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The Superior Spider-Man (2013)

The Superior Spider-Man, Vol. 4: Necessary Evil

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Back by popular demand, Spider-Man 2099 returns! But when the future Spidey and the Superior Spidey clash, who will be the most superior Spider-Man in the multiverse? It may not matter, because the end of the battle brings about a moment that will alter the world of Spider-Man - and the Marvel Universe - for years to come! But which Spider was responsible for this shocking change? Then, from the ashes of battle come the first team-up between the Superior Spider-Man and the Black Cat. Felicia Hardy always cared for the Spider more than the man...but what happens when that man is Otto Octavius? And as an Osborn we haven't seen in a while returns, Otto celebrates a milestone! Is the world ready for "Dr. Peter Parker"...or what he plans to do next?

COLLECTING: Superior Spider-Man 17-21

112 pages, Paperback

First published January 28, 2014

About the author

Dan Slott

1,923 books440 followers
Dan Slott is an American comic book writer, the current writer on Marvel Comics' The Amazing Spider-Man, and is best known for his work on books such as Arkham Asylum: Living Hell, She-Hulk, Silver Surfer, The Superior Spider-Man, and Ren & Stimpy.

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Profile Image for Baba.
3,812 reviews1,223 followers
November 25, 2022
The surprises keep on coming it's future Spider-Man vs Superior Spider-Man! You will not believe your eyes when you get to the part where Superior Spider-Man meets Black Cat for the first time! This series is on a very fine roll, I can see why Marvel were OK with Superior supplanting Peter Parker for as long as he did! Easy Four Stars, 8 out of 12.
Profile Image for Alejandro.
1,184 reviews3,681 followers
August 28, 2015
Not so superior this time but still enjoyable.

This TPB edition collects issues #17-21 from the title of “Superior Spider-Man”.

Creative Team:

Writers: Dan Slott

Illustrators: Ryan Stegman & Giuseppe Camuncoli


Proof?! Legal means?! Bah! Fortunately, these things have never concerned any Spider-Man. Myself included!

The superior journey of Otto Octavius, living inside the body of Peter Parker continues.

This fourth volume, Necessary Evil, is an enjoyable reading but hardly as superior as the previous ones.

Characters from the past (and one technically from the future!) of both, Otto and Peter, pay visits where Otto will realize that if having a past is complicated, having technically two pasts is the double of tangled.

Spider-Man 2099 gets back from the future and Otto is clueless who the heck this guy is, since in the mind battle to extirpate the last figment of Peter Parker’s conciousness demanded to lose his full access to Peter Parker’s memories. Otto is still able to check again whenever needed any memory that he accessed before, but the rest was gone. Of course, the sense of power and responsibility are still deep inside of his mind and soul, so being Spider-Man and to protect New York at the best of his possibilities, is still a real necessity for Octavius.

Black Cat meets the Superior Spider-Man and it won’t be nice at all.

And a surprise character will appear too, making a mess of Otto’s life.


...if there’s one thing I know about my boy… …There’s nothing life can throw at him that he can’t handle.

While Otto Octavious “took” Peter Parker’s life, he still have his own past to deal with.

Peter Parker’s doctorate title is on the table and it’s possible that while the genius intellect of Otto Octavius helped to rush up what Peter never tried hard enough to accomplish, now that very genius’ signature can be the reason of losing one thing that Otto treasures of himself, being a doctor.

The Superior Spider-Man has now a whole army of troopers and ground mecha to enforce his mission of protecting New York, along with his own island as personal headquarters and hundreds of small robots patrolling at all time the whole city. Even Otto was able to upgrade the formula of the web fluid and now it’s permanent as long as he needs and later he can apply a special dissolvent, also of his own device. However, all this isn’t cheap, so NYPD Officer Carlie Cooper and Captain Yuri Watanabe (aka The Wraith (fourth person to take the name)) are on the trail of where the money to finance all that is coming from.

Horizon Labs are threatened having the very shape of the future in the balance, but also this may be a chance-in-disguise for Otto for taking a bold new step in the brand new life that he is crafting for “Peter Parker”.

And in the shadows, the Goblin King is getting stronger, right in the nose of The Superior Spider-Man but Otto is “blind” of this too dangerous menace for him and his city.


A tooth! You just cost me a tooth! What the hell are you doing?

Apprehending a criminal. I’m Spider-Man. This is what I always do.

This fourth volume was fun to read, it was entertaining, but I was quite dissapointed to see how Otto wasn’t so superior as before, in the previous TPBs.

