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The Superior Spider-Man (2013) #1 + Dying Wish

The Superior Spider-Man, Volume 1

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It's the story that turned Spider-Man's world upsidedown, as a dying Doctor Octopus hatches his master plan for vengeance against Spider-Man: he will become him! As Peter Parker suddenly awakens to find himself trapped in the failing body of his greatest foe, Otto Octavius rejoices in the power and youth of his new spidery form. Can Peter switch their minds back before his time runs out? Yes...and no! As Peter's story comes to a dramatic close, Otto vows to become better than his old foe in every possible way. Smarter, stronger...he will be the Superior Spider-Man! But even with his newfound sense of heroism and responsibility, can Otto survive his heroic baptism of fire against the new Sinister Six? A new era of web-slinging excitement starts NOW! COLLECTING: Amazing Spider -Man 698-700, Superior Spider -Man 1-5

186 pages, Hardcover

Published September 17, 2013

About the author

Dan Slott

1,923 books440 followers
Dan Slott is an American comic book writer, the current writer on Marvel Comics' The Amazing Spider-Man, and is best known for his work on books such as Arkham Asylum: Living Hell, She-Hulk, Silver Surfer, The Superior Spider-Man, and Ren & Stimpy.

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Profile Image for A.J..
603 reviews65 followers
March 11, 2022
“I see everything in this city! Everything! That is my power! And my responsibility—To watch over and judge you all!”

Superior Spider-Man was the mainline Spidey title when I first got into Marvel comics, and I remember loving it, even though I jumped in midway through. I never got around to reading the entire thing, but I found myself in the possession of three hardcovers covering the entire run, and just had to finally uncover the entire story and start from the beginning. I am so glad I did. This book fucking rocks.

Dan Slott teams up with a plethora of artists including Richard Elson, Ryan Stegman, Giuseppe Camuncoli, and Humberto Ramos, for what is the start to by far the best Spidey-Man run I have ever read. Included with this hardcover is the prelude storyline “Dying Wish”, which took place in Amazing Spider-Man #698-700, followed by the first five issues of the relaunched book, Superior Spider-Man. I’m glad this included Dying Wish because I know some trades don’t include it for some odd reason, as it’s pretty necessary to Superior. There are also two bonus stories from J.M. DeMatteis & Jen Van Meter, but they have nothing to do with Superior and are fine to skip.

The story itself sees a dying Otto Octavius transfer his consciousness into Peter Parker’s body, planning to use it for his own nefarious purposes while letting Peter’s consciousness die in his own rotting body. While Peter does end up dying in Ock’s body, as he does, his life flashes before both his and Spock’s (Spidey Doc Ock’s) eyes, making Spock realize why Peter did what he did as a hero. After Peter has passed, leaving Octavius with the same words Uncle Ben left him, Otto vows to use his unparalleled intellect and boundless ambition to be a better Spider-Man than Peter ever was, he plans to be... a Superior Spider-Man.

“Dying Wish” is a fantastic prelude to this story, with the first chapter being so great, I actually reread it before continuing on with the rest of the book. It’s such a solid start, even if you know the gist of the series like most people do. I completely get why it was controversial, but it really is one of my favorite Amazing Spider-Man arcs. Superior itself is even better, with Otto actually proving to be a more effective Spider-Man than Peter ever was, using both preplanned traps and tactics Peter had never thought of before. But while Ock begins proving to himself that he really is a better Peter Parker, and even though he does take on Peter’s more heroic & selfless traits, Ock still keeps his more destructive ones, mainly his arrogance, which is in full force here. There are also many moments sprinkled throughout this story that one would expect from a body swap book like this, including Spock trying to use Peter’s body to get with MJ, or how Spock would react to seeing one of his former Sinister Six colleagues from the side of a hero. I loved pretty much everything here, with Slott handling that dynamic perfectly so far.

The art is also pretty consistent which is amazing considering how many different artists there are here. They all keep a mostly similar style, and while you will be able to tell the difference between the artists, it’s not jarring while you’re reading. I liked Ryan Stegman’s art the most and wish he stayed around on this series full time. His action scenes are some of my favorite I’ve seen for Spidey.

