About: AMR

OpinionPromoted content
Health 03-06-2024

Future of health: Time for Europe to connect the dots

Est. 6min

Innovation can deliver patient-centric, digitally advanced, resilient and sustainable healthcare ‒ a new video series shows what’s possible if the EU seizes this opportunity for transformation.

NewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Health 28-05-2024

Belgium developing new class of antibiotics, but incentives and market support needed

Est. 5min

The pipeline of new antibiotics to curb the antimicrobial resistance crisis remains inadequate. Belgium is developing a new antibiotic class, but success depends on securing vital support and incentives. 

NewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Health 28-05-2024

Sweden sees AMR rising, compliance impacted by healthcare crisis

Est. 4min

Antimicrobial resistance is on the rise, prompting the Swedish government to invite the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and the European Commission to review Sweden’s AMR strategy.

NewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Health 06-05-2024

Patient safety risk in EU, healthcare-associated infections and antibiotic use rise

Est. 5min

An alarming new ECDC survey reveals that healthcare-associated infections (HAI) and antibiotic use are on the rise, increasing patient safety risks across Europe.

NewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Health 29-04-2024

Swedish-led team discovers potential new class of antibiotics, hope for AMR fight

Est. 5min

A new antibiotic against gram-negative bacteria hasn’t been developed since the 1970s. Now, a European research team led by Swedish scientists has discovered multi-drug-resistant bug-killing compounds that could lead to a new class of antibiotics.

NewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Health 04-04-2024

Limited innovation and profitability driving slow motion AMR crisis, Piot calls for action

Est. 6min

Professor Peter Piot, Belgium’s special advisor to European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen on European and Global Health Security, has called antimicrobial resistance (AMR) a crisis already underway and gaining importance.

Health 14-02-2024

Irish hospital researchers discover new AMR bacteria

Est. 5min

Researchers at Ireland’s University of Limerick have discovered a new species of bacteria resistant to antibiotics. The discovery was made at UL’s School of Medicine and identified a novel antibiotic-resistant bacterial species capable of colonising patients in a hospital setting.

Health 21-11-2023

EU falling behind 2030 antimicrobial consumption targets, health agency finds

Est. 5min

The EU is falling short of reaching the antimicrobial consumption targets for 2030 with some member states even backtracking from 2019 numbers, a new report by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control has found.

Health 05-10-2023

AMR: Stability in research and development key, pharmaceutical industry warns

Est. 6min

While novel antibiotics are critically important in the fight against antimicrobial resistance (AMR), the lack of security and incentives for research and development (R&D) is setting development back, the pharmaceutical industry warns. 

Health 28-09-2023

Antimicrobial resistance not just a European issue, Malta minister says

Est. 5min

When combined with a global approach, cross-country collaboration and measures will be vital to solving the issue of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), according to Health Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of Malta Christopher Fearne in an exclusive interview with Euractiv.

Special ReportOpinionPromoted content
Health 25-09-2023

Europe on the frontline in the fight against AMR

Est. 4min

With collective determination, an open mindset and willingness to do things differently, Europe can set an example in the fight against antimicrobial resistance. Huw Tippett, CEO of Shionogi Europe, calls for collective action ahead of the European Health Forum, Gastein.

Health 22-09-2023

European Parliament welcomes, criticises proposed pharmaceutical package

Est. 5min

Members of European Parliament welcomed the proposed revamp of the bloc's regulatory framework for pharmaceuticals during a discussion this week but did not shy away from criticising certain aspects.  The Parliament's Public Health Committee (ENVI) this Wednesday (20 September) opened one …

Health 14-06-2023

Antimicrobial resistance: EU health ministers approve recommendation

Est. 4min

EU health ministers gave the go-ahead to the European Commission’s recommendation to step up EU action to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR), also welcoming its One Health approach.

Health 26-04-2023

EU to test disputed incentive scheme to develop novel antibiotics

Est. 5min

The revamp of the bloc's regulatory framework for pharmaceuticals, presented by the European Commission on Wednesday (26 April), features a new and somewhat controversial system of incentives to promote the development of new antimicrobials.

Health 26-04-2023

LEAK: Commission enlists help of stakeholders to reshape EU pharma sector

Est. 5min

The European Commission will call for "cooperation between different stakeholders to bring about positive change" in the pharmaceutical sector, according to a leaked communication accompanying the revision of the EU's drug framework.

Health 14-03-2023

Commission to seek patient-centred, industry-friendly pharma rules reform

Est. 5min

With only a few weeks before unveiling the EU's revamped framework for pharmaceuticals, Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides described the main drivers of the much-awaited reform, stressing the importance of finding the balance