Doctor Octopus is the Superior Spider-Man not because he has a new costume, not because he has vast options of manpower and technology at his discretion, BUT because he plans, he does planning. Typical heroes usually react to whatever they find in front of them, what has made so far indeed superior to this new facet of Spider-Man is that since Otto Octavius is a mastermind villain, he makes plans, back-up plans, alternative plans, and all kind of plans that you may think of.

So, any situation is already covered with some plan. Any totally new situation isn’t faced in banzai-mode but with careful planning.

However, in this fourth volume, while I can’t deny that Otto has his plate too full with many situations happening at once, I believe that that’s no excuse to begin to react without a clear designed plan.

Profile Image for Anne.
4,318 reviews70.1k followers
August 8, 2017
Couple of interesting storylines here, including the Return of Spider-Man 2099!
Whoever the hell that is...


I liked the future Spidey, but since I had no idea he had ever left, I was not thoroughly excited to see him return. However, he played a large role in the overall time-ripping-apart thing, and he wasn't the worst new character I've ever seen. Like Sesana mentioned in her review, the faux future cursing was dorky, but not impossible to ignore. He seems like a real d-lister, but apparently he'll continue to play a role in this universe, for a while at least.

The Green Goblin is still out there, but Otto is also having problems at work. His boss at Horizons has been framed, and is potentially heading to prison. GAK! The new owners can claim the rights to his Spidey tech! Not to mention, his old schoolmate/new professor is trying to keep him from his doctorate, M.J is ready to strangle him, Carly has stumbled onto his secret, and he's going to be late for dinner with Aunt May!
Oh, and he needs to access one of Peter's memories in order to save the world. Oops. Maybe he shouldn't have gotten so happy with that delete button...


Without getting too spoilery, I think this is where Doc Ock meets the Parker Luck. He's been really confident that he can do a Superior job handling everything life throws at Spider-Man. And up till now, he has.
Volume 4 throws him a curve ball.
This time around he may not come out on top.


Also, this chick:


She's a hologram that hits reallyreally hard. Or something. I didn't get how that worked, but hey...fuck science. It was fun!

In fact, even with 2099 Kid, Holo-Chick, and the plot focusing on time-travel, this was still just a blast to read.
On to volume 5!

Profile Image for Jeff .
912 reviews764 followers
June 17, 2015
Alas, poor Peter Parker, I knew him well, Horatio: a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy, yet the worst luck ever…!

With Dr. Octopus getting rid of the last vestiges of Parker’s conscience and memories in the last volume*, he is now totally in control of Spider-Man and he's only nominally Peter Parker. Superior Ock is in the driver’s seat. He’s running the Spider-show so…

…get ready to get bit in the ass, Superior Spider-Man.

First, Spider-Man of the future is on hand and he’s here to party till it Two Thousand-Ninety Nine.

See, its Spider-Man 2099 and Prince! Get it! *sigh* Onward and excelsior!

I left off with ass-biting, correct?

It’s okay if Spider/Ock wants to blow off Aunt May’s 105th birthday or not return Mary Jane’s phone calls, but he’s also alienating pretty much everyone else in the extended Spider-Family as well. Did he just punch the Black Cat in the face? Yikes!

And when he has to call upon the memories of Peter Parker, the one’s he had mind-wiped**, well, Spider/Ock’s superior assholery just might do him in.

*See Volume 3, No Escape – Joltin’ Jeff.

**See previous footnote – Joltin’ and Neighborly Jeff
Profile Image for Jan Philipzig.
Author 1 book294 followers
August 17, 2016
The roller-coaster ride continues, as Spidey 2099 drops by from the future, Horizon Labs implodes, Otto Octavius defends his dissertation, and his old flame Angelina Brancale comes out of her coma to confront the man she holds responsible for the death of her beloved Otto: Spider-Man. But wait, her beloved Otto now is Spider-Man... Much like in the previous volumes, Dan Slott can be counted on to deliver the twists and turns that move the story into the craziest, silliest, zaniest direction possible, and I love him for it! Superior Spider-Man equals superior high-octane fun!
Profile Image for Dan Schwent.
3,106 reviews10.7k followers
July 15, 2016
17 - In 2099, time is coming unraveled and that time period's Spider-Man comes back to the present to fix things. Meanwhile, Horizon is taken over by Allan Chemicals, the precursor to the Alchemax of Spider-Man 2099's future. Also, stuff happens with Peter.

