Live chat continues to be one of the biggest disruptors in customer engagement, and the global live chat market is projected to reach $987 million by 2023. Not only does it facilitate real-time engagement and make it easier for customers to reach out to your business, it also enables a significant improvement in your support team’s productivity.

But how do companies leverage live chat as a channel for customer engagement and offer an enhanced support experience via chat? We’ve got the answers to these questions and more.

In this ebook, you'll learn, 

  • What is customer engagement via chat, and how does it differ from engagement on other support channels? 
  • What are the benefits of improving customer engagement via chat? 
  • How to create a winning customer engagement strategy on chat and the key metrics to keep track of.
  • How Freshchat will help you engage with your customers across chat channels and offer an effortless, seamless experience.

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