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3 Ways Women Of Color Sabotage Their Tech Careers

Updated Jul 22, 2019, 08:04am EDT
This article is more than 4 years old.

Facebook recently came out with their 2019 Diversity Report. The report shows that although there has been slight growth in number of underrepresented groups at the organization, the change has been minor. Facebook, along with other major tech companies like Apple and Google breakdown the demographics within their organizations. One novel area of analysis is intersectional hiring rates; Google’s 2019 Diversity Report assessed the number of female hires from underrepresented groups. Although Google’s report did demonstrate a rise in the number of Black, Latinx and Native American women hires, the increases were small. Women of color (WOC) and in particular, black women, have different workplace experiences based on their double minority status, according to research. The seminal work of professor and scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw demonstrated that black women experience unique challenges based on the intersection of their race and gender. Based on this research, it is imperative to assess how to increase representation for WOC in tech, a field that is well-documented for lacking diversity. How can WOC best navigate their careers in the tech industry and what are some behaviors that may hold them back?

1. Questioning your worth. Many WOC in the tech industry may experience imposter syndrome, which is a sense of self-doubt and feelings that you don’t belong in your job or industry. It is important to recognize that you are knowledgeable and bring value to the organization in a number of different ways. Your perspectives and expertise are desperately needed, especially in the tech industry, which is dominated by a homogenous group. Homogeny does not bring novel ideas and innovation, as research Reminding yourself of your accolades and accomplishments can reinforce your sense of worth, value, esteem and self-efficacy.

2. Lack of support system. As one of the few or the ‘only’ in your industry, it is critical to develop a network or a group of other like-minded individuals that you can relate to. Kim L. Mitchell is the VP of Program Development and Operations at NPower, an organization designed to create “pathways to economic prosperity by launching the digital careers of military veterans and young adults from underserved communities.” Kim has decades of experience in philanthropy, human resources, consulting and diversity and inclusion and she oversees the entire tech program at NPower. Kim shared what many WOC in the tech industry experience. “The community is very small to begin with…there’s a sense of isolation that even when joining the I.T. sector, there is not a family or community that is a connecting community that would necessarily inspire retention…that is not typically a career where there have been a large population of women of color pursuing. Once there, it’s very isolating because there are very few, if any other peers, that they could relate to and build a community with.” Joining your company’s employee resource group or affinity group can be one way to gain the sense of community that many WOC are missing. But if you are at a smaller company or a start-up that doesn’t have any of these groups, you can join professional groups like Women Who Tech or your local Meetup groups around your area. For WOC, having a strong support network can increase the likelihood of career success, especially in the bro culture that permeates the tech industry.

3. Missed sponsorship opportunities. Sponsors can really help propel a woman’s career, much more so than a mentor or a role model would. A sponsor might not be someone you would initially consider or call a friend but rather an ally and someone who will advocate for you and on your behalf, especially when you are not in the room. While the sponsor effect is well documented for women in general, it’s even more pronounced for employees of color, according to a study from the Center for Talent Innovation. Their research indicated that professionals of color with a sponsor were 57% less likely to have plans to quit their job within a year in comparison to professionals of color without a sponsor.

Change makers and individuals who hold power within an organization are great prospects for sponsors. A mutually beneficial relationship can increase the chances of landing a sponsor. Reach out to potential sponsors and share with them not only what value you think they would bring to you but what’s also important is to share what value being your sponsor would provide them. The similar-to-me bias posits that people will gravitate towards other people who are like them. This can make finding a sponsor difficult sometimes, so venturing outside of your circle of friends and acquaintances can help you cast a wider net when looking for a sponsor. Expand your circle and don’t be afraid to reach out to people outside of your organization for sponsorship, as well.

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