Find out how its done with Wonder How To

Martin Brinkmann
Jan 31, 2008
Updated • Aug 14, 2017

Ever wanted to know how to tie a Windsor knot, reuse an old PC as a server, or eavesdrop on a bluetooth headset? If you answered one of the questions with yes, you may find Wonder How To useful, a website that hosts thousands of how-to videos.

These videos explain things visually which often makes it easier to understand how something is done or created.

If you never tied a Windsor knot before for instance but have to, you may find a video more helpful in illustrating how it is done than text or image instructions.

Wonder How To has lots of categories like Sports, Software and Food. These are not exposed on the front page of the service though, but you can click on the menu icon to display them. If you just go to the frontpage, you notice that it is all about gadgets and technology, whereas the whole site offers more than that.

Wonder How Towonder how to

Each of the categories is further divided into several subcategories, the software category for instance has a Photoshop and MS Office category, and others. Videos are not hosted on the website but on video portals like YouTube and others.

Videos can be commented on, rated, send to friends or bookmarked - the usual assortment of ways to interact on such websites. Member playlists are an excellent idea however. Members may create playlists on the site, and anyone can watch them afterwards. The playlist could be fitness, computer or music related for instance and contains several videos of interest of that category.

Registration is required to use some of the features and view some of the videos on the website. It's a quick and painless process, email does not have to be verified and you can immediately continue surfing.

Probably the best way to use the site is to use the search at the top if you are interested in a specific how to. If you are not, you can get inspiration by browsing the hot and new categories on the front page of the service, or browse one of the categories on the site that interests you the most.

If there is one thing to criticize, it is the lack of orientation or categorization of the site. While you can enter the main hubs, e.g. Photoshop to list all Photoshop how to videos, you cannot do so for any topic that is not categorized by the site. This leaves the search as the best option to find topics of interest that are not available as categories.

Find out how its done with Wonder How To
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Find out how its done with Wonder How To
Wonder How To is an instructional how to website and community that provides how to videos on all sorts of topics from technology to sports.
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  1. Allison Baxter said on January 31, 2008 at 8:23 pm

    You could also check out – no registration required, and the site has over 70,000 how to videos.

  2. Rod said on January 31, 2008 at 7:56 pm

    I stumbled on a similar website some months back. If your interested the URL is:

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