Sunday Update, New Ebook, and Solutions

This past week of Loop Variety puzzles is collected in this PDF and the solutions are in this PDF. If you enjoyed these five puzzle styles, there are 54 more puzzles (10-11 in each style) in the new ebook Loop Variety Collection by Ashish Kumar and Murat Can Tonta that was just added to our store.

The daily solution videos are on the posts and linked below.

This upcoming week will feature Nurikabe puzzles and variations.

  • miz says:

    In the solution video to Saturday’s slitherlink puzzle, at 4:45 you assume that the loop must turn up but I see no immediate reason why it can’t turn down and go all the way round the bottom right corner of the grid.

    • Avatar photo drsudoku says:

      Hi Miz,

      You are correct that the turn up should come later for this video’s path. In an earlier solve of the puzzle I had already completed the bottom part including finishing the second row of dots from the bottom which is key, and after marking all that in there is no room for another end to get into the bottom. But I didn’t have that marked by 4:45 on this video so should not have made the turn without that “future knowledge” in the grid.

  • miz says:

    🙂 kudos for the passion to solve it 100 % logically and getting the video just right!

  • David says:

    I’m working my way through the Loop Variety Collection now and… I have been staring at #14 (the “easy” Slitherlink [Turning] with the diagonally-adjacent 1s and 3s) for three days now and I can’t see the break-in. I’ve found two points in the bottom left that can’t be turns because they force contradictions much later on in the puzzle, but even those seem like they’re too advanced and multi-step observations for an easy puzzle. Is there a way you could point me in the right direction somehow?

  • Avatar photo drsudoku says:

    Hi David,
    There are a few kinds of steps you might be missing in this style that will help. The upper-left is the first place you should look because: Gur gjb 3’f gurer “pbzcrgr” jvgu gur gjb 1’f sbe gur erfcrpgvir gheaf. Jurer pna gur zvffvat gheaf or? Lbh’yy svaq na rvgure/be pubvpr va ebjf 2 naq 3 sbe gur cbfgf va pbyhzaf 2 naq 3. Ohg gura orpnhfr gurer nera’g nal gheaf ba gur rqtr gb gur yrsg, lbh pna shegure qrqhpr gung gur ghea zhfg or va ebj 2 pbyhza 3 naq abg ebj 2 pbyhza 2 nf vg jbhyq ghea vagb vgfrys. Zber jvyy sybj bhg sebz gurer, naq vg pna or hfrshy gb whfg pnershyyl znex gheaf/aba-gheaf. Sbe vafgnapr, E4P2 orvat n ghea zrnaf E5P2 vf abg ohg gura E5P3 naq E6P23 naq nyy gheaf naq gung cebcntngrf shegure.

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