I’m stoked I decided to reread this though, as this awesome series in an amazing hardcover format is the perfect way to experience one of the best Spidey stories you can ask for. You also don’t need to read all of Slott’s run to get it, as this was my jumping-on point, so probably could be for those having trouble finding a Spider-Man run that works for them. I know I was and still haven’t been able to get into the main Spidey book since this title wrapped. Can’t wait to get into these other two volumes, and I’ll probably even read the tie-in books and crossovers Superior appears in.
Profile Image for Michael.
1,563 reviews182 followers
January 27, 2019
"Zwei Seelen wohnen, ach! in meiner Brust,
die eine will sich von der andern trennen (…)"

Spideys Erzfeind Doc Ock liegt im Sterben, doch bevor es ganz mit ihm aus ist, gelingt ihm das Unglaubliche: Er tauscht den Körper mit Peter Parker.
Im neuen "Superior Spider-Man" verbinden sich Otto Octavius´ Genie und Skrupellosigkeit mit dem Erbe des als Geist zurückgebliebenen Peter Parker, dessen oberster Leitsatz "with great power comes great responsibility" hier eigentlich nicht wiederholt werden muss, der aber Otto absolut wesensfremd ist.
Und doch: Im neuen Spider-Man verbinden sich nun Ottos Entschlossenheit, Zielstrebigkeit und Skrupellosigkeit mit Peters Verantwortungsgefühl und seinem Vertrauen auf das Gute im Menschen, das selbst im übelsten Superschurken vorhanden ist (aus diesem Grund würde der alte Spidey auch niemals einen Super-Villain töten).
Aber wieviel Einfluss wird Peters Geist überhaupt darauf nehmen können, was Doc Ock im Körper und im Namen Peter Parkers und Spider-Mans aus dessen Leben machen wird? Auch Otto muss es sich immer wieder vor Augen führen: Sein Körper ist tot, er ist jetzt Peter Parker.

Ist der neue Spider-Man wirklich "superior"? Es scheint fast so, wenn man die Effizienz in Betracht zieht, mit der er Schurken zur Strecke bringt, sich um seine Beziehungen zu MJ und Tante May kümmert und endlich den fehlenden Doktorgrad nachholt. Aber zugleich bleibt das Unbehagen, das hinter jeder scheinbar altruistischen Handlung doch der kalt berechnende Doc Ock steckt.

So sehr mich die Idee, Otto Octavius könne Spider-Man sein, abschreckte, als ich vor einigen Jahren erstmals in diesen Run reingelesen habe, finde ich das Konzept inzwischen doch spannend und überzeugend gestaltet. Und in der Oversized Hardcover-Ausgabe kommt auch die Artwork richtig schön zur Geltung.
Profile Image for Dave Schaafsma.
Author 6 books31.8k followers
February 21, 2016
I read it because a lot of Goodreads friends had initially been raving about it. I'm not a Spidey fan, but this one is interesting. I liked it! It's a hardcover collecting Amazing Spiderman #698-700, which you need as background, and Superior Spiderman #1-5. The deal is, a dying Doctor Octopus decides to BECOME Spiderman, but Ock vows to become even better. . . he will BE the Superior Spider-Man!

By some complicated plot twist, they inhabit each other's bodies, and Dr Ock likes the opportunity to be a younger, more vibrant do-gooder. How long can that last? We'll see. What will the villain be able to do as a hero against the Sinister Six? How will he and his friends adjust? Will they catch on that this is not really the Peter Parker they once knew? And if not, why not?

Kinda inventive, kinda dumb, kinda interesting. Various fine artists including Ryan Stegman and Hubert Ramos do the honors in these first issues. I think it's hard after all these years of Spiderman making to come up with something original but this one is, and it seemed to take the Spiderverse by storm. Okay, I liked it fine!
Profile Image for Димитър Цолов.
Author 31 books347 followers
December 19, 2023
Определено противоречив сценарий, който ми влезе под кожата по един странно перверзен начин. Може би изпъкна на фона на преобладаващите тюрлюгювечи, а може би Дан Слот наистина е подходил шантаво, но, факт, изненада ме. Историята е от тия, дето ми допадат - сравнително праволинейна, макар да присъстват неизбежните странични сюжетни разклонения, обаче друго е учудващото, поне за мен - лее се, особено към края, доволно количество кръв и има графично насилие, каквото обичайно съм свикнал да виждам в албумите на основните конкуренти на Marvel – DC. Та-а чакаме по-нататъшния развой на събитията. 4,5/5
Profile Image for Martin Doychinov.
525 reviews33 followers
December 28, 2023
Силно изненадан и прекалено доволен от този том!
Спиндерман изпада в доста тегава ситуация, а така и не стана ясно, как "духът" му витае около Ото Октавиус.
Иначе, както казах, приятно изненадан от историяа, а е и наистина изненадващо графичното насилие, което май е нетипично за комиксите със Спиндерман.
Profile Image for Lono.
169 reviews106 followers
July 18, 2016
So let me start by saying I’m not a Spidey fan. Sure, I’ve read a bunch of his books in the past because I liked an artist or author, but never was so stoked by a title that I couldn’t wait to get my hands on the next collection. The Superior Spider-Man has changed that. This is not only my favorite Spidey book EVER, it has earned a spot on my list of all-time favorites. Now that that’s out of the way, the hardback collection I read also included Amazing Spider-Man #698 – 700 along with Superior #1 – 5, but I couldn’t find it in Goodreads so I put my review here. Here's the dust jacket cover image from the hardcover collection. Sweet.


