The long-awaited WhatsApp Multi Account feature is finally here!

Emre Çitak
Aug 15, 2023

Having the ability to manage multiple WhatsApp accounts on a single device can be a game-changer. Whether it's for personal and professional use or just the convenience of segregating various aspects of your life, the need for multi-account functionality has become increasingly apparent.

Thankfully, Meta has acknowledged this need of users and introduced the WhatsApp Multi Account feature in its newest beta update.

You can see below the xeet of WABetaInfo, which closely follows WhatsApp updates.

Meta introduces the WhatsApp Multi Account feature

WhatsApp has recognized the demand for multi-account functionality and is working on its own solution. The WhatsApp Multi Account Beta program aims to make companion applications as powerful as the mobile app itself.

This feature is currently in beta and comes with certain requirements:

  • The latest version of WhatsApp or WhatsApp Business on your primary device
  • An active and stable internet connection on both devices
  • Functional camera hardware on your devices

Read moreMeta's WhatsApp is working on getting its hands on user email addresses.

How to use the WhatsApp Multi Account feature

If you can fulfill these requirements, here is what you need to do to use the WhatsApp Multi Account feature:

  • Enroll for the WhatsApp beta program using the links below
  • Download the latest beta and install it on your device
  • Open WhatsApp and go to ''Linked Devices'' from top-right menu
  • Select ''Link a device'' to pair additional devices to your account

Thanks to this update, managing multiple WhatsApp accounts on a single device is no longer a challenge. Meta, which always prioritizes user comfort, has offered the feature that users have been asking for a long time with this beta update.


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