Slott's definitely a fan of the Spider-Man mythos since he digs up Spider-Man 2099 and Liz Allan here. It was a fairly packed issue.

18 - The present and future collide when Spider-Man 2099 meets The Superior Spider-Man!

Freeing himself from Peter Parker's memories continues to have repercussions as Spidey clashes with the future Spider-Man. Things get Timey-Wimey as future Spidey tries to prevent his timeline from being destroyed by protecting his obnoxious ancestor, Tiberius Stone. Also, things are heating up with the Goblin Nation.

19 - 2099 continues to unravel and the only thing that can stop it is an equation in Peter Parker's head. Too bad Otto purged those memories...

Things come to a thunderous conclusion. Horizon is gone and Alchemax is just beginning. And just where did the Superior Spider-Man go for nine hours after the explosion?

20 - Otto punches the Black Cat in the mouth and starts Parker Industries.

The highlight of the issue was Parker defending his thesis. This one was mostly setup for some big things. I think the Spider-Verse crossover is coming soon. I should research that.

21 - The Stunner comes gunning for the Superior Spider-Man. Little does she know that he's also her lover, Otto Octavius...

The Stunner nearly gets a couple members of the supporting cast killed but Spider-Otto saves the day. The Goblin situation also heats up.

Closing Thoughts: This volume was pretty good but not quite as good as the previous ones. Pull the trigger on the Green Goblin thing already! 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Profile Image for Sesana.
5,647 reviews337 followers
April 8, 2014
If you're on the fence about the Superior Spider-Man concept, for the love of God don't start here. Unless, of course, you're a fan of Spider-Man 2099. You'll probably like this trade better than I did. While there are some very good scenes in here, the Spider-Man 2099 stuff was just a miss for me. Maybe it's because I never read the character and really couldn't care less that he was in the book. Maybe it was because I found his "futuristic" cursing deeply annoying. Bithead? Jammit? Ugh. I would have been happy if I could have skimmed over the issues with him in it. But he was a major part of a major story with huge consequences for the future of the book.

And that's actually part of the good here. This book is not afraid to change status quo. By the end of this book, "Peter" is a self-employed man with a doctorate. His relationship with new character Anna-Maria is surprisingly sweet. That said, he's slipping more and more into his villainous habits, and pulling away from the relationships Peter had. His relationship with the Avengers seems strained right now, and Carlie is close to being able to prove that Peter is now Otto. Plenty of interesting places to go with this.

So while it isn't the best of Superior Spider-Man, it's still good. Sure, I would've been much happier without Spider-Man 2099, but nothing's perfect.
Profile Image for Sam Quixote.
4,650 reviews13.2k followers
November 26, 2013
After all the nonsense of the Marvel Events Age of Ultron and Infinity, time rifts have started occurring leading to a 90s character being sent back to our present - that’s right, bitheads, Spider-Man 2099 is back! Meanwhile, Otto must deal with his old flame, Angelina Brancale/Stunner as she emerges from her coma to avenge her beloved Otto’s death against Spider-Man!

What the shock, you say, Spider-Man 2099? Yeah, I’m not a big fan of the character, and the whole time-travel thing is really played out this year. The storyline where Superior Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2099 battle to save the future is ok but I wasn’t really invested in it. There’s a time-bomb thingy going off in 15 minutes, will Spider-Man save the day? Course he will. I suppose Peter David fans were eating it up, seeing his 2099 character making a comeback, and Dan Slott is obviously a huge fan too, but it’s a lot of the usual time-travel dialogue and future swearing (what the shock, son of a glitch, jammit, etc) and that kinda stuff just bores me.

The other storylines though are brilliant. Horizon Labs gets shut down by the government leading to Otto setting up Parker Industries with his new girlfriend Anna Maria, and Otto gets accused by Lamaze of plagiarising his own work when presenting his PhD! Carlie Cooper and Yuri Watanabe/Wraith are tracking down the source of Superior Spider-Man’s funding, leading them to Otto Octavius and getting closer to the truth, while the Goblin King amasses his growing underground group.

I really liked the scene where Otto’s wracking Peter’s memories and we see classic Spider-Man scenes with Otto in them instead of Peter - Ryan Stegman did a fantastic job of presenting them in a pseudo-Ditko style. Also in that scene, it’s subtle and you could easily miss it but Slott seems to be strongly hinting that somewhere in the recesses of Otto’s mind, Peter’s still alive in there! There’s also a brilliant scene with Black Cat - her first encounter with Superior Spider-Man - which plays out very differently to the classic Spidey/Black Cat encounters of the past in a really funny way.