Dan who? Never heard of him. Not really true, as I have read a smattering of his stuff in the past. But nothing that touches this. Had every one of my Goodreads pals not raved about this title I almost certainly wouldn’t have even picked it up. Mr. Slott took a character and storyline I had no interest in and owned that shit. Watching Ock interact with everyone in Peter’s life as Peter or Spidey was fantastic. I previously thought it would be impossible for Slott to convince me that a life-long villain wanted to be a hero. He did it in an entertaining and plausible way. Ock doesn’t just want to be a hero, he wants to be a “superior” hero. Some of the stuff he comes up with (new spider-suit, spider-bots, and spider-apps) is just great. And Otto also does what any portly middle-aged nerd would do if given the young muscular body of a professional soccer player. Right. He's gonna smash MJ. Can’t blame him. And “spirit” Peter gets to watch the whole thing.


And then there’s the art. For years I have been jealous of the long list of great artists that worked on a title I really had no interest in. Well not anymore. The art throughout this collection was top notch. Especially the stuff by Humberto Ramos, Ryan Stegman, and Giuseppe Camuncoli. All three brought the kind of dynamic and kinetic work this title needed to make it a classic. Glad to see all of them continue to contribute to future volumes and this insures that I’ll be back for more.

UPDATE 8/25/14 - This is the actual edition of the book I reviewed (not Superior Spider-Man Vol 1 softcover)and could not locate on Goodreads at the time of the initial review.
Profile Image for Melissa.
91 reviews
February 28, 2021
Z tego co ja wiem to podobno niby wskrzeszają Petera, ale kto kurwa wpadł na pomysł, żeby on umarł i zastąpił go Doctor Octopus 😭
Profile Image for James De León.
283 reviews8 followers
February 24, 2020
I know some people like to hate on Dan Slott sometimes due to his writing, but it’s hard to do it for this title. The premise is (comic book) simple: Dr. Ock is in a prison of maximum security and is dying. Peter’s life is (for once) going pretty well - he’s thinking about getting back with MJ and is even a part-time Avenger. But we’re talking about Peter Parker here, so…things are obviously about to change because Dr. Ock is going to switch bodies with Peter! It was a silly idea that got Slott in deep trouble with many fans, but he ultimate won them over by executing brilliantly.

- Volume 1
- The first volume is pretty enjoyable and offers the setup. Dr. Ock succeeds in fighting Peter for control of Peter’s body. Dr. Ock then becomes determined to be a better Spider-Man than Peter ever was. He sees Peter as an underachiever and sets off to become a Superior Spider-Man. For example, in his personal life, he goes back to grad school to earn Peter his doctorate. As Spider-Man, he sets off little robots around the city to help him fight crime more efficiently. This being a different Spider-Man, villains soon learn that Spidey is not messing around and will not think twice to break their jaw.

In terms of the art, I think it was okay. It serves the story well and moves it forward. The artists (e.g., Ramos) often drew the character with an obloid-skinny-like shape that just doesn’t sit right with me. It looks too cartoony - I know, I know. It’s a comic book, but it still could have been better. It’s just too pointy. Too thick and too skinny all at once. The story is what really shines.

One thing that bothered me throughout the series was how the Avengers reacted to Spidey’s newfound ways of handling crime. It’s a bit hypocritical that Cap, Black Widow, Wolverine, Thor, and Spider-Woman would act so sanctimonious about the way he was handling villains. Yes, you can tell the guy ‘hey you’re acting weird, cmon’ but really? Going as far as fight him? - I get it, it adds some good ole superhero tension, but you’ve all done worse.

7/10 for the art and 9/10 for the story
Profile Image for Emily Schirmer.
115 reviews6 followers
September 22, 2014
Well, I am definitely going to keep reading these!

