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New Survey Focuses On Challenges Of Business Resilience

Updated Nov 28, 2018, 09:56am EST
This article is more than 5 years old.

Should a business be prepared for the worst? In the event of a natural catastrophe or a major data breach—or even minor hiccups—should a business have the resources and processes in place to continue business as usual? A new survey from Tanium found almost unanimous consensus on the importance of business resilience—but execution and actually achieving it apparently lags far behind.

Tanium is in the business of business resilience. Business resilience is a term that encompasses business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR). No matter what you call it, the goal is to be prepared to continue operating as a business in the face of catastrophes.

To understand more about the current state of business resilience, Tanium conducted a surveyv of more than 4,000 business decision makers across the United States, UK, France, Germany and Japan. The results were compiled into a report called The Resilience Gap.

Although 96 percent of those surveyed believe that business resilience should be a core element of their company’s overall business strategy, only 54 percent claim that business resilience actually is a focus. Tanium then asked what challenges or barriers exist that are preventing business resilience from being a primary focus of business strategy. Here are a few of the key findings from the Tanium study:

  • 34 percent blame increasing business complexity
  • 20 percent cited siloed business units as a barrier
  • 33 percent agreed that hackers and cybercriminals are more sophisticated than their IT security teams
  • 24 percent claim that poor visibility of network entry points is an issue
  • 21 percent stated that they don’t have the necessary skills within the company to accurately detect or effectively block attacks

"In 2018 alone, companies will spend over one trillion dollars making their enterprises even more digital– launching more applications, expanding IT services, and creating new connections with their partners and customers," said David Damato, Chief Security Officer at Tanium. "While this may seem positive, the speed and complexity of technology has led organizations to purchase multiple tools to solve for IT security and operations challenges. In turn, this has created a fragmented collection of endpoint management and security solutions which is leaving the enterprise environment brittle, vulnerable and lacking the Business Resilience needed to adequately mitigate threats. We believe that Business Resilience is fundamental to any strategy for long-term growth, yet the findings suggest that many businesses still have a long way to go to achieve resilience."

Business resilience—or disaster recovery, or business continuity—are like insurance. You need to have it just in case something catastrophic occurs, and it is not something you can decide to put in place after a disaster strikes. When it seems the least necessary is really the best time to pursue it. You may never need it, but if a situation arises where you do, you will be very glad that you invested the time and effort to put the tools and processes in place to continue business operations and rebound to business as usual as quickly as possible.

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