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Watch, enjoy, and share LibrePlanet: Cultivating Community videos

by LibrePlanet team Contributions Published on Jun 21, 2024 10:45 AM
Watch, enjoy, and share LibrePlanet: Cultivating Community videos

Speakers at LibrePlanet 2024

"LibrePlanet is an amazing event, with an amazing vibe, amazing people, amazing talks, and now also an amazing location. An event not worth missing out on," says LibrePlanet 2024 speaker Iván Alejandro Ávalos Díaz. And attendee Sooraj Sathyanarayanan adds: "LibrePlanet is where real freedom is discovered." Whatever LibrePlanet means to you, we thank you for having been part of it, and if you missed some sessions, here's your chance to catch up on them with the LibrePlanet 2024 videos.

Speakers while talking at LibrePlanet 2024: David Wilson, Hayley Tsukayama, Amit Shenoy, Alyssa Rosenzweig, Christina Haralanova, Romeo S, Ciarán O'Riordan

Where to watch the LibrePlanet 2024 videos

The LibrePlanet 2024 program page now has links to the released videos. You can watch them in the LibrePlanet archives on MediaGoblin, as well as on the FSF's PeerTube channel.
We will upload more videos in the upcoming weeks. Subscribe to our PeerTube channel to make sure you won't miss them. As always, all videos are brought to you in a format free from Digital Restrictions Management (DRM) and unencumbered by software patents.

Picks to start with

Our advice is to take time to watch all the fantastic talks and speakers that joined us for the conference. However, if you are looking for advice on where to start, and want to experience the variety of the talks, or how nearly every topic you can think of relates to free software, we recommend starting with the following staff picks:

  • David Wilson, our opening keynote, who provided valuable advice on how to cultivate a welcoming free software community that lasts;

  • Seth Patterson's talk on writing free culture fantasy with free software;

  • Neil Plotnick's session on GNU/Linux in the high school classroom; and

  • Alyssa Rosenzweig's closing keynote, which ended in standing ovations after she talked about her journey to freeing the Apple GPU and encouraged everyone to believe in our potential to do incredible things;

Help us recover the remaining sessions

While all talks were streamed as planned, some were not (fully) recorded due to a disk error. With the help of the community, we could recover some of these unrecorded sessions. Unfortunately, the following sessions are still missing or only partially recorded:

  • Building bridges and plugging in by Hayley Tsukayama
  • Free software legislation: How we win by Ciarán O'Riordan
  • Exploring free software entrepreneurship: Navigating the opportunities and obstacles by Shivanand Edrami
  • Digital freedom as a moral imperative for authors by Felix Freeman
  • Walled gardens of freedom by Marc Prud'hommeaux
  • Set up your local currency with free software! by Iván Alejandro Ávalos Díaz
  • Trisquel twentieth anniversary spectacular by Rubén Rodríguez Pérez

If you have a local recording of these sessions, please email A big thank you to the speakers for all their work, to those of you who sent us their local recordings of the streams, and to all of you for your patience!

Upcoming workshop

If you want more we have good news for you: on Monday, July 1, 2024, Senior Policy Advisor at OFE, Ciarán O'Riordan, will give a virtual workshop on free software & legislation. Sign up to secure your spot now. The link will be shared upon registration.

We're so grateful for the participation of all of our speakers and attendees. It was a pleasure to learn, discuss, debate, and cultivate community together with you!

Image Copyright © 2024 Free Software Foundation, photo licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

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