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Waukesha-Pearce Industries

Waukesha-Pearce Industries Spreads Security Fabric Over 30 Locations, Gaining Efficiencies and Cost Savings

"Now, network and security are in one place, one piece. You can't have one without the other.”

– Tri Nguyen, Director of IT, WPI


A family-owned company based in Houston, Texas, Waukesha-Pearce Industries (WPI) has been equipping and serving the wholesale oil and gas industry for nearly a century. Its large, geographically dispersed facilities are prime targets for cyberattacks. And many of its 850 employees access the network remotely. Yet its IT team consists of only three people. With integrated and automated solutions from the Fortinet Security Fabric, the team capably maintains WPI’s security posture, while ensuring optimal network access performance.


With Fortinet Management Tools and Proofs of Concept, IT Team Earns Executive Trust

“I was very reluctant to go to SD-WAN. I wanted to make sure that the process and the technology were mature enough. We did a trial run for about three or four months, and found out that not only could we run SD-WAN, and make our network more robust, but we were able to save 30% in hardware costs.” -- Tri Nguyen, Director of IT, Waukesha-Pearce Industries

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Business Impact



Security economies of scale: Three-person IT team serves 850 employees in 30 locations

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Improved security posture due to automated security decision-making and greater visibility

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30% reduction in hardware costs by upgrading LAN edges to SD-WAN


Improved operational efficiencies by extending Fortinet Security Fabric to enable monitoring of physical facilities

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