I don’t know a lot about Angelina Brancale/Stunner, an overweight woman with no powers who uses a super-strong holographic avatar, but it was pretty cold to see the way Otto approached this situation - she was his girlfriend before he got Peter’s body after all. Though this is what I like about Superior, the storylines are unexpected and fresh, and this blend of super-villain prowess with heroics is a potent mix.

I feel that the new (to this series) characters in this book - 2099, Stunner - are pretty low-rent making for a less-than-brilliant fourth volume, though I still enjoyed it a lot as there’s a lot to like besides them. Slott’s writing and plotting is still first class, Stegman and Giuseppe Camuncoli’s art both continue to be among the best being published by Marvel, and Superior Spider-Man is still a must-read title, four volumes in. Can’t wait to see the next story arc involving Venom - Superior Venom! It’s gonna be shocking great!
Profile Image for Subham.
2,904 reviews83 followers
August 24, 2021
This was so good and starts with the coming of Spider-man 2099 in this timeline and the drama that follows as he is trying to save his grandfather Tiberius Stone but the drama with Alchemax and the end of Horizon is approaching and Spidey is stuck there and so he has to deal with that and fight this 2099 version and other personal troubles in college and the first steps towards Parker Industries and what is with gf troubles?! Plus the coming of Stunner his ex GF and finally something with Anna maybe happening!

It was a great volume and continues to expand on the trouble that Otto is finding between being himself and handling Peter duties and he does something so different with PI and its exciting and good to see him and Anna together and I am loving this silent medication and exploration of Otto and his motives and flaws and setting up great character arcs and villains and hints of something to come with Goblin! Loved this volume and the art is flawless as usual! Next up: Superior Venom!
Profile Image for RG.
3,088 reviews
May 22, 2018
Still enjoybale even if the time travel issues were a bit stupid. Still having fun
Profile Image for Mike.
1,530 reviews144 followers
August 25, 2014
Trouble at Horizon Labs you say? Oh dear! SpideyOck has a little challenge on his hands - threats to his amazing technologies, and oversight he probably never would've liked even as Parker, let alone Otto. But wait! An interlude from...Spider-Man 2099?!?

The trouble with time travel stories is, the writers think they need to explain the consequences of any misstep in "The Timeline" in excruciating detail. So we get treated to what is inevitably confusing, complex and unnecessary dialogue/VoiceOver/captions - all in the name of helping the reader (though, often times I think it's more in the service of the writer, proving to themselves they can dance the logical-conundrum tightrope).

The entertaining part of Slott's take on the future is his amazing series of malapropisms - all the rhymes-with-swears his characters keep popping off (and not in a Stallone+Bullock sanitized-future way).

This book doesn't fill me with the same giddy schoolboy glee as earlier volumes in the Superior run - Otto isn't all-powerful, he's running into the same Parker luck by trying to keep too many plates spinning in mid-air. It's a little sad really, no matter how smart he is he can't escape failures. Makes me want to cry a little, 'cause Spidey (& Ock) is my ideal and I really want him to succeed where I haven't.

Adding insult to insult, Carlie Cooper & the Wraith are pursuing SpideyOck's secrets, trying to prove he's someone else...ish. It's tense. It bugs me, but not because it's a bad story - it's good, nice added element of trouble for our hero(ish), but it still makes me uncomfortable. Is this a sign that I don't want SpideyOck to go? Can we please keep him around even after Parker eventually returns? Please that would be so awesome.

But what adds injury to injury is how much and how well Slott is taking down everything he's built up for Peter in the last few years. Yes, there's tragedy on the horizon, I can just smell it, and no matter how much I hope Peter's life won't be a shambles by the time Otto vacates, I can't help but dread a return to Peter Parker - broke, friendless, hunted, public pariah, and hated by women everywhere. I mean come on guys, will Peter ever get his life together before I die, or will I have lived my whole life with "the Parker luck" never really changing??

My favourite laughs? Every panel with JJJ. Jonah is surprisingly self-aware for a blowhard - almost like being married...humanized him.

My favourite schlub? That scientist with the time-travel box - he's just so...enthusiastic.

My favourite snack food? Kettle chips.

Stegman's art is gorgeous - vivid, great camera angles. And with Delgado's colours it just pops off the page.

