About: financial services

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Economy 03-07-2024

Financing and insuring the future

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Over the next 5 years, the 'financing transition' will play an integral role in shaping the future of the EU economy and structural infrastructure. This financing transition will be key in implementing EU priorities such as the green and digital …

Economy 28-06-2024

EU pushes back on IMF criticism of ‘inward-looking’ industrial policies

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A senior EU official pushed back on the IMF's recommendation that countries should pursue policies that encourage the diffusion of new technologies, arguing that the EU must sometimes introduce “protecting” measures to ensure its own economic security.

Brexit 02-05-2024

Britain rolls out post-Brexit plans for authorising EU investment funds

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Britain set out its "roadmap" for authorising investment funds from the EU to offer products in the UK, a post-Brexit milestone that reflects how most funds sold to retail investors in the country are still listed in the EU.

OpinionPromoted content
Economy 28-08-2023

Ireland: The Ideal Small Nation Solution to Host AMLA

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As the EU prepares for the establishment of the Anti-Money Laundering Authority (AMLA), Ireland’s bid for host reveals its unique position as a small nation with extensive resources and connections to key financial and professional services providers, as well as a friendly and welcoming destination for incoming talent.

Economy 15-06-2023

EU Commission seeks to regulate financial data access and use

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The European Commission is drafting new rules to regulate the access and use of customer data in financial services, in a bid to ensure customers’ control over financial data and allow consumers to access tailored data-driven products and services.

EU-UK relations 18-05-2023

EU moves closer to UK pact on financial services

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The EU and UK are set to move towards closer ties on financial services regulation after the European Commission on Wednesday (17 May) adopted a draft Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the sector. 

Economy 27-01-2023

EU due diligence rules should include finance, Commissioner says

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Commissioner for Justice Didier Reynders said the EU executive's goal is to include the financial sector under the EU rules on corporate accountability after it was carved out from mandatory due diligence by member states in their common negotiating position.

Economy 11-11-2021

EU to give City of London a reprieve over euro clearing

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The European Union gave the City of London a reprieve on Wednesday (10 November), saying it will allow clearing houses in Britain to continue serving customers in the bloc beyond next June, when market access was set to expire.

Brexit 12-02-2021

Amsterdam displaces London as Europe’s top stocks centre after Brexit

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Amsterdam has displaced London as Europe's biggest share trading centre after Britain left the European Union's single market, and picked up a chunk of UK derivatives business along the way, according to data published on Thursday (11 February).

Economy 11-02-2021

Don’t wage battle against the City, UK bank governor urges EU

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The Governor of the Bank of England, Andrew Bailey, on Tuesday (10 February) urged the EU not to wage a regulatory battle against the UK on financial services, warning that “a world in which the EU dictates and determines what rules and standards we have in the UK is not going to work.”

Brexit 04-01-2021

Brexit ‘big bang’ to trigger tectonic trading rift in Europe

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Europe will see its biggest transfer of share trading in more than two decades when stock exchanges open for business in 2021, with Brexit shifting its centre of gravity away from London.

Economy 16-09-2020

EU to throw London lifeline with extension to coveted clearing

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The European Union is expected to throw the City of London an 18-month lifeline to continue clearing euro derivatives after Britain's unfettered access to the bloc ends in January, industry sources said on Tuesday (15 September).

Brexit 14-01-2020

Global banks urge EU to ‘improve’ market access as Brexit looms

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International banks have called on the European Union to make its system for financial market access more transparent and predictable to avoid hurting markets and consumers.

Brexit 17-07-2019

No Deal Brexit fears prompt financial market angst

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The increasing prospect of a No Deal Brexit is prompting new concerns that there are still ‘substantial’ regulatory gaps between the EU and UK in parts of the financial services sector.

Brexit 02-04-2019

Dombrovskis warns of ‘disruptions’ in case of disorderly Brexit

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European Commission Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis warned on Tuesday (2 April) that UK’s disorderly departure from the EU could cause “disruptions” following decades of financial integration and bring volatility to markets and business operations.

Brexit 23-08-2018

Prepare for higher bank costs and customs delays from ‘no deal’ Brexit, London warns

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UK businesses and consumers should brace themselves for tariffs, customs bureaucracy and higher bank charges if the UK leaves the EU without a deal, London warned on Thursday (23 August) in its most serious reality check to date.

Brexit 20-08-2018

UK warns of damage to EU without special deal on financial services

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The UK has repeated its demands for a post-Brexit agreement on financial services to go way beyond the EU’s current standard with third countries in a new government paper, warning that a ‘hard Brexit’ will damage the EU. The paper published …

Brexit 13-07-2018

May’s Brexit blueprint faces backlash after sacrificing services

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Even though Theresa May’s Brexit White Paper prompted a furious reaction from a large section of her Conservative party, not to mention a broadside from US President Donald Trump, not everyone was unhappy with it.

City of London skyline at sunset
Brexit 24-04-2018

Commission defends ‘equivalence’ with UK for financial services

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European Commission Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis told the UK’s financial sector on Tuesday (24 April) that the EU and UK regimes could co-exist together after Brexit, but warned that London would not have a say in the decision-making process.

Brexit 28-03-2018

Brexit financial services deal will be difficult

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The industry has accepted that so-called “passporting” rights will not be possible after Britain leaves the EU.  The concept of “equivalence” has been mooted as a solution but even agreeing to that will be difficult, writes Mark Boleat.

Brexit 06-02-2018

UK watchdog calls for finance pact with EU to avoid Brexit chaos

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British and European Union watchdogs could sign a pact to avoid Brexit disrupting trillions of pounds in cross-border financial contracts and undermine market stability, a top UK regulator said yesterday (5 February).

Future EU 19-01-2018

May, Macron seek common ground to offset Brexit fallout

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Prime Minister Theresa May and her French counterpart Emmanuel Macron agreed a new border security deal yesterday (18 January), through which the UK will pay more to France to stop migrants trying to reach British shores.

Brexit 12-01-2018

UK won’t pay to access single market post-Brexit

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The British government yesterday (11 January) ruled out paying the European Union to access the single market after leaving the bloc, as Prime Minister Theresa May tried to reassure finance sector players over Brexit.

Brexit 11-10-2017

EU lawmakers tentatively back Brexit clearing law that could clobber Britain

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European Union lawmakers on Tuesday (10 October) gave broad support to a law that could end the City of London's global dominance in clearing euro-denominated financial contracts after Brexit.