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Star Trek: Defiant #1-4

Star Trek: Defiant, Vol. 1

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Spinning directly out of the Star Trek ongoing comic series, Defiant adds to this bold new storytelling future!

Someone is killing the gods. But Benjamin Sisko’s Prophets-guided dealings of the higher cosmos has led him to forget about the very real casualties on lower ground. But who is this new enemy? Worf of House Martok has put together his own crew aboard the U.S.S. Defiant in hopes of defeating the dangerous messiah behind this genocidal cult.

The Dirty Dozen meets Star Trek in this new series from the creative minds of Chris Cantwell (Iron Man, Namor, Star Wars: Obi-Wan) and Angel Unzueta (Iron Man, Star Wars: Poe Dameron, the Flash)!

An exciting stand-alone story, Star Trek: Defiant can also be read along with the events of Star Trek, Vol. 1: Godshock for the complete experience!

128 pages, Hardcover

Published November 14, 2023

About the author

Christopher Cantwell

381 books70 followers

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Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 reviews
Profile Image for Dominic Sedillo.
296 reviews1 follower
July 9, 2024
I can’t wait to re-read this and continue the next arc in the series. I highly recommend!

This is like a dream team of Trek characters in a “Dirty Dozen”-style mission. Worf, Spock, Lore, Ro Laren, and B’elana Torres trying to stop a god-killing clone of Kahless!!!!

Realistically illustrated with big spy action. I love it!
Profile Image for Anne.
1,035 reviews13 followers
February 10, 2024
I got reeled into this when the author was a guest on the official Star Trek podcast (hosted by the awesome Tawny Newsome and what's his name). He sold it, big time! Of course, since I wanted to understand what I was reading here, first I had to read that other Star Trek comic which wasn't a huge problem (LOL, my reading stats always appreciate easy reads/compiled volumes).

I'm not incredibly into team-ups - LOL, shut up, brain! - I'm totally sure it's completely plausible that all these peeps gathered for this action-y tale. Beyond that one section where Spock nattered on and on and on and on, it was a pretty tight, action-y story that kept my interest. Undoubtedly helped by the gorgeous art. Everybody was beautifully rendered and I may have ended up with an extra appreciation for Worf's form, in particular. LOL!

Onward to reading the next Star Trek volume!
Profile Image for Liv.
379 reviews45 followers
January 25, 2024
honestly rad as hell. i think b'elanna and ro should kiss while being enemies about it
Profile Image for James.
3,621 reviews
January 27, 2024
A very unexpected crew take the Defiant on a hunt for some very powerful enemies. I do like the banter between Lore and Spock.
1,079 reviews6 followers
November 26, 2023
The strength of this story is that it features a nice cross-section of characters from the TNG era of Trek, and you get to see them interact. Admittedly, not a lot really happens beyond that, except to help setup events in IDW's ongoing Trek series. (B)
Profile Image for Rob Vitagliano.
274 reviews
June 18, 2023
I read this storyline as individual issues, and I gave an emphatic five star review to issue #1.

I've read a decent amount of Star Trek comics, though certainly not all of them. I can say without a doubt, this is the best first entry of any storyline that I can remember. Though I still don't agree with how Worf and Sisko left things on the Theseus in Star Trek #5, the issue that led to this spinoff, I can't argue with what it's doing for the storyline. I don't want to spoil too much, but Worf assembles quite a crew to follow him on this mission, though you can see all but one of them on cover A. The art is fantastic, and the mood is dark and secretive, but somehow not in a negative way. Throw in a briefing by another returning character that I won't name, interactions with crew members from at least three different series, and a sarcastic and witty Worf, and this is setting up to be a series I will very much look forward to reading each issue of.

The second issue wasn’t quite as exciting as the first, but the art is still spectacular and the intrigue certainly continues. The covert affairs the crew engage in remind me of the “Star Trek: Away Team” game that I thought was seriously underrated. The Section 31 station where Lore is held looks really neat, and there’s a nice little nod to a species seen in an early TNG episode. I also like the return of the Orions, as some of them look quite good in comic form, and the mention of a dangerous substance from the “Generations” film is a nice bit of Trek lore, no pun intended. 

The third issue is action packed, with a space battle that's mostly one sided, mixed in with up close combat with a few of our heroes and the terrific looking Orions. There are two voiceovers throughout, one who is revealed at the end, and the other telling an Orion folk tale that carries throughout the issue and fits with the ending well.

