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How To Be Closer With Teammates When You're Miles Apart

Forbes Coaches Council
Liz Guthridge
Updated May 26, 2020, 07:28am EDT


Imagine watching these three video clips play one after another:

• Scene 1: Six team members sitting next to one another around a meeting table, laughing

• Scene 2: A different team of eight sitting around a dining table eating together, talking and laughing

• Scene 3: A team leader touching a team member on the arm as they talked

What’s your reaction?

Mine was “What’s wrong with this picture? This isn’t safe behavior!”

Yet the traditional way to practice psychological safety has relied extensively on physical closeness. Before late March 2020, the actions in the video were textbook examples on the best ways to provide psychological safety.

However, now that the COVID-19 pandemic has required shelter-in-place and social distancing actions, we’ve been rapidly altering how we work with one another.

We now face a dilemma. We know physical closeness can be dangerous to our well-being at the same time we desire connections with others. We humans are social animals who crave togetherness. Maybe not all the time, but we thrive on human contact, including being part of groups.

So how do you as a leader and teammate send signals of belonging to your colleagues when we’re all either working remotely, keeping six feet away from each other or otherwise spread across the globe?

You need to practice “distance socializing” to stay closely connected, explains Dr. Jamil Zaki, Stanford University psychology professor and author of The War for Kindness: Building Empathy in a Fractured World.

Before explaining how to do distance socializing, let’s step back and review why psychological safety is vital to teams. We’ll go to the expert on the topic, Dr. Amy Edmonson, Harvard Business School professor and author of The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth.

Her research shows that for teams of any type to excel, the team members need to receive continual strong signals that they’re feeling psychologically safe — that is, they belong to the group.

When team members feel included, they also feel more connected with their teammates. They’re more comfortable speaking up, offering ideas and expressing diverse views. They don’t worry about being in danger, such as fearing being dismissed or ignored or facing retribution.

While distance socializing can’t replicate the power of physical closeness, it still can provide a sense of belonging and inclusion. According to another Stanford University psychology professor, Dr. Greg Walton, “togetherness” is greater than sharing the same physical space. You can be physically apart while feeling like you’re working together.

Walton’s 2014 research showed that a thoughtful check-in email from a co-worker suggesting a helpful tool or idea provided strong enough cues to give remote workers a sense of closeness.

But what can you actually do to succeed at distance socializing?

Foremost, customize how you connect with each individual in the group. By treating each person as the individual they are, you can build a stronger relationship with each person.

Also, convene informal virtual gatherings with the entire team to increase your sense of belonging with each other.

As a result, the conversations you have one-on-one and with the group should become more personal. Deeper conversations will help increase psychological safety. By being more candid and vulnerable, you’re being more human and showing that “we’re all in this together” during the pandemic.

You can take these other actions, too. Adjust them to fit you, your role and your colleagues.

For Individual Distance Socializing

Do daily check-ins with individual team members, ideally using the channel they prefer, such as text, email, phone, chat or whatever they’ve told you they like best. By being respectful, you’re also making it easier for them to comprehend your messages.

• Vary your check-ins among listening, acknowledging and informing. For example,

  1. Listening: Ask each individual how they’re doing with a particular project, ask how they and their family members (by name) are doing and ask if they and their family need anything. Also, listen to the tone of voice and the energy to detect how someone is reacting.
  2. Acknowledging: Remind them that they’re an important member of the team. Compliment them for their efforts. Recognize successes of any size.
  3. Informing: For managers and team leads, follow up any news you’ve shared with the entire team with how the information might personally impact each individual.

• Hold “open-office” hours during which individuals can contact you to talk about what’s on their mind.

For Group Distance Socializing

Encourage team members to collaborate on a pledge for how they want to work together, such as the “IBM Work From Home Pledge During Times of COVID-19.” This is especially helpful if you have team members with multiple roles right now, such as supervising their children’s schooling or caring for older parents.

• Set up a regular time to socialize virtually. This could be 30 to 45 minutes once a week or twice a month for the entire team to meet via Zoom. You also can feature interactive activities, such as open mic performances, group sing-alongs, cooking demonstrations or online multiplayer games.

• Recognize that video get-togethers benefit from more structure than in-person meetups, so prepare a loose agenda to guide your conversations. The structure can be especially helpful if anyone gets overwhelmed by the degree of uncertainty or anything else. You might introduce conversation starters to ask what acts of kindness they’re seeing or simple joys they’re experiencing.

Also, try boosting distance socializing through more personalized communication. Use emojis, bitmojis and gifs in your texts and emails. Special characters and memes won’t replace the body language cues you identify in person, but they will add context, personality and amplification to your messages.

And last but not least, remember that providing psychology safety is not a one-and-done action, whether in person or virtual. You’ve got to continually send signals of belonging to let each person know they’re valuable members of the team. We humans like being reassured that we belong.

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