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Prometheus Stumbles

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In this futuristic thriller, an ordinary man gets caught up in extraordinary circumstances and finds himself on a harrowing adventure that he neither wants nor understands.

Derek Anderson considers himself to be a devoted husband, father, and businessman. He loves his family and is happiest when he is with his wife and daughter. But when a young Psi-Tal places the blue plastic turtle in Derek’s hand, his life is turned upside down as he discovers that the turtle can transport him into a nightmarish realm that Derek comes to refer to as Dreamworld.

While in Dreamworld, Derek learns of his destiny, but when the turtle sends him back to the reality he thought that he knew so well, he finds himself being pursued by a mysterious group of beings called the Watchers.

In a metaphysical race for his life with the blue plastic turtle in his possession, Derek plunges into a centuries old secret society that may be his only hope against the deadly enemies who will stop at nothing to get the turtle.

382 pages, Paperback

Published August 1, 2014

About the author

Ed Gosney

13 books31 followers
Ed Gosney grew up in the small river town of Martins Ferry, Ohio, near Wheeling, West Virginia. He claims it was a magical place that helped mold his imagination, as he spent countless hours roaming the hills, playing in a cave, and hanging out at the Ohio River with his childhood friends.

Ed is a graduate of The Ohio State University with a degree in English Education, and served in the Army, becoming a Journalist and the editor of the Army post newspaper. After being honorably discharged, he entered the corporate world to write business proposals, working for several different banks and at times managing proposal teams.

Currently living in Copley, Ohio, Ed has been married to Melissa since 1987 and has three children, Renee, Ed, and Brynn.


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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 reviews
Profile Image for Linda Todd.
307 reviews67 followers
May 18, 2015
Wonderful story with a bit of everything in it for all to love. Amazing characters with good and bad in equal quantity. Derek did what he needed to do and with friends to help him all threw his mission as it was so called. My heart felt thanks to the author Ed Gosney and my thanks for the privilege and pleasure of reading this wonderful story and I would love to read more of in the future. Thank you for this delightful book and I would be delighted to recommend this amazing story to my friends so to all happy reading with joy from wee me. xxx
Profile Image for Rodney Winters.
Author 1 book14 followers
December 29, 2014
While sci-fi is not a genre I normally read, I found myself captivated by this book. I wanted to keep reading to discover what would happen next. A well-written story that puts the reader right in the middle of the action. Gosney's descriptions and writing style helped me visualize each character and scene. I am looking forward to the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Teri.
3,918 reviews36 followers
March 28, 2015
great read lots of excitement and a page turner. I actually won this book on Library Thing and I am so glad I did. I might have missed out on what is so far a great series. Can't wait to check out book 2 of the series. I enjoyed the characters and the sci fi twist. It is a story you know told in a way that keeps you turning the page for more. Awesome!
Profile Image for J.B. Garner.
Author 22 books61 followers
May 22, 2015
From jbgarner58.wordpress.com:

Time to crack the knuckles and dig into the pantry for this week’s Starving Review! For this week’s literary treat, we have a recipe mixed with fantasy, spiritualism, a slightly dystopian future, and blue plastic turtles. Mmm, more cooking from the fusion genre kitchen! Of course, we still need to peel away some layers of this pie to see if the filling is as good as it looks from the outside.

Before we start cutting, let us recite the Starving Review creed:

I attempt to rate every book from the perspective of a fan of the genre
I attempt to make every review as spoiler-free as possible.

Genre fusion is quite the craze these days and for good reason! It lets the chef rise above the limitations of any one genre to strive for that unique recipe, that tantalizing new treat to captivate their readers. In that regard, Stumbles doesn’t stumble. Mr. Gosney does an excellent job weaving in threads from the ever-popular dystopian future with an interesting dose of pure science fiction, otherworldly spirituality, and a healthy dollop of drama.

In its core components, Stumbles over-all is crafted well, though it isn’t quite perfect. Overall, the plot is well laid out and overall keep a solid pace. The characterization for most of the characters is also equally solid, though a few of them seem a bit bare-bones at times. Not enough to ruin the dish, but there are some that I would desire to get a better taste of. Maybe in further volumes!

