family get in the way?

A Bride for Bear by Erica Vetsch
My favourite of all the stories!! Bear is a confirmed bachelor living in the mountains when his world is turned upside-down. His cousin has died and sent her 3 daughters to live with him. But little girls are the one thing that terrify him. When they find a fellow redhead, they girls decide they want her as their new mother. Can a marriage of convenience be just what is needed? Or will Bear come to like the way his life has turned out?
Erica Vetsch is one of my all-time favourite authors. I like all her stories, but this is one of my favourites by her. It's quite an amusing tale how Bear interacts with the little girls.

The other stories were good too, but the above were my favourite. I wholeheartedly recommend this book!
97 reviews
June 20, 2015
I would have to say that in general I liked the book. The Convenient Bride Collection is nine short stories about marriages that take place due more to necessity than love. Reviewing a collection is a bit tricky but if I had read each of the short stories individually over a span of time I would have reviewed 8 of the 9 as nice reads, well written historical Christian fiction.

My recommendation for reading and truly enjoying each story is not to read the book from cover to cover at one time. I would read one story at a time and then take a break, read another book and then come back and select another story. Otherwise you may feel like I was beginning to feel, that the story themes were getting a bit redundant- that there were only plain, old maid women with no self confidence in their looks or their abilities or that women were very confident and needed a man only to guarantee their inheritance.

My favorite book in the collection was The Substitute Wife by Amanda Barratt, she did a really nice job of letting you get to know and enjoy her characters in a very short time. My favorite character in the series was Bear, in A Bride for Bear, Erica did a really good job developing this character, and you could really empathize with him and his situation. The only story I really didn't enjoy was Have Cash, Will Marry, as it did not follow the mold of a marriage for necessity theme and I just never felt connected with the characters.

I was given this book in an EBook format from NetGalley for my honest opinion. The publisher of The Convenient Bride Collection is Barbour Publishing, Inc. Follow me on my blog Blessings N Bloggings

Profile Image for Grace  M-D.
59 reviews2 followers
April 13, 2021
I love the prayer from Grace in The Substitute Wife.
Profile Image for Jo|Ruth Reads.
179 reviews32 followers
January 25, 2024
I am not going to lie... the "marriage of convenience" storyline is one of my favorites. So you can imagine this is one of my favorite Barbour books yet. A bunch of them have this theme... but all of the stories in this one were SO good and had me reaching to read the next and the next. I don't want to overshare and leave spoilers. But do yourself a favor and at least look up this book. The stories are WONDERFUL!
Profile Image for Patricia Kemp Blackmon.
503 reviews58 followers
October 13, 2016
This collection of stories is about determination and fortitude, which I found in each of these brides as they ventured into a blind agreement of marriage, most intriguing. I am not so sure I in that age or time would have found the courage to venture into such an agreement. Though most of these women did not have much of a choice for some it was a matter of life or death.

We are fortunate as women to have rights these women did not have back then.

Each story made an impression on my heart leaving me to imagine if any of the women on my family tree were put in the position to make such a choice.

Don't even ask me to pick which story was my favorite because I must say they are all top of my favorite list.

I want to thank all of these authors for combining their stories into one book for our pleasure to read and contemplate on historical times for women, which is my favorite subject.

I highly recommend this book!

I rated this book a 5 out of 5.

Dislosure: I received a free digital copy of this book from NetGalley/BabourBooks for an honest review. I was in no way compensated for this review.
49 reviews22 followers
June 5, 2015
**I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I always enjoy historical fiction so this was a fun read for the most part. Naturally there were some stories that got my attention more than others but overall, I liked this book. Convenient marriages always interest me because we don't hear so much about them anymore but they used to be quite common. If a wife and mother had died then the husband needed someone to tend the family and it was easier to get a wife than to afford help. Reading this book though was a reminder of how few options women had years ago. There weren't a lot of jobs for women and if you had no family and didn't luck upon a husband, you could end up in a pretty desperate situation. I liked that this was Christian fiction because it focused more on the characters and developing them instead of just using sex as a plot line. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys historical romances.
Profile Image for Amy.
684 reviews40 followers
May 10, 2015
Thank you Netgalley & Barbour Publishing Inc. for the ARC, in return for my honest review:

A collection of short stories, based in the early 1800s of America, they offer the reader a quick read of a clean romance story, though some of them leave you feeling pretty flat. My favourite was the first in the book, which I really loved from beginning to end. Others I had a hard time giving credibility too. Convenient Marriages, in most stories in order to save face or just because they needed a spouse, OK. I think I found the sudden endings a little abrupt! Sometimes when you start to root for a development of a real connection - you like a little more than a quick conversation that now they have fallen in love!! A fun read, and nice to have something you can pick up & complete a story in a few hours.
Profile Image for Dana Kamstra.
402 reviews7 followers
July 10, 2015
I found this collection to be fantastic! This might just be one of my favorite collections that have been released so far. So often, novellas have too much story to be told within their pages and that makes them feel rushed or too contrived. Not so with this collection. I found most of the stories in this book to have well-developed characters and plot for the number of pages, and rarely did I feel like the story was rushed. There's a bit of everything in this collection. The stories are set from the East Coast to the West. Mail order brides or parents interfering. Marriages as a result of a will or some for the simple act of needing additional help. This is a wonderful collection and one that I can highly reccommend.

**I received a copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.**
5,839 reviews
June 15, 2015
The Convenient Bride Collection consists of nine stories. These stories include:
The Substitute Wife by Amanda Barratt
One Way to the Altar by Andrea Boeshaar with Christina Linstrot Miller
Keeper of My Heart by Mona Hodgson
Blinded by Love by Melissa Jagears
Bonnets and Bees by Maureen Lang
A Groom for Josette by Gabrielle Meyer
Wedded to Honor by Jennifer Uhlarik
A Bride for Bear by Erica Vetsch
Have Cash, Will Marry by Renee Yancy
I enjoyed each and every one of these stories. They were sweet, fun, and clean. Each one are really short, about 40-50 pages long. Making for easy reading. I did love all of them but Blinded by Love by Melissa Jagears was my favorite.
Great collection!
5 stars.
Profile Image for Katie.
481 reviews
June 29, 2015
Thank you SO MUCH Net Galley and Barbour Books for the opportunity to read the ARC of this book for an honest review! I absolutely loved this book! I am always intrigued by the idea of a "mail order bride". The writing and the historical setting behind the stories were flawless. Every single story in it was amazing but my personal favorites overall were: The Substitute Wife, Blinded by Love and A Bride for Bear. I could not put it down when I started reading it. I highly recommend this book! I have nothing bad to say about any of the books in the collection.It is one of the best I have read in a while!
Profile Image for Johnette.
63 reviews4 followers
July 15, 2015
I loved Andrea Boeshaar's story. I cannot begin to imagine the way Leah felt. Thinking she was headed to Montana for a fresh start, excited to spend time with her aunt and uncle. What a whirlwind of changes..and marriage? And really is a bathtub too much to ask for?

Great short story with unexpected twists and turns. I really enjoyed reading it. As always, Andrea filled this story with the sweetness of God's love for us. I so appreciate seeing that in all of her books!

2 reviews
January 2, 2016
LOVE "The Convenient Bride Series"! Nine novellas, each captivating in it's own way. Great read about times gone by when life was without modern/electronic conveniences, including one other convenience - time to find the love of your life...

Especially enjoyed, "Have Cash, Will Marry" by Renee Yancy. Beautifully woven storyline with lovely word pictures & just the right amount of historical references.

I would highly recommend reading!!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 55 reviews

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