The Science of Resilience: How to Thrive in a World of Chaos
1 Season . 10 Episodes TV-PG

Awaken your natural resilience. Gregg Braden and Bruce Lipton, two of the world’s top experts on the bridge between science and spirituality, come to the GaiaSphere Event Center to share groundbreaking discoveries in epigenetics, stress management, mind-body connection, and the role they play in your natural resilience.

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The Science of Resilience: How to Thrive in a World of Chaos (Preview)

Awaken your natural resilience. Gregg Braden and Bruce Lipton, two of the world’s top experts on the bridge between science and spirituality, come to the GaiaSphere Event Center to share groundbreaking discoveries in epigenetics, stress management, mind-body connection, and the role they play in your natural resilience. Learn how your thoughts and emotions affect every cell in your body, methods for reprogramming your subconscious to live the life you want, and specific, concrete tools you can begin using right away to awaken the natural resilience you already possess.

Audio Languages: English, Spanish
Subtitles: English
1 hr 27 mins TV-PG
New discoveries reveal how the heart prepares our body for the emotional, psychological and spiritual input to charge our batteries of resilience. In this opening session of The Science of Resilience, you will discover the resilience curve and the science that builds the foundation for your resilience practice;
1 hr 21 mins TV-PG
Learn how order is expressed in the universe. Entropy is simply a measure of disorder and affects all aspects of our daily lives. The degree of order, organization, and adaptiveness in a system (e.g., cell, human, planet, and solar system) is defined as negentropy.
1 hr 34 mins TV-PG
Biological Imperatives represent the needs of living organisms that are required to perpetuate their existence, to survive. This drive is fundamental in manifesting resilience.
1 hr 35 mins TV-PG
How do we cope with uncertain times? When the coping strategies that we develop early in life are successful, we commonly continue them into adulthood, even when they no longer work for us.
50 mins TV-PG
How can we awaken the power of resilience? Bruce Lipton and Gregg Braden answer questions from the audience members, in-person and online.
1 hr 33 mins TV-PG
What is the meaning of your life? Society teaches us to view our lives as the random events that become the story of our loves, losses, successes, failures, joys, disappointments, jobs, careers and family dynamics. Is it possible that a hidden thread weaves its way throughout the fabric of our experiences—a thread that we can identify and use as the gateway to deeper levels of meaning in our lives?
1 hr 28 mins TV-PG
Why do organisms adapt the way they do? The discussion presents the current science of Epigenetics, the mechanism that supports Lamarck’s theory, while revealing the process that manifests resilience.
1 hr 27 mins TV-PG
Resilience is expressed in terms of Vitality, the state of being strong and active in powering the continuance of life; it is present in all living organisms. The mind is the conductor that orchestrates the organs and functions of the body in shaping survival-related behavior and genetic activity.
1 hr 24 mins TV-PG
When we hear the inspiring stories of people who have triumphed over adversity or survived unthinkable loss, the first question we ask is “How did they do it?” The answer to this question is the key to this session—the emerging science of Hope Theory, and the role it plays in our strategy for personal resilience.
44 mins TV-PG
We can learn to thrive in a world of chaos. Bruce Lipton and Gregg Braden answer questions from the audience members, in-person and online.