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Microaggressions: Good Intent Is Not Good Enough

Updated Jun 10, 2019, 04:26pm EDT
This article is more than 5 years old.

“Assume best intent” is a concept that gets referenced a lot when working to maintain healthy workplace relationships. While it’s generally true that everyone is doing their best given the circumstances and constraints they are operating under, good intentions are often not enough to prevent a very harmful behavior: microaggressions.

Microaggressions are brief queries, comments or actions in day-to-day life that target marginalized groups. They are often not intended to be malicious, but over time they can lead to a toxic work environment and can preclude feelings of belonging.

A recent study from McKinsey & Company shared that almost two-thirds of women experience microaggressions in the workplace, commonly in the form of needing to provide more evidence of their competence than men, and having their judgment questioned in their area of expertise. Black women reported an especially high rate of enduring unprofessional language, and lesbian women are the most likely to hear demeaning remarks. While less data exists on men of color, there is strong anecdotal evidence that black men experience microaggressions in the workplace as well, often being painted as aggressive or intimidating. All of these encounters add up; employees who experience microaggressions are three times more likely to regularly think about leaving their jobs.

While very often the perpetrators of these microaggressions do not intend to hurt anyone, and it’s likely they do not even know that they are committing them, this does not negate the harm done. They should still be held accountable.

Work relationships can be made stronger by everyone putting in extra effort to avoid committing microaggressions, respectfully calling them out when they happen, and by responding thoughtfully if a mistake is made.

Avoid Biases

Unintentional microaggressions are usually the manifestation of unconscious biases, which are learned, automatic stereotypes that have the ability to affect our behavior. Most people do not believe that they are racist, sexist, ageist, heterosexist, etc., but their words and actions can surface biases that reflect discriminatory belief systems.

In order to intentionally avoid subjecting someone to microaggressions, it is important to become aware of unconscious biases and spend time learning how those biases might surface. For example:

  • If someone holds a bias that a given population does not exhibit leadership traits, they may ask to speak with the manager, without first confirming whether the person they are currently speaking with is the manager.
  • If someone holds a bias that a given population is not articulate, they might “compliment” a person for being well spoken.
  • If someone holds a bias that a given population is not capable at a subject – say science – they might explain a scientific concept to them, without first confirming if the person is already an expert in that area (even if they are in the middle of a science lab).
  • If someone holds a bias that a given population is aggressive, they might give a person feedback that they are “intimidating,” while the same behaviors are considered “assertive” in another person.
  • If someone holds a bias that appearances other than their own are unusual or are a novelty, they might touch or comment on another person’s hair, pregnant belly, or another part of their appearance.

Repair Damages

Even well-intentioned people who have done the work to uncover biases and try to avoid manifesting them can still mess up. Research has shown that discussions of biases in diversity training can cause majority groups to become defensive, so it is not surprising that it’s their first reaction when being called out for committing a microaggression. But in order to salvage the relationship and respect the feelings of the victim, it is important to own up to mistakes and make amends. A recent survey showed that 67% of people who have been the victims of microaggressions want the offender to apologize.

When it comes to feelings, there is no objective truth. While a perpetrator of microaggressions might have not intended to hurt someone, the recipient might still feel deeply hurt, which has been shown to lead to elevated levels of depression. The perpetrator must be open to receiving feedback, learning about the biases that caused them to say or do the thing they did, and apologize to the person they hurt. Showing this level of openness and vulnerability can repair and actually make the relationship stronger.

Good intentions are important, but the impacts of people’s actions are the true measure of goodness. By channeling intentions into learning about biases and the ways that they manifest into microaggressions, work relationships can be strengthened and harm to marginalized groups can be reduced.