I don’t know why it has taken me so long to start reading these. I will admit without any shame that I have never before read a Spider-Man comic. Nope; like many people, I became a fan of the many Marvel superheroes through the awesome films that have been made in recent years. I’d watch the movies, then immediately want to watch them again. I’d go to bed and dream about being part of a world where my favorite superheroes actually did exist. I loved the stories so much that I needed more. Hence: “The Superior Spider-Man, Vol. 1.”

Beginning with the more recent “Marvel Now” comics was a smart idea. As much as I love Spider-Man, I don’t think I’d need to go back to 1962 and start the story from the very beginning. The awesome movies have helped me get enough background that I understand Peter Parker’s basic story. And although there were characters in this first volume who I did not recognize, it by no means took away from the story itself. And I’m certain that as I continue with the series, I’ll forget there ever was a time when those characters were unfamiliar to me. Besides, if I can’t wait to build that familiarity, I’m sure there is someone out there even nerdier than me who can fill me in on all the missing details. : )

All in all, I was very happy with this first volume. I’m a rookie when it comes to reading graphic novels – but that made the experience even more thrilling. I couldn’t believe all the cliffhangers! And the artwork? Amazing. Not to mention the fact that I was all-too-happy to be closer to Spider-Man himself. I loved that, for more than a few pages, I was able to enter back into that world that I loved: a world with Peter Parker’s dry sense of humor; a world with constant excitement and endless new developments; a world with our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

So how would I describe my overall experience reading “The Superior Spider-Man, Vol. 1”??? To put it in terms we all can understand: It was crazy-town banana-pants.
2,843 reviews
March 3, 2014
This is a strange book because it goes back and includes "Dying Wish." So you get to relive THAT. Even the weird filler. OK.

I think the authors made a mistake in introducing "Ghost Peter" too soon. There's a kayfabe that they're playing with here . . . . There's no way that Peter Parker isn't ultimately restored. The return to status quo is even more of a necessity given the incredible line of spinoffs, movies, &c., than it used to be. So you wonder how they are prepared to get that done.

The other weird thing is . . . . Kaine as Scarlet Spider . . . this is just a story that keeps happening over and over again. Spider-Man, All Power, No Responsibility. There's a logic created by the universe of Spider-Man stories. In most Spider-Man stories, Spider-Man is outgunned and still manages to win. So the corollary is that he has some sort of magic protagonist powers that make him the most powerful being in the universe. So the only possible way to up the stakes is to put him against his own moral core. At least that's what I'm thinking now . . . .

I wonder if there's a list of "dudes with spider powers without moral responsibility."

There's blacksuit Spider-Man, the original Spider Woman, Venom, Kaine as Scarlet Spider, Flash Thompson Venom, Toxin, New Warrior Scarlet Spider . . . . Are there more?

Massacre and Spider-Man feel like two sides of the same coin at this point, something I think the authors could have played up. The cola stuff winds up being a very weird sideline. I wonder what was intended.
Profile Image for Brandt.
693 reviews17 followers
September 19, 2015
When you have been writing Spider-Man stories for over fifty years, it's hard to come up with new ideas. You can kill of Peter Parker and have someone else be Spider-Man, a la Ultimate Spider-Man or you can put Spider-Man in a different time like in Spider-Man:2099. You can even come up with a convoluted storyline where there is a Peter Parker clone and HE becomes Spider-Man...

...but I digress.

Usually when someone brings up the idea of replacing Peter Parker, people get pissed off. They love Peter Parker! Because Peter was one of us...an awkward kid who somehow managed to become a hero. Dan Slott, being stuck with 50 years of Spider-Man to not duplicate came up with a new idea--not to get rid of Peter Parker, but for Doctor Octopus to assume his identity.

At first the concept seems cheesy, but Slott explains it well and manages to make Octavius a hero in the process. Peter is still there, but he is buried so deeply in Octavius' subconscious that he acts more like the proverbial angel or demon resting on Octavius' shoulder. And even though taking over Peter's body saves Octavius from death, he is galled by the fact that all of his accomplishments will now be claimed by Peter Parker.