Speaking of further volumes, that’s perhaps the biggest flaw I can find in an otherwise finely baked piece of cake like this. Though the twist at the end to continue the series isn’t completely fabricated, with some very early foreshadowing as to it, the book’s end tastes, to me, as if the cook switched ingredients at the end. Instead of finishing the story there, it felt like a sudden switch was added to set-up the next volume of the series. I simply felt as if there should have just been an extra chapter or two to better close the plot threads and simply end the tale there. Still, once again, this perceived flaw in my tastebuds doesn’t spoil the dish and I could be proven wrong in the next book!

Oh, while we’re talking about biggest, let me take also a moment to talk about the biggest virtue Stumbles has, incredible dramatic build. Though the story starts quickly and gets moving without skipping a beat, Mr. Gosney does a fantastic job at laying out the truths behind the story bit by bit, slowly raising the stakes and ratcheting up the dramatic tension in each scene. I think perhaps that this incredible build may contribute to my feelings above about the flaws. The tension is built so skillfully and so high that it seems like it would be a hard act to follow.

So, end of the day, Prometheus Stumbles is a well-baked pie of fusion goodness, combining dystopian futures with psionic sci-fi and a big dose of spirituality to form a dynamite whole! It has its stumbles and quirks, but overall it’s a great treat! Certainly take time to try it out!

FINAL VERDICT: **** (Well-baked dystopian sci-fi spiritual pie with just a few little foibles!)
Profile Image for Jason Crawford.
Author 16 books104 followers
April 24, 2015
Today, I am reviewing the Urban Fantasy story Prometheus Stumbles by Ed Gosney. A regular man in a world that hosts psychic beings (known as psi-tals, or psychic talents) discovers that he’s destined to escort The Turtle, some sort of supernatural entity, and protect it from evil psi-tals who want to keep control of the world. Or something.

I did not finish this book. I got about halfway through and then had no motivation to continue.

I give this book a 2/5. Here is my breakdown.

Characters: 3/5. Not bad. The introduction of psi-tals was interesting, and I found myself intrigued by the limitations and abilities that each one had. Our protagonist, though, was a very bland presence; things kept happening TO him and AROUND him, but he didn’t seem to have very much to do with it all..

Plot/Storyline: 2.5/5. Derivative and common: chosen hero from normal society must save the day. This isn’t bad in itself, but there wasn’t much new introduced in this story. The author didn’t put his own stamp on it, and so it felt boring.

Flow: 4/5. The story moved along at a reasonable pace. If it weren’t for my other concerns (earlier), I would have been carried along fairly well. Unfortunately, once I left the story…I had no desire to return.
Spelling/Grammar: 4/5. No significant errors that I noticed.

Overall: 2/5. There wasn’t a whole lot wrong with this book…there just wasn’t much RIGHT with it either. Nothing held my interest after the premise was introduced, and trying to make myself go back to it felt like a chore, rather than entertainment.
Profile Image for Trisha.
950 reviews16 followers
July 7, 2016
Derek Anderson's life changes one day when a young Psi-Tal gives him a blue plastic turtle. Really, a plastic blue turtle, but it takes him into the dreamworld, and shows him thing he can never imagine. This is a very cool futuristic book, where different groups battle for control not only of the physical realm but also the psychic realm as well.

For me this book started out a bit slow having to learn all of the many characters, but after that wow, it really ramped up fast and never slowed down. I had the audio version narrated by Daniel F Purcell who did a amazing job doing all the voices for each of the many characters and keeping the excitement level of the book going even when doing some of the more level groups of people. He was so good it is really worth the listen if you like audiobooks like I do. But which ever way you choose I am sure you will enjoy this book if you give it a chance. I really can't wait to see what happens to Derek, the crew, and the turtle next.
Profile Image for Chris.
Author 48 books61 followers
September 23, 2014
Derek Anderson is a man with a mission--one he didn't ask for or even wants, really. He's the Everyman thrown into extraordinary circumstances, and as such, a protagonist the reader can relate to. Ed Gosney pits the forces of good against evil in an age-old struggle that's both familiar and uniquely new in its portrayal. Gosney paints his characters with depth--heroes that are realistic but brave, and villains that exude menace and corruption. Want a look at a near-future that you just might not want to live to see? Pick up Prometheus Stumbles.
Profile Image for C.L..
Author 1 book17 followers
September 5, 2016

I realize that is a completely made-up word, but it's what Ed Gosney has created! Epic tale that had my heart beating. Enter a realm where the mind is a tool and a toy. Beware the Watchers. The story is truly imaginative and entertainment in rare form. Truly enjoyed every bit.
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