
For internet lovers, Google often stands out among companies that deliver top browsing and mobile tech. If you want to keep up to date with the latest news, updates, tools, and drama surrounding this industry mogul, be sure to check this content.

Official Google url Alternatives

Did you know that Google hosts several alternate domain names on their servers that all point to the Google search engine ? Instead of accessing you could use an official Google domain name like or instead to use the Google search engine.

google docs embed presentation

Embed GoogleDocs presentations on your website

While browsing the GoogleDocs blog I found an interesting update about two updates already in this year. The less significant, although probably better update if you want to organize yourself is the ability to add sub-folders. For me this was a much awaited feature since no matter how many tags and other organizational stuff I can add, a good folder structure is always a must.

sms events google calendar

Send SMS to your Girlfriend/Spouse for free with Google Calendar

I have to admit, I'm not the cheapskate, I don't try dodging costs and I don't employ the technique described here, but it is a fairly easy way to get rid of […]

Matt Cutts confirms Google Punishment

The blogosphere was going crazy last week with rumors about the sudden Pagerank drops of several authority sites like Problogger or The Washington Post. Soon enough lots of theories made the round which ranged from being punished because of selling links to being in a blog network that would list all of its sites in the sidebar.

Redesign Google Web Search with Firefox

A white background with blue links and black text is how the default Google website looks like. While this might be effective and offers a great usability it looks pretty boring but this is going to change right now. It is possible to redesign Google Web Search if you use Firefox.

Reevaluating Google is the best theory

I was thinking about looking at other services that I could try to see if they were any better than the Google services that I'm using at the moment when I came upon a post by Everton who was writing about the same thing at this blog. His main domain received a major Pagerank decrease from 6 to 3 and this made him realize that it is probably the time to move on and look for services that do it better than Google.

Google Earth Flight Simulator

I never played around with Google Earth for long and did not follow the news that closely. Maybe that is why I never heard about the flight simulator that is build into Google Earth. I read about it today in a computer magazine and thought it would be cool enough to post it along to all those other unknowing ones.

Google Maps: Swim across the Atlantic Ocean

Now ain't that interesting ? You can use Google Maps to get directions from one location to another. It is most of the time pretty accurate displaying information about highways, signs, exits and so on to give you a good impression of the route that lies ahead. You can try it now and head over to the Google Maps website and use the Get Directions tab to enter a starting point and destination to see how the system works.

google translate

Two additional Google Proxys

You might have read about the google translate proxy that makes it possible for some to access blocked websites because the administrator did not think of blocking the translate function of google as well. What most people don´t know is that Google offers at least two additional services that can be used as a webproxy to bypass restrictions imposed upon you by your system administrator.

eBay bans Google Checkout

I find this rather interesting and thought I give you some insights. Google Checkout is a new google service similar to Ebays Paypal that you can use to send other people money over the net without a bank transaction between the two parties. Checkout went live a few days ago and Ebay was quick and reacted agressivly by not allowing their buyers and sellers to use Google Checkout as a method to close the transaction.

tour de france

Tour de France Live Tracker

Maybe some of you do like cycling and watching the Tour de France. I found a live tracker that displays every stage of the tour de france. Shown on the map are of course start and end of the current stage as well as information about mountain and sprint stations along the way.

google trends

Google Trends

Google Trends has been live for a few days and it´s time to play around with this new google service and find out what it´s all about. By entering one or more search terms you see a graph that shows the search volume and the news reference volume for about two years. This in itself isn´t that exciting but the feature to compare results by searching for multiple terms is. You could for instance compare linux distributions or windows, linux and macintosh.

Gmail Drive

GMail Drive is a Shell Namespace Extension that creates a virtual filesystem around your Google Gmail account, allowing you to use Gmail as a storage medium.

google translate

Google Proxy

I know that this has been in the news for some days but some of you probably have not heard about it, christmas is stress, you know. You can use the google translate feature to visit webpages that are blocked in your country. For example germans are not allowed to visit stormfrontdotorg or rottendotcom and could use this proxy to visit this sites.



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