I know that this scenario didn't last long (the series ran 33 issues, with two released after the fact) but still, that's almost three years of comics before restoring the status quo. So I'm looking forward to seeing where Slott takes this.
Profile Image for Teàrlach.
141 reviews17 followers
December 29, 2018
Every issue in this volume seems to have a good twist to it. Otto Octavius, as Peter Parker/Spider-Man, seems to be learning more and more about being one of the good guys while also sliding inexorably back into being not-so-good. I assume Peter will get his body back at some point, but I wonder what'll be left of his life and reputation (as Peter and Spidey) once Doc Ock is done with his Peter Parker Revamp.
Profile Image for MatiBracchitta.
558 reviews
May 28, 2023
Entiendo por qué The Superior Spider-Man es una saga/arco tan reverenciada, sin embargo tengo que admitir que si bien me dio ganas de seguir leyendo, también me hizo demasiado ruido. No solo por lo conveniente y poco realista de su planteo (sí, ya sé que estamos hablando de un tipo que se viste de araña, se trepa a las paredes y pelea contra supervillanos con temática de animales), sino porque siento que Dan Slott se quedó a medio camino con su idea.

O sea, si querés matar a Peter Parker, si de verdad querés cambiarlo por Otto... pues solamente mátalo. Que quede bien enterrado para siempre y que se convierta en el tío Ben de Otto, pero no lo hagas a medias tintas. No dejes a Peter como una conciencia o insinúes constantemente su regreso; mata a Parker para siempre, just do it.

Por otro lado, nunca había leído este arco y siempre veía por Facebook fragmentos o posteos donde hablaban de lo bueno que había sido Otto, de como no se había aprovechado de Mary Jane, que había sido un caballero y bla bla bla... acá literalmente se pajea con los recuerdos de Peter y MJ... Gran parte del primer arco es Otto intentando acostarse con ella...

Ese fragmento realmente me resultó muy desagradable de leer... Puede que encaje con el personaje, puede que el cambio en su actitud para con MJ sea uno de los indicadores de la influencia de Peter o de la redención del personaje, pero aún así me chocó mucho y sobre todo la poca reacción de Peter... O sea, básicamente Otto va a tener relaciones/abusar del amor de su vida... y él si bien está en contra, siempre lo hace desde un lado jocoso, sin escandalizarse verdaderamente...

En fin... me doy cuenta que en mis reviews suelo hacer más énfasis en las cosas que no me gustaron que en las que sí, y luego quizás queda un poco contradictorio que si todo es bronca y dolor la puntuación sea de cuatro estrellas, así que lo que sí me gustó mucho es la idea de Dan Slott de renovar al personaje. Es decir, ¿Cuantas más cosas le podían pasar a Peter Parker? El personaje había logrado construir todo lo que sus fans siempre quisimos de él. Es exitoso, popular, trabaja en lo que le gusta, la tía May es feliz y en general todo en su vida está ordenado.

Creo que desde la época de Straczynski el personaje fue madurando y poco a poco consiguiendo alcanzar sus metas. En ese sentido la idea de cambiar al usuario de Spider-Man nos abre un nuevo y fresco abanico de posibilidades. Eso sin mencionar lo que dice Dan Slott que en líneas generales Peter y Otto no son tan diferentes, la máxima ecuación que los diferencia es la brújula moral del tío Ben, pero fuera de eso hay muchas similitudes en los personajes.

El apartado gráfico de la historia también me parece sublime. No sé mucho de composición, color y diseño así que nunca profundizo al respecto, pero me declaro fanático cuando la gráfica no solo acompaña al guion otorgándole ritmo y cuerpo, sino que además logra aportar narrativamente para la construcción del personaje y la progresión de la historia. Ya sé que todo cómic debería tener este tipo de narrativa, pero lamentablemente no siempre sucede así que me parece loable resaltar cuando ocurre.

En este punto la review me quedó larguísima, así que para no extenderme más simplemente decir que me gustó y me dieron ganas de leer más de la serie regular. Tengo muchísimo material de lectura pendiente, pero esta es de las pocas series regulares de Marvel que seguramente retome apenas tenga la posibilidad.
Profile Image for Justin Hardin.
93 reviews
November 5, 2023
It's been a while since I have personally read a good Spider-Man. I know that's not for everybody. But I have to say I'm very late to the party in reading this. I know a lot about it but I've never actually gone through it myself. Finally completing the whole series. I'll have to say this is a really creative fresh take.
Profile Image for Rodney.
104 reviews
May 6, 2023
I can be quick here: the writing and art are great! How fun it is to delve into Spider-Man's modus operandi by contrasting Peter Parker with Dr. Otto Octavius.

