The very comfort of picking up calls while on the go, awake, relaxed or brisk as a whisk when away from the work desk, is a blessing for every call center agent. And hands down, when you can do more with the Android and iOS call center app than just attending to customer calls, it makes life so much easier and at hand.

Call center app benefits — what’s it all about?

Put a smile on that call 😊

Having to wait to pull out your laptop or rush to your workplace to connect with a customer has often been annoying and a prick to an otherwise productive day. Never miss out on a call anymore with the Freshdesk Contact Center Android and iOS app. This app enables you to attend calls from any place during the business hours, and all this without restricting you to the bounds of your workspace. Building happier conversations has never been more convenient.

No room for unfinished business 💪

It’s a huge turnoff for the customer when an agent forgets to get back with the solution as promised. So, it’s an unwritten rule to never leave your conversations hanging. If a call needs follow up or you need your colleague to help you understand the issue better, convert the call to a ticket so that you can tend to it promptly later. With the call center app, you can convert your calls to tickets even from your cell phone. This way you can build strong, lasting relationship with your customers.

Take a break with zero guilt ����

Every call center agent’s day is tightly wound by time. You sometimes have to plan your breaks accordingly, in the fear of missing out on important calls. With the option of setting your availability status — online or offline, you can be sure that no call goes unattended. Even better, with your Freshdesk Contact Center Android and iOS app within the reach of your pocket now, you can set your availability status from anywhere. You don’t have to necessarily remember to toggle it on or off before stepping away from your desk.

Connect with your customers in a jiffy 😉

This has always been the rule of thumb — more the number of clicks or actions to be performed, less convenient the experience is. And so it is, when it comes to sliding through a series of screens before having to do something as simple as making a call. With the Recent Calls section, you can connect with your most recent callers with just a tap. And this feature comes in handy while having to make a quick call from the Freshdesk Contact Center’s call center app.

Call center app features — What’s in ‘store’ for you?

Slide into deep conversations

Making and receiving calls on your Freshdesk Contact Center Android or iOS app is no different from handling your SIM phone calls on mobile. You can dial or take calls from wherever you are.

Pause || play > or mute away

You have the flexibility of muting, putting your call on hold or turning the speaker on — whatever suits you best to give the customer a clean support experience.

Bond over the ‘support’ of tickets

With an active Freshdesk Contact Center-Freshdesk integration, you can save your calls as tickets to be dealt with later. And once saved you can access it from the web too.

Recent calls to your rescue

Make the most out of your day with the perks of improved accessibility. You can connect with your recent callers right from the home screen of the Freshdesk Contact Center Android and iOS app.

Stay alert with call notifications

With the call notifications feature you have the choice of attending to the most important call even with multiple calls coming your way at the same time.

Automatically record calls

All calls made and received from Freshdesk Contact Center gets automatically recorded if recording is enabled on your Freshdesk Contact Center web account.

Upcoming Features!

The handy steno (notes)

Every detail of your call can be noted down and saved for reference with the the Add Notes feature. No more having to worry about communication gap within the team or with customers.

Call transfer

Don’t keep your caller waiting on the line for long. Transfer the call to the right team or agent to sort their issues and also give full context of the conversation with the warm transfer feature.

Call conferencing

Prevent escalations and call transfers by adding agents to your ongoing call and assist the caller better. You don’t have to miss out on important details if you loop in your colleague to the call.

Add calls to existing tickets

A ticket thread is your best source of info to recollect the context of a customer call. By being able to add calls to existing tickets, you’ll have all relevant information in a single place.

Listen to your recorded calls

The convenience of listening to your earlier conversations while on the go can't get easier. You can play all your recorded calls from the comfort of the Freshdesk Contact Center call center app.