Opera 39 Personal News update

Martin Brinkmann
May 20, 2016
Updated • May 22, 2018

Opera Software continues to push a news feature in the company's Opera web browser. It plans to release an update to it that gives users more choice when it comes to the selection of news sources in the browser.

The personal news feature update, showcased for the first time in yesterday's Opera Developer edition update, makes news more personal.

Previous versions of Opera featured only general news types such as gaming, arts or technology but little to no control over the news sources displayed on the new tab page.

Additionally, it was not possible to select news from different regions, and all that was offered were local news sources.

Opera Personal News

The new personal news feature changes that in several important ways. When you open the news feature for the first time after upgrading Opera to version 39, by opening a new tab and selecting the news icon, you will get a prompt with suggestions for news sources.

Opera uses the local browsing history for the suggestions and notes that the history data used by news won't leave the local computer.

You may select none, one, some or all of the suggested sources, and news are pulled and displayed afterwards in the interface in chronological order.

The left part of the screen lists all sources, and you may click on any of them to display only news from that source.

This works similar to how RSS feed readers operate, only that you are restricted to a single main folder (so no tech, gaming or football folder with multiple sources each).

You can remove any source with a click from your feed, and click on the add sources link to browse available news sources and add them to your list.

Sadly, Ghacks is not listed as a source but the usual suspects are (think big newspapers, big corps, big sites).

While Opera Personal News is based on RSS, it does not allow you to add sources of your own. That's not a problem if you like mainstream news, but if you prefer independent news or information, you won't find those there.

The add sources option offers another new feature. You can now select one or multiple languages or regions for news sources, and the search that is provided as well searches across all sources regardless of language or region.

This means that you can finally break out of the regional news restrictions of the current news implementation.

Closing Words

The new personal news feature is a step in the right direction but it still falls short in many regards. Apart from offering only a limited number of news sources, it is the two layout choices that limit how you access news in the browser.

News are either displayed as wide blocks with each taking up all horizontal space, or in a rectangular layout that is all over the place.

There is no option to display only news headlines for fast browsing, and no option to turn off images to save bandwidth.

RSS feed services on the Internet are superior to what Opera is offering. While you may spend more time configuring the service and adding sources, you end up with a personalized news frontend that delivers exactly the news to you that you are interested in.

I'm not saying that some users won't find the Personal News feature useful, but those who want more control over sources and layout, will probably say pass for now and use superior solutions.

Now Read: How to turn off Personal News in Opera

Opera 39: Personal News update coming
Article Name
Opera 39: Personal News update coming
Opera 39 will ship with a personal news update that delivers better news sources selection as well as other requested options such as mixing news from different regions.
Ghacks Technology News

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  1. rollon said on May 24, 2016 at 8:53 am

    the VPN in actual 39dev, which isn’t a real VPN but a Browser-proxy-vpn, seems to be buggy.
    – does not work on w10-inside
    – does not work on Ubuntu-gnome_14.04 and xubuntu 14.04 and linux-mint17.3:
    colour of vpn-Symbol above changes from blue (= connected) to orange (= VPN off), and

    => no connection possible.

  2. Var said on May 23, 2016 at 8:32 am

    This is in the Opera Developer stream and they update and make their features better in time it reaches the Stable build.

    They also improved the Ad-blocker by allowing custom lists(that wasn’t possible when the feature was announced) and then improved the VPN handling (like WebRTC leaks, etc).
    They will improve on this as well, so the closing words were a bit harsh since you didn’t provide context for this.

    This is developer stream where features aren’t even guaranteed to make the final cut.

  3. me said on May 22, 2016 at 10:27 am

    Useless since you cannot add your sources.

  4. whatever said on May 21, 2016 at 12:03 am

    Evil Commies was a Buzzword 50 Years ago.

  5. Rambo said on May 20, 2016 at 8:26 pm

    Too bad that Opera started to launch useful features when they’re now being sold to a Chinese company. Otherwise i would gladly try this and other features that they added a couple of weeks ago.

    1. vux777 said on May 21, 2016 at 2:48 pm

      Opera is not sold to a Chinese company.
      … and it won’t in near future

      “…less than 73 percent of its stockholders have currently accepted the offer from the Chinese investment consortium Golden Brick Silk Road (Shenzhen) Equity Investment Fund II

      However, the text of the original bid states that the offering has to achieve a minimum acceptance level of 90 percent of the total stock for the takeover to happen. The offer expires next Tuesday afternoon, May 24, central European time.

      1. vux777 said on May 25, 2016 at 1:16 pm

        I guess my previous comment is now wrong :)

        the one:
        “..and it won’t in near future”

      2. Rambo said on May 21, 2016 at 8:46 pm

        Thanks for the information. Let’s see how it ends then, they still can reach those 90% minimum.

  6. bngla said on May 20, 2016 at 8:21 pm

    stop beating chines dead body.

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