About: EU citizens

Special ReportAdvocacy Lab Content
Politics 24-04-2024

Frontline and facing forward, the EESC’s next generation strategy

Est. 1min

2024 brings a new European Union mandate and a multitude of challenges. The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) plans to be increasingly visible and relevant as the EU navigates climate and technological change, and new employment challenges.

EU citizens poorly involved in recovery funds’ design and spending, report shows

Est. 5min

NGOs warned of “opacities” in the way the pandemic recovery funds have been designed and spent across a number of European countries, which have often locked citizens out from decisions affecting them.

EU-UK relations 26-05-2023

Delays to EU residency applications risk ‘new Windrush’ in UK

Est. 4min

Government delays in responding to thousands of residency applications by EU nationals could lead to a repeat of the Windrush scandal, where UK citizens were wrongly deported, UK lawmakers have warned. 

Justice 21-12-2022

UK settlement scheme for EU nationals ‘unlawful’, court rules

Est. 4min

The UK government’s Settlement Scheme for EU nationals living in the UK has been declared unlawful in a major court ruling on Wednesday (21 December). 

Brexit 26-07-2022

Confusion over papers for EU citizens driving Brexit border delays

Est. 3min

Lengthy delays for passengers travelling to and from the UK have been exacerbated by confusion over documents EU citizens living in the UK need in order to return, according to the citizens’ rights agency set up under the Brexit deal.

Economy 27-06-2022

Citizens, MEPs call for harmonised citizenship education across the bloc

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While the debate on EU treaty changes continues, citizens and MEPs call for "shared competences" on education between the EU and member states and more harmonisation of citizenship teaching at the EU level.

Brexit 09-12-2021

EU nationals in Ireland to face travel clearance at border under new law

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EU citizens living in the Republic of Ireland will have to apply online for pre-travel clearance from the UK in order to cross into Northern Ireland under proposed new British immigration laws which moved closer to adoption this week.

Future EU 19-11-2021

CoFoE: Participants numbers are encouraging but member states should do more

Est. 4min

Organisers of the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) are “encouraged by the number of visits to the platform and endorsements”, a spokesperson for the conference told EURACTIV. This comes following concerns from some participants that the event was not getting enough attention.