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A Secure SD-Branch Brings Extended Protection to Industrial Networks

“Fortinet’s solutions have reduced our connectivity costs and given us confidence that our network architecture is secure and robust enough to meet the demands of our growing business.”

– Giovanni Vismara, Network Special Projects Coordinator at ENGIE Italia


ENGIE is a global energy and services group based on four major activities: client solutions, renewable energy sources, networks and thermal power generation. Low in carbon, its integrated, effective and sustainable offers rely on digital technology.

Following a merger between two companies of the Group in 2015, ENGIE Italia’s physical network grew exponentially. Some pressing challenges came along with this growth and in order to meet the ever-demanding network availability and security, it was crucial for ENGIE that their distributed network of branch and remote sites had a seamless connection and visibility across the entire architecture.

ENGIE relied on the Fortinet SD-Branch solution to solve these new challenges and increase the existing level of security and visibility of their remote branches and industrial networks.

Learn more about ENGIE’s journey with Fortinet and discover how our SD-Branch solution offers ENGIE security and visibility of branch offices and remote industrial networks, while improving collaboration between IT and OT teams in this case study.

Business Impact


Visibility Protection

Increased the security and visibility of branch offices and remote industrial networks

reduce cash icon

Reduced geographical connectivity costs through a single MPLS network

Icon automation

Simplified the hardware ecosystem with SD-Branch, centralized management and automation

integration icon

Improved collaboration between IT and OT teams

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