This is such a fun comic with some beautiful panels and interesting plot beats.
Profile Image for Joakim Ax.
146 reviews39 followers
February 15, 2021
This is Spider-mans version of Batman knightfall, except that this is far, far better, or better yet, superior!
Profile Image for Shawn Ingle.
876 reviews8 followers
March 27, 2023
4.5 stars. Awesome. Love the concept and it's well executed. Great artwork, especially the action sequences.
Profile Image for elena.
80 reviews6 followers
March 24, 2024
had me constantly gasping and rushing to read the next page. absolutely spectacular
Profile Image for Scott Allen.
131 reviews
April 13, 2014
Spider-Man is my favorite comic book, but it's probably been a few years since I've actually kept up with any comics. So, I missed all of this as the issues were coming out, but with the way comics were headed at the time I can estimate that I probably would have been against this.

I think the idea for this series is an interesting one, but ultimately it fails to provide a Spider-Man feel. I get making super heroes more gritty and believe that those developments in the history of comics were good ones, but Spider-Man is different. And so, while I felt like this was an interesting concept to read, I do not feel like this did anything for the character of Spider-Man. I mean he killed his first person out of vengeance and anger and hate. Now the character will have to live with this forever and I don't think that it really developed the character in any meaningful ways.

Just my two cents.

The artwork was great though.
Profile Image for Tom Malinowski.
655 reviews11 followers
February 14, 2016
For years I've collected Spider-Man on and off. It just depended whether I had the money, mood, or a particular artist/writer was working on it. This edition collects Amazing Spider-Man 698-700 and Superior Spider-Man 1-5.

Doctor Octopus is on his deathbed. He somehow has the technology to swap bodies with Peter. So now Peter is dying in Doc Ock's body, and Otto is using Peter's body to not only save the day, but be a superior Spidey. When each has access to the other's memories, who will be triumphant? Some of the best storytelling out there. With Spider-Man being so iconic, where else can you take the webslinger?

Great blend of action, fun, intrigue, and shockers all around.
105 reviews
May 20, 2020
Conceptually, this is a really interesting idea.

But it got old very quickly as the art deteriorated and the stories all became some combination of "will he won't he kill that mass-murdering supervillain" and "MJ is rightfully angry with fake-Peter but will be again ignored," and it seemed every issue ended with the Green Goblin proclaiming "I am the Goblin King!" and cackling in the sewers.

The best part of this was the return of Spider-Man's greatest nemesis, the dreaded Big Wheel. You see, Big Wheel is a person stuck inside of a massive wheel. It doesn't get better than that, folks. I mean it. It doesn't.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Rob Haug.
510 reviews8 followers
August 18, 2020
I haven’t been a comic reader for some time (though I won’t pretend not to enjoy them). Through some serendipitous crossover in my life, I found this story line. And I’m glad I did.
Once again I am reminded that comic writers and artists are very talented people. Bringing a comic to life is no small feat. This could have been a really dumb story (Dock Ock and Spider-Man switching places), but it is not. It explores all the things you’d hope it would explore. Glad Spider-Man still has legs.
Well worth it. I think I’ll return to the comic world a bit more frequently (after I wrap up this story arc).
Profile Image for Todd.
984 reviews13 followers
February 19, 2014
This story is only kind of interesting. The main problem is that Otto isn't Peter. Peter is a god damn Avenger and not one of them seems to notice that Spider-Man is no longer Peter. Really? They do a good job of keeping the interactions between Peter and the other Avengers low in this volume so you don't have to think about it too much. But that's the problem. If a story falls apart after a little thought then you didn't really try very hard.

That said. The story moves along and it is nice to see that Peter really is his biggest enemy. Otto gets the day and Peter is a bum.
Profile Image for Phillip Berrie.
Author 9 books44 followers
November 20, 2017
I really liked this book (Read 4.5 stars).

The exploration of the character of Peter Parker as a ruthless genius with the powers of Spider-Man is fascinating to me and I look forward to seeing how this storyline plays out.

My only issue with the story so far is the lack of any mention of Spider-Man's obligation to the Avengers. They are mentioned, but as the saying goes: 'With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility', and I really don't see a lot of that happening here.
Profile Image for Sean.
3,515 reviews27 followers
February 5, 2018
Dan Slott pulls off something amazing here. The "body swapping" between heroes and villains has been done before but what he accomplishes here in Superior Spider-Man is a beautiful new twist. Seeing Ock's take on being Spidey is such a treat to witness. The clever and funny dialogue that Slott excels at is still present but the story is unbelievable. So smart and emotional, yet hilarious. Groundbreaking. The art by Ramos, Stegman, and Camuncoli is spectacular. Overall, simply fantastic.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 58 reviews

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