Camuncoli's art is just a touch below, but also damned hot. This is quite a squad of pencilleers the house of Spider has put together.

In second thought, I don't know if Slott is foreshadowing how badly he's going to wreck Parker's life - or if he's playing expertly with our expectations like a cruel cat toying with helpless prey. It's possible he's fiddling with our emotions like an expert performer just can't let his audience away with the easy outs.
Profile Image for Malum.
2,525 reviews153 followers
December 10, 2018
3.5 stars.
Even when I'm not blown away by a particular volume of this series, it's still interesting because the status quo is always in flux. Peter/Ock's job, his doctoral thesis, his war on crime, and his internal struggle with becoming a psychopath are all fascinating to watch.
Profile Image for Lono.
169 reviews106 followers
August 30, 2014
Dan Slott has been tearing up the track with Superior Spider-Man since issue 1. Superior Spider-Man: Necessary Evil is the first pit stop this title has taken since the start. Slott, Stegman, and Camuncoli still deliver a first-rate collection with Volume 4, but it is probably my least favorite so far.


Spider-Man 2099 makes a guest appearance and has a run in with Spidey. This, of course, leads to dueling wall-crawlers. This is probably the part of the collection I was least impressed with. Personally, just not that interested in 2099 as a character. Watching Otto squirm while dealing with Pete’s day to day was still fun though.


Spider-Man’s next run in is with the Black Cat. Not the typical game of cat and mouse that these two usually play. Man, I would not want to be Peter when he gets his body back. He’ll be lucky to get off with a kick in the nuts. And the soap opera doesn’t end there. MJ tries to get back in the dating pool, one of Otto’s old flames comes looking for a little pay back from our friendly neighbor widow-maker, and Otto continues to get a taste of what it was like for the original when he has some problems at school. Green Goblin, who is calling himself the Goblin King nowadays, continues to resurface from time to time. No doubt preparing for what is going to be a hell of a showdown with Spidey sometime soon. And I gotta admit, I’m interested as to who’s wearing Goblin’s mask. Is that you under there Normie?


The art is as consistent as ever. I missed Ramos, but Stegman and Camuncoli both do impressive jobs. With Slott providing the scripts and a talented line-up of stellar illustrators producing some to the most consistently good pencils in comics, Superior Spider-Man keeps me coming back for more.
Profile Image for Molly™☺.
766 reviews55 followers
October 17, 2022
Unfortunately slipping into time travel drivel, Superior Spider-Man has taken its first real step in the opposite direction of what the title promises. This series is at its best when focusing on Otto and the inner conflict between his current life and old habits. The addition of Spidey 2099 doesn't hold any significance when it comes to what makes this run great. Good storytelling is sacrificed for Spider-Man vs Spider-Man and other cheap gimmicks that come with the time travel territory. Snoozefest.
Profile Image for Just a Girl Fighting Censorship.
1,929 reviews121 followers
July 31, 2014
This is just a really great story arc!

My only real issue comes down to a personal preference, I am not a huge fan of anything Spiderman 2099, I just don't enjoy it. Luckily, that whole time travel saga only lasts a few issues.

This volume had one of the best moments ever when Otto-Spidey runs into Black Cat. There's no time for quips or pussy footing around, he's got places to be...

It was hilarious! Aside from being a little tongue in cheek it really reminds the reader that this Spidey isn't our lovable, honest Peter Parker.

This series is really great and cements Dan Slott as my very favorite comic writer.
Profile Image for Jesse A.
1,488 reviews97 followers
June 15, 2016
I didn't love this one. Maybe my lack of knowledge about Spider-Man 2099. It just ended up feeling like the thing Marvel does about throwing characters together instead of telling an interesting story inside that world.
Profile Image for Gavin.
1,217 reviews89 followers
September 4, 2014
I have to say, this one wasn't up to the usual standards of this series. That being said, I think it was bound to happen, and I don't fault Slott. I might just have had it so good for so long that eventually I wasn't going to be in love with a volume.

So what gives here?

Spider-Man 2099 comes back in time to save something in the future (that being his father, who's actually his arch enemy in the future...ya. OK.)

I had never come across him before, but I did know of him. I thought the suit looked like the Punisher as Venom/Spidey.
(I particularly love when Doc Spidey, face to face with 2099 says "Ugh, I hope this isn't cosplay.")

2099's Grandpa is a baddie (was helping the Tinkerer and Hobgoblin) in our time, and of course, 2099 gets stuck in the past and decides to try and get close to him to change the future or something? Whatever.