Issue four is more about dealing with the fallout from issue three. Spock thinks about the potential consequences of rebuilding Lore throughout the entire book, and I have to think that something awful will happen at some point relating to that. Worf fights through his injury (obviously as a reader you know he won't die) and Torres and Ro continue to snipe at each other. It also brings back an old TNG adversary that should certainly shake things up going forward. Overall this issue doesn't bring anything new to the table save for one revelation about the makeup of Kahless' cult, and I'm a bit concerned that this series is losing a little steam, but I still enjoyed reading it. 

Overall, I felt that the story wasn't as exciting as I expected after the first issue, but I find myself still looking forward to each book and hope the story comes to a head in the upcoming Day of Blood event.
Profile Image for Online Eccentric Librarian.
3,130 reviews5 followers
September 27, 2023
More reviews at the Online Eccentric Librarian http://surrealtalvi.wordpress.com/

More reviews (and no fluff) on the blog http://surrealtalvi.wordpress.com/

This graphic novel collects issues #1 - #4 of Star Trek: Defiant comic. The premise is some style of an alternative history (or, alternative future, depending on what is 'current' for Star Trek). In it we get a collaboration of characters from all series - TNG, DS9 and Voyager, as well as TOS in form of Spock.

Story: Kahless II, a clone of Kahless wages a bloody war across the galaxy with help of 'Red Mist' that makes Klingons even more aggressive. To combat this, Worf and Spock steal the Defiant, collect a ragtag crew and set out to save the galaxy. The whole thing feels like the Mirrorverse without actually being the Mirrorverse.

I have to admit I found the basic premise hard to buy into. The plot feels larger than life and there are multiple plotlines going through simultaneously. This makes it even less believable that one crew could do much and it's not clearly explained why it would not be possible to work within the system for answers. The main pull, having characters from all series in one go, doesn't appeal to me either - it feels too much like fan service.

It's a shame as the writing is quite good - I feel each character does behave as themselves, as long as you buy into the premise. Lines are good and feel the part - if you ignore the new 'edgy' Star Trek where it's now possible to swear. Some of the ideas in this alternate world are interesting, but the whole just does not mesh.

Art is decent and even good - you can recognize all characters comfortably by appearance. Most of the action (of which there is perhaps too much) is well drawn and feels dynamic. I like the little inserts of logs and reports both as giving a 'trek' feel, and also help in providing exposition to the story itself.

If the idea of an edgier, alternate-world Star Trek appeals to you, give this a try. It's definitely not a bad comic, just not my cup of tea. Reviewed from an advance reader copy provided by the publisher.
Profile Image for Chris Lemmerman.
Author 7 books108 followers
November 18, 2023
Spinning out of IDW's other Star Trek series, Defiant sees Worf unite with some unsavoury characters and familiar faces as they fly under the radar to do the jobs no one wants to do. First on their list - work out what the hell is going on with the Klingons lately, as the Day Of Blood looms over them.

I never expected to be reading two Star Trek series that I'm enjoying this much, honestly. Chris Cantwell puts his characters through the wringer both mentally and physically, and that's just in the first few issues that bring the team together. Once we get on track towards Day Of Blood, things get even more painful for all involved, sweeping in some continuity without ever making you feel like you need to have watched every episode of Star Trek ever to understand it.

On art we have Angel Unzueta, who was also one of Cantwell's frequent collaborators over on Iron Man, so they work pretty well together. Unzueta manages to nail the character likenesses without making it seem like he's just photoboxing, which is always appreciated.

Star Trek: Defiant makes its case for existing separate to the main book within minutes of opening the first issue, and continues to do so for the entirely of this first volume. A good looking book that's equal parts action and character study, just like all the best Star Trek is.
Profile Image for Joseph R..
1,129 reviews17 followers
November 27, 2023
Worf and Spock reluctantly team up to hunt down Kahless II, a renegade Klingon who wants to reunite the empire. Kahless is killing god-like beings and somehow taking their powers, thus providing an ultimate weapon for conquest. The Federation is not on board with this grand conspiracy, so Worf and Spock (who are on board) steal the USS Defiant to complete their self-assigned mission. A few other familiar faces join their crew as their adventures go on.

While the story is interesting, it does have a lot of parallels with Picard Season 3, maybe too many. The dramatics feel a bit like reruns from other stories and make the overall narrative less interesting than it should be. Also, this is part of some other concurrent stories (as referenced by footnotes) so it has the MCU problem of keeping up with a large variety of narrative threads. If you are a die-hard Trekkie, you'll get everything (though, you have to have read other contemporary comics). Otherwise, some surprise twists and character revelations are not so surprising. A reader can't say, "Wow, that person came back!" when they don't know who that person is and how they connect to the others.

