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How These Successful Entrepreneurs Learned The Art Of Selling

Updated Jul 26, 2018, 11:13am EDT
This article is more than 5 years old.

As an entrepreneur the success of your new product will depend on your ability to sell it. The problem is that for most people selling doesn’t come naturally; in fact the prospect of approaching a stranger to sell them something fills them with dread. But as these entrepreneurs have discovered, that fear is a barrier that can be overcome and selling is a skill that can be mastered.

Learn to listen

When Sara Tomaszewska started her social media agency, Little Media Bureau, two years ago she was shocked to discover how little she knew about sales. She began reading up on the subject, learning different sales techniques, and found a mentor who coached her after single sales meeting. However, the most important lesson she says she has learned is to really listen to her customers.

“It seems obvious, but often people focus too much on their pitch and what they want to say, instead of their prospects,” says Tomaszewska. “Asking them questions and being genuinely interested in them can go a long way.”

Sales talk

Claire Brumby founder of The Food Guide, says sometimes the very word ‘sell’ puts people off, and makes them behave unnaturally because they think they are ‘selling’.

“A sale is just a conversation between people,” she says. “You just have to learn to relax, and don’t try to change who you are; just be yourself.  You can’t win them all, but by being yourself you stand a much better chance of making sales.”

Pitch perfect

If you've never sold a thing before, what you can't afford to do is let people know it. James Howard, founder and managing director of Yorkshire Payments. His advice to the unseasoned seller is, before you go anywhere near a 'real life' prospect, invest some time in perfecting your pitch.

“Put together a presentation on the main features and benefits of your product, and then deliver it to at least three different groups of people; friends, family members, then your accountant,” he says.

The aim is to use fewer prompts and slides with each of the different groups, until you can pitch confidently without any cues.

“Once you start selling, you'll probably never recite your presentation word for word – in fact if you did you’d probably turn customers off - but you'll always have everything you need to say planted firmly in your mind, whenever the opportunity to make a sale arises.”

Hit the markets

A market stall can be a great place to hone your selling skills, and it’s where many successful entrepreneurs started out, including Rhiannan Abbott, founder of The Epsom Bakehouse began cutting her sales teeth.

“I got to know exactly what my customers wanted, but being in a small market environment it also taught me how to engage complete strangers without being pushy,” she says. “I’d never done any selling before but it quickly became one of my favourite aspects of running my business.”

When Sarah Watkinson-Yull was launching her shoe business Yull, she found selling to be the hardest thing, mainly because her products are 100% designed by her, and any feedback seemed to be more personal.

“I needed to build my confidence, so I started doing lots of events, ‘ladies who lunch’-type gatherings, and going to Spitalfields market in London,” she says. “Those settings ensured a steady flow of varied customers which enable me to gather a lot of feedback and trial what worked.”

Don’t be afraid to experiment

Before Caroline Pegden became an entrepreneur she had worked in strategy and in programme management, and had never had to sell. But when she co-founded recruitment site TempaGoGo, she had to learn how to find customers quickly.

She says: “I attended a workshop run by Anis Qizilbash at Mindful Sales, who teaches introverts how to sell, and learned that you don't have to be an extravert to sell successfully.”

Pegden also learned to experiment. “As an entrepreneur, you keep trying different ways, such as cold calling, door-to-door, leaflets, emails, Google Ads, networking events, etc., until you find your sales sweet spot.”

Know your product

Deb Farnworth-Wood, UK-born founder of Australian Skin Clinics, is another entrepreneur who launched her business without any sales experience or training. Her success in sales has been based on knowing her business inside out, and being able to tell a great story about her products.

"As the founder you have an insight into the business that no one else has,” she says. “So you can answer any questions thrown at you, because you can explain in real terms, rather than salesperson’s terms, exactly what it took to make you successful."

Invest in sales talent

Entrepreneurs also need to be aware that today’s potential customer is far more informed than they were a few years ago. Before you have even begun your sales pitch they are already well into the buying journey, and demanding a lot from the sales team.

For this reason, Nigel Davies, founder of digital workplace Claromentis, believes that startups should make a sales lead one of their cornerstones of talent.

“You can learn, but certainly not that quickly,” he says. “My advice to a startup owner with no sales skills would be to find the funds to attract, motivate and retain a great sales person, which might involve bringing them in as a business partner - this isn’t a short-term project, it’s how your business will make money."

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