Horizon Labs, of course, is where the time machine is that they use, with Doc Spidey unable to replicate one of Peter's genius solutions for the machine; much to his chagrin.
There's even some cool retro Ditko-style artwork of Otto with Peter's memories circa the old Spider-Man as he tries to rack his/Peter's brain for the answer.

This part is important, as we see 4 panels with barely any colour, no words, but just some shadows, that give us as readers an opening to think that something we thought we lost has fought back into existence...or maybe not?

Anyhoo, after all the shenanigans with Time Travel/Horizon, etc. Doc Spidey is done with Horizon, and ends up founding Parker Industries...

This book also seemingly marks the end of MJ and Peter, whilst Anna-Maria and Peter get even closer.

Doc SPidey has a much different interaction with Black Cat than usual, and while I shouldn't have laughed...well I did.

One of Otto's old flames comes back to life from a coma, and there's some stuff that happens there, but it's not very interesting to be honest.

Oh I forgot to mention, in the last volume, just after the events on the Raft (now Spider Island II LOL) Otto designed a new costume for Spidey, and it's pretty cool.

The best part of the book though, is when Otto is presenting his thesis, and the professor (who was Otto's classmate) accuses Peter(Otto) of plagiarizing Otto. This is hilarious! Otto goes apeshit, and only Anna keeps him from going off the deep end. I loved it because it is a perfectly simple, yet brilliant roadblock to throw up in front of Doc Spidey.

Meanwhile, Carlie (spelling?) has proof that Peter isn't Peter, but before she can do anything, she's captured by Menace, who's back with the Goblin King (who may or may not be the original GG). This helps Otto on one hand, but on the other, sets up some serious dilemma, as Goblin King knows everything, and has been made so very powerful by all of Otto's work.

I'd say 3.5 stars, bumped to 4 on good faith from the last 3 volumes, and for the good moments being still great enough to outshine a lacklustre rest of book.
Profile Image for Rory Wilding.
707 reviews23 followers
October 30, 2023
Peter Parker is no more, but has left his lesson of “great power comes great responsibility” for his adversary, Dr Otto Octavius, who has taken control of Peter’s youthful body. That said, the man formerly known as Doc Ock still has some of that sinister ego, even when he is donning the Spidey suit. This volume very much explores that side of the Superior Spider-Man, through two story arcs.

The first arc brings back a Spider-fan favourite that is Miguel O’Hara AKA Spider-Man 2099. Due to anomalies in the 2099 timeline, the evil corporation Alchemax sends O’Hara back in time to present New York to prevent the cause, only to be confronted by Superior Spidey himself. Although there is a passing mention of a big Marvel event that explains the time anomalies, Miguel O’Hara is close to being the protagonist and because I didn’t know much about his backstory, including his villainous father, it was hard to engage with this futuristic web-slinger, who does return to his own solo series.

It is when the two Spider-Men clash against each other when the fun kicks in, especially when you’re not really rooting for Otto who is ultimately making the wrong decisions that causes everyone around to distance him, still believing to be Peter. With so much going with time travelling conducted by two parties and a Spider-themed slugfest at the centre, it is credited to Ryan Stegman with crafting impressive spectacle throughout the jam-packed narrative. Artistically, the best sequence shows Otto trying to prevent a time explosion by going through Peter’s memories, which allows Stegman to replicate the quirky artwork by the late great Steve Ditko.

Following the downfall of Horizon Labs, of which Otto is no longer among the staff, the next arc is looser, but built on great character beats, such as a brief interaction between Spidey and Black Cat, which ends in a slightly bloody but funny outcome. Despite the return of Otto’s former girlfriend who restarts her VR power suit and becomes the muscular Stunner again to exact vengeance on Spidey, the true antagonist for Otto at least, is Professor Lamaze who accuses Peter of (ironically) plagiarising Octavius’ work.

Once again, with this fresh spin on the Spider-Man mythos, Dan Slott provides a sense of humour that is both light and dark, which gives nuance to some of the iconic cast, including Mary Jane Watson, who is always the typical attractive confidante she is often depicted as. Feeling both big and small in terms of scale, as well as juggling many characters, Guiseppe Camuncoli has a similar challenge to Stegman’s, although the former has a more polished artistry.

