Google Proxy

Martin Brinkmann
Dec 26, 2005
Updated • Apr 30, 2013

I know that this has been in the news for some days but some of you probably have not heard about it, Christmas is stress, you know. You can use the Google Translate tool to visit webpages that are blocked in your country. For example Germans are not allowed to visit stormfrontdotorg or rottendotcom and could use this proxy to visit this sites.

The technique is simple, use the following url:|en&

Change to the site you would like to visit and it will display it in a frame on the Google Translate website. It does not completely hide your IP, so if you are banned you won't be able to visit this site.

Update: Google Translate has been changed in recent years. It is for instance now possible to visit the Google Translate website to enter the url that you visit manually into the form on the page.

Once the page has been loaded paste or enter the web address that is blocked in your country in the right form, and click on the translate button afterwards. You will notice that the selected web page is loaded in the browser, but that that address of the site that you are on is still the Google Translate site.

The beauty of this method is that it is very unlikely that Google Translate is blocked in a country or organization, whereas regular proxy sites might be. This method works for many sites but not for all, as web filters can use other means of identifying blocked sites than their web addresses. This includes word filters for instance, or content filters that may catch a blocked website even if it is opened with the help of a proxy server.

Regardless of that, it pays to test if you can open blocked sites with the help of Google Translate.


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  1. Gianni Amato said on January 23, 2006 at 11:13 am

    other google proxy:

  2. Faizal said on December 26, 2005 at 4:12 pm

    there is a lot of anonymous proxy out there. but this thing is cleaver.

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