Mildly recommended. I wasn't impressed enough or hooked by the story to keep reading. Would be two stars, but Worf and Spock are cool enough to give it an extra star.
Profile Image for Ashe Armstrong.
Author 7 books43 followers
December 21, 2023
I discovered this series was happening thanks to a user on the Star Trek Online subreddit and I'm glad I checked it out. I think it's an interesting premise. Worf and Spock stealing the Defiant to stop Kahless II. Some familiar faces show up. Some new faces show up. The story is definitely a comic book story or a video game story, which is fine, I went in expecting that. If you're expecting proper Trek, definitely temper those expectations. That's not to say there aren't Trek moments here or there. The writer does a good job of getting the vibes right for the characters as portrayed in this strange, hostile universe.

And, of course, I could never resist a story centered around my favorite ship from my favorite Trek series. Gets a solid 3.75 stars, mostly because the full arc required me to read another series as well. I did not.
Profile Image for Chris.
667 reviews7 followers
May 27, 2024
I love the dynamic between Worf and Spock. It works surprisingly well and it's one combination I wish we'd seen on screen.

So this is the "darker" side of this new Star Trek series, gathering together a bunch of misfits led by Worf. Some of the characters I'm a little hesitant around.... do we really need Lore? It's like Brent Spiner demands as much screentime in these comics as he got in the movies.

Aside from that, it's nice seeing the Defiant again (sorry I find the Theseus ugly as hell), as well as some of the other characters. The story itself will make little sense without having read "Star Trek Godshock" first, but if you enjoyed that you should also like this one.
Profile Image for Chad.
8,982 reviews987 followers
September 4, 2023
This spins out of Star Trek, Vol. 1: Godshock. A rogue group of Klingons are murdering anyone they consider to be Gods. Worf and Spock leave Sisko's crew and steal the Defiant to go on their own hunt for the Klingons because Worf's son, Alexander, has sided with the zealots. B'Elanna Torres of Voyager, Ro Laren, and Lore also get sucked into the crew. The story is kind of so-so. This does lead into the Day of Blood event.
Profile Image for Richard.
792 reviews13 followers
June 22, 2024
Beyond having a basic grasp of the premise of what is going on in the Star Trek mainline comic and having read Shaxs' Day of Blood tie in, I went into this pretty cold (I'd have read the mainline volumes leading into this, but they were not as conveniently available as this was). The premise seems kind of over the top and this team-up feels a bit pulled out of nowhere (maybe with context it would be less so), but it was entertaining and I thought the characters were more or less as I'd expect them to be.
Profile Image for Kieran McAndrew.
2,292 reviews13 followers
November 17, 2023
Star Trek: Defiant Vol. 1

Worf absconded aboard the stolen 'U.S.S. Defiant', defying Captain Sisko's orders in order to try and save his son from the galactic jihad begun by the clone of Emperor Kahless. Joining him on his Black Ops mission are some old comrades and some older enemies.

The artwork is never less than good, but the likenesses of Worf and B'Elanna in particular are striking. Action artwork is drawn and coloured well and the pages flow together well.
Profile Image for Louis Skye.
633 reviews7 followers
January 31, 2024
Jolly good fun, this book! Great cast of characters and intriguing dynamics between all of them. More B’Elanna is always good. I didn’t enjoy that B’Elanna and Ro kept fighting, though I do understand it.

Art is beautiful and really does justice to the interiors of the Defiant and the lovely characters.

Can’t wait to get my hands on the next one!
Profile Image for Terry Walters.
19 reviews
June 24, 2024
An excellent slice of Star Trek cake

An excellent slice of Star Trek cake this Star Trek Defiant. A solid narrative with a slew of diverse characters from the Star Trek franchise intelligently put together. I'm looking forward to the next instalment. Kudos to all concerned.
Profile Image for Ed.
713 reviews13 followers
September 7, 2023
This was better than I expected. There’s some fun “space pirates” stuff and great stuff with Sela, Lore and Spock. Very propulsive.
Profile Image for Aaron.
301 reviews1 follower
December 9, 2023
I wanted to love this but it’s kind of a weird wonderful mess. Worth reading.
June 26, 2024
loved it such a good read

This is worth buying. All the characters are written correctly. The story moves are good pace and the artwork is great.
Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 reviews

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