This is so far the weakest volume so far in this controversial but still very enjoyable take on Spider-Man, with its connections with the larger Marvel universe and presents the likes of Miguel O’Hara, which can somewhat sideline the Superior Spider-Man.
Profile Image for Peter Derk.
Author 30 books374 followers
July 8, 2014
Has anyone time traveled in a fictional story, EVER, and then returned to say, "That was, all in all, a good idea"?


Time travel, we're lead to believe, never works out. Shit's disappearing, we decide to make evil robots that are not only killing us but designed to look like demon skeletons for good measure. The best outcome is that you come home horribly scarred because, sure, you did manage to avoid having sex with your own mom, but will you ever look at her the same after encountering her as a lustful teenager who is constantly trying to get your pants off? That's just not something you bounce back from.

Hm. I'd never thought of it before, but 'Back To The Future' would have had a very different tone if Marty McFly were Martina McFly and her dad was trying to get all over her in the past. Just saying.

And by the way, Back to the Future IV, Marty goes back in time, is a decent father to Biff Tannen, changing the bully's life around and turning him into a decent human being who becomes an insurance adjuster and a regular MVP in rec league softball.

Am I the only person who, when offered the chance to time travel, will grab the nearest piece of furniture and use it to smash whatever weird time car or time door or whatever, whatever ridiculous way it's structured, am I the only one who would smash the goddamn thing to bits without ever stepping through? Seriously. At this point, I would think that EVERY comic book super hero would, upon seeing a time machine or even anything that looks kind of like it might be a time machine, smash it to absolute dust.

Take my advice. As someone who has read a lot of comics and is not overly attracted to either of his parents. If you see a time machine, run at it, scream NOOOOOOOOO, and smash the shit out of it. Yes, some science nerd will be pissed. But what's he gonna do? Tell the police you wrecked his TIME MACHINE!? I think not.
Profile Image for Zack! Empire.
542 reviews18 followers
August 6, 2014
The Otto as Spider-Man story continues and this time it's got the Spider-Man of 2099 along for the ride! Marvel has really been laying on the time travel/alternate reality stories lately, and it may have finally caught up with them. Or, at least, Spider-Man. The future is starting to break down and if Spider-Man 2099 doesn't do something about it, he will be erased from existence! Of course the only way to stop this is to travel back to the present, but things don't go to smoothly between him and Otto and it's time to fight, fight, fight! Later, Otto has his hands full dealing with his ex-girlfriend, Stunner, who wants to kill Spider-man because she thinks he is responsible for the death of the man she loves: Otto Octavius! (What, irony in a Spider-Man comic? Who would believe it!)
This series continues to impress me. I'm really enjoying it. I had not read Spider-Man for a long time because I just didn't like what was happening with the character, but this series has got me back into it big time. The writing and the art are all top notch. And I like how there is multiple subplots going on, but they don't get forgotten or stale out. We keep seeing the workings of the Green Goblin, we keep getting reminded of Charlie following the money trail. It's great to see a book with a lot going on being handled so well.
I would say this book is definitely a must read for both Spidey fans, and Marvel fans.
Profile Image for Blindzider.
962 reviews23 followers
June 25, 2015
This volume continues as expected: Otto's ego gets in his way, destroying different parts of Peter's life (although improving others). You can really see how Otto's personality is taking over but still blending with Peter's responsibility. I have to give Slott credit though: the devolving of Peter's personality and being taken over by Otto's seems very natural. Mixing these two personas has resulted in a very unique yet still believable character. It's also done much better than say Norman Osborn when he was in charge of SHIELD/HAMMER despite really being the Green Goblin.

Once again, I did have some issues with not being familiar with all of the recent support characters and where they've been. Some of it's been explained, some of it you just have to go with it.

While everything is really well done, I still am not "siding" with Otto and since I'm not, I'm getting impatient for his run to end.

On to V5...

Profile Image for Artemy.
1,045 reviews958 followers
December 24, 2015
Ugh. Dropped mid-issue. I just can't bear reading this series. Why do you people love it so much?! It's not fun, funny or clever. Otto as Peter is a dull, boring and infuriating character who constantly does the same thing: tries to kill somebody. And there is no signature Spider-Man humour involved in this title at all! It's all just bland fights with questionably bad guys and Otto's stupid stupid boring internal monologue about how superior he is and how Peter Parker was dumb. I am done with this series, I can't stand reading any more of this crap.
Profile Image for Jaye Berry.
1,732 reviews129 followers
January 19, 2024
Throwing my newest fave Spider-man 2099 in with Superior Spider-man?? Hell yeah, they ate this.

