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At the conclusion of the ASGCT meeting, Julianna LeMieux, PhD, GEN’s deputy editor in chief, and Corinna Singleman, PhD, GEN’s managing editor, chat about how they spent their time at the conference and their unique takeaways from the research and news presented through the week.
They discussed general insights on how diverse the topics have been. Julianna discussed David Liu’s, PhD, keynote on Wednesday and Corinna shared about an interview she had with Frederic Revah, PhD, Genethon.

Bye, Bye, Baltimore: GEN’s Takeaways from ASGCT

The American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT) meeting is off and running in Baltimore, Maryland. Kevin Davies, PhD, editorial director and Corinna Singleman, PhD, managing editor at GEN are on the ground—in the talks, expo hall, and press room, covering as much of the news as they can. 
Here, they take a moment to chat about the start of the meeting and what they are looking forward to over the next few days. Davies discusses how this year’s conference is different from the meetings five years ago, opening workshops featuring Y. Esther Tak, PhD, Arena Bioworks, Samagya Banskota, PhD, Boston University, Jonathan Levy, PhD, Prime Medicine, Makoto Saito, PhD, Broad Institute, and Cameron Glasscock, PhD, University of Washington. They both share their thoughts on an interview with Mammoth’s CSO Lucas Harrington, and the news about the DAYLIGHT trial. Singleman shares her first impressions of ASGCT as a first-time attendee, some interesting talks during the “Prospects for Prenatal Gene and Cell Therapy” session Tuesday morning, and how things are going in the exhibition hall. 

ASGCT 2024: A Video Update from Baltimore

Navigating the Organ-on-Chip Landscape: Latest Regulatory Insights and the Path to Widespread Adoption

In this GEN Learning Lab, CN Bio’s CSO Tomasz Kostrzewski, PhD, and toxicology consultant Clive Roper, PhD, will discuss all things OOC, including current applications, the evolving perspective of regulators, and ongoing efforts to harness OOCs’ potential in biomedicine.

Another July, another chance to recall that the Declaration of Independence exalted, among other things, the pursuit of happiness. For many, the pursuit can be circuitous but still, ultimately, rewarding. Consider single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq), which typically requires specialized instrumentation and consumables in addition to a sequencer, effectively disenfranchising many laboratories. But as this issue of GEN reports, kits are emerging that promise to democratize scRNA-seq, which is only fitting, since the technology expresses the “one cell, one vote” principle. This issue of GEN also includes an article describing how synthetic DNA production may be liberated an exclusive reliance on traditional methods now that enzymatic methods are being introduced. And several articles describe development platforms and manufacturing systems that are designed to ensure that the greatest number of patients will benefit from cell and gene therapies. Finally, despite our egalitarian impulses, we present a list of top 10 drugs.