Openbook Is A Public Facebook Updates Search Engine

Martin Brinkmann
May 16, 2010
Updated • Dec 10, 2012

Openbook is a search engine that can be used by anyone to search Facebook Updates. The recent Facebook Search api changes have made the search engine possible. The goal of the Facebook Updates search engine on the other hand is to inform Facebook users about the underlying privacy risks of this new search feature.

They demonstrate the privacy risk by suggesting to search for terms such as "cheated test", "rectal exam", "HIV test", "lost virginity" or "don't tell anyone" which are all topics that most users would like to keep private.

Search results are displayed with a profile picture of the user who posted the update, the update message, time it was posted, username and location if available.

This gives users who want to test their privacy on Facebook a chance to search for their latest status updates to see if they show up in search.

The search can be customized by only searching for male or female updates.

The developer's of Openbook suggest to either fix the privacy settings or delete the account altogether. Fixing the privacy settings is problematic because of the frequent privacy changes that the developer's make to the network. Visit the Your Openbook website to search Facebook Updates.

Update: The Your Openbook service has been discontinued, the domain resolves to a parked domain that has nothing to do with the original service.

Social Buzz is an alternative that you can make use of. Just start searching for keywords after you have selected a location or language to find real time results not only on Facebook but also Twitter or Google+. The developers of the service have added advanced options to it that let you exclude keywords, find specific post types such as videos or images, or require a certain degree of popularity, in the form of likes, retweets or plus ones / reshares.


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  1. devante baker said on May 23, 2010 at 12:40 am


  2. tag videos said on May 16, 2010 at 8:30 pm

    openbook idea is good

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