In this volume we are dealing with Spider-man 2099 travelling back in time to stop his grandfather from being erased from history. Meanwhile Otto meets the Black Cat, has drama at college, and then even more drama with a woman coming out of a coma and wanting to fight him.

Absolutely loved Miguel coming in and doing stuff like he had such a big focus that it felt like I was reading his comic run at that point. While I hate time travel and how he always deals with time travel, it was okay. (Mostly because these are all events I had already heard about in his comic run later on, wooo for reading everything out of order!)

I don't get why they wanted to make a big deal of ~The Black Cat~ returns when... all that happens is a quick five second fight where he shows up, punches her in the face, and then further beats her ass into a web wall like uhh okay then. Then she never comes back as we move into dealing with someone else so I'm like?? The hologram woman didn't make any sense to me either maybe because she just came out of nowhere and I didn't get how she can punch things if she is just using a hologram??

I love seeing how the Superior Spider-man deals with situations so differently and seeing him get so mad when that professor accuses him of stealing Doc Ock's work was so funny to me like congrats, you played yourself.
Profile Image for Tesutamento.
704 reviews1 follower
February 12, 2023
Çok zayıf bir hikayeydi. Infinity ile başlayan süreçte evren patlamaları ve zaman kaymalarıyla birlikte bir şekilde Spider-Man 2099 günümüze geliyor ve terminatörcülük oynuyor. Dedesi Tiberius Stone'un peşinde Superior Spider-Man var ve niyeti pek iyi değil.

Sayı öyle bir başlıyor ki sanki yüzyılın kapışması olacak Spider-Man'ler arasında. "Siz istediniz biz yaptık!" tarzı söylemlere hiçbir zaman aldırmadım ve yine haklı çıktım. Miguel ile Otto arasındaki dövüş beş panelden fazla değildir hem de birden fazla kez karşılaşmalarına rağmen. Bir kazanan da çıkmıyor tabii ki. Malum dengeleri gözetme durumu. Otto da bir şekilde Stone'un peşini bırakıyor. Yani her şey boşuna yaşandı. Ha, Horizon Labs binası yok oldu kayda değer tek şey olarak. Artık Peter Parker'ın o ekiple tüm ilişiği kesildi. Artık ufukta Parker Industries var.

Superior Spider-Man nihayet Black Cat ile karşılaştı fakat Peter'daki hoşgörü Otto'da olmadığı için sonuç Black Cat'ın bir dişine mal oldu. Bunun ileride yansımaları olacaktır elbet!
Profile Image for Trevor.
592 reviews14 followers
June 14, 2023
I've never been much of a fan of villain protagonists, and so this series really took a hit in my enjoyment of it when Peter's "ghost" (for lack of a better word) stopped being in it. I do however quite like the Otto Octavius/Anna Maria Marconi romance.
Profile Image for Joe Young.
410 reviews8 followers
April 3, 2014
Dan Slott - writer
Ryan Stegman & Giuseppe Camuncoli - artists

At this point I'm just kind of hate-reading the Superior Spider-Man, waiting for the inevitable moment when Peter Parker returns and Dr. Octopus gets his comeuppance.

In this volume Spider-Man 2099 is sent back in time to stop some kind of paradoxical time-crisis during the Heroic Age (the present). He gets tangled up with Superior Spidey, and although he prevents the time-crisis from destroying the hunky-dory future of 2099, Spider-Man 2099 is trapped in the present day working for the ancestor of his future enemy.

Meanwhile, Superior Spider-Man keeps acting like a Superior Asshole by burning (metaphorical) bridges, getting fired from Horizon labs, treating his family poorly, blackmailing his professors, and generally acting like a super-villain.

The whole brain-swapping premise is weak to begin with, and the more this story gets dragged out the weaker it becomes. Slott is a good writer, but I have to question just what point he is trying to make with this book.

Profile Image for Des Fox.
1,004 reviews18 followers
July 25, 2015
Any time I start rolling my eyes at Superior Spider-Man, Slott pulls a victory out from under me, and I leave stupefied at his ability to pull off such a feat. Superior gets a little comfortable here, but it's clear that there's no lack of stories to tell, as Spidey 2099 shows up for a great, time-traveling crossover. The whole thing is very fun, and endlessly clever. The art is consistent and ever tonal, and things are just really going great for this book. The wow factor may have finally worn off on me, but I'm still really enjoying this little game of catch-up I'm playing with the superior wall-crawler.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 144 reviews

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