
Join the webperf trend with EdgeSpeed and outperform your competitors


In the ultra-stylish world of online fashion, every second counts when you’re trying to win the hearts of fashionistas. In this competitive industry, consumer expectations are high, and speed and performance are the keys to success.

At Fasterize, we understand the importance of a frictionless, silky smooth online shopping experience. With EdgeSpeed, our web performance solution, your website loads instantly, the images in your collections are displayed elegantly, and the pages scroll smoothly.

Don’t let a slow website put off your visitors and reduce your chances of conversion. Give them an incredible experience with fast loading times and smooth browsing. With EdgeSpeed, say goodbye to abandoned shopping baskets and hello to soaring conversions.

Ready to put your online fashion boutique on the cutting edge of speed and style?

Fashion and Webperf: A powerful duo with EdgeSpeed!


Optimised loading times

Boosted conversion rates

Unrivalled mobile performance

A fluid, immersive user experience


mise au green
lulli sur la toile
chauss expo
tara jarmon

Some webperf figures for the fashion industry

of leading fashion websites have a poor PageSpeed Insights score
of leading fashion websites have an average PageSpeed Insights score

Core Web Vitals

of leading fashion websites have a high LCP (a difficult metric to optimise)
have all 3 Core Web Vitals in the green

Average FID
47 ms

Average LCP
3105 ms

Average CLS

Dominate online fashion with EdgeSpeed!


Fashionistas don’t want to wait to complete their purchases. EdgeSpeed speeds up the conversion process by offering a fast, seamless customer journey. Say goodbye to hesitation and say hello to sales made in the blink of an eye!


Don't let your fashionistas turn away from your site because of a disappointing mobile experience. With EdgeSpeed, your online store adapts perfectly to all screens and offers fluid navigation for stress-free on-the-go shopping.


Being fashionable also means being seen and admired! With EdgeSpeed, your website loads quickly, improving your search rankings and giving you a competitive edge. Be the star of search results and attract an ever-growing audience.


Images are essential for attracting attention in the fashion world. With EdgeSpeed, your high-quality visuals load instantly, providing a pleasant visual experience without compromising your website’s performance. Say goodbye to frustrating wait times!

What they say...

We know that web performance is crucial to our business, and that it's also become an SEO issue. We had already implemented best practices, but didn't have enough time to monitor and improve our performance on an ongoing basis. Fasterize allows us to automate all the optimizations we need, going far beyond basic recommendations.

Basile Bertrand

(ex) Head of Innovation - ba&sh

The recommendations of our site's eco-design audit highlighted the fact that we needed to optimize our images, CSS, JS and HTML resources, and reduce the number of requests, which could rise to nearly 70 for a single page - a very heavy load, especially on mobile! Fasterize allows us to automatically apply all the techniques required for a high-performance site, and above all to stay up to date without needing to devote a full time to development or maintenance.
We also wanted to divide our Speed Index by 2, especially on mobile. We achieved our goal, with improved Core Web Vitals and a PageSpeed Insights score of 98 on some of our pages!

Head of E-commerce - Aigle

We operate in many different countries, and we need to bring content closer to our customers to offer them the best possible experience. This is achieved thanks to the Fasterize CDN. We also have an omnichannel strategy that integrates our desktop and mobile e-commerce sites. Given that 60% of our traffic comes from mobile devices, we absolutely have to be fast on this device! What's more, we make tablets available to customers in-store, and we need catalog pages to be displayed as quickly as possible on this device too. These in-store tablets are a source of captive traffic that has every chance of converting; and to achieve this, we need pages to display quickly, using a high-performance caching system, especially for images.

Fabien Papegay

(ex) Head of Digital Production - Celio

The Fasterize teams are always ready to listen and teach, all the more so in contexts with severe technical and security constraints.
In just 1 month, we were able to see results. Fasterize is a real webperf must-have for a better customer experience and a closer relationship with the brand.

Christel Hennion

(ex) Digital Director - Petit Bateau

We were looking for a solution that would enable us to handle speed automatically and continuously, and reassure us that all pages on our site would be fast, both on mobile and desktop. Fasterize seemed an obvious solution, given its efficiency and ease of implementation. We immediately saw an improvement in our marketing and business KPIs.

Marion Almairac

(ex) Digital & CRM Senior Manager - Minelli

Like any e-commerce site in a competitive market, we have high ROI stakes in terms of market share and visibility. We're also keen to improve our environmental impact, and that requires a high-performance site! As an all-in-one solution, Fasterize helps us achieve all these objectives at once.

Marine Bosse

E-commerce Coordinator - Besson Chaussures

Deploying Fasterize was very easy, managed efficiently and on schedule. We work with external service providers who contribute their expertise, and Fasterize fits perfectly into this framework as a webperf expert on whom we can rely with complete confidence. I know I couldn't do these optimizations myself, so I prefer to rely on experts rather than try to reinvent the wheel.


Sylvain Perrot

Co-Founder - Inderwear

Want to know how many milliseconds you could save with EdgeSpeed on your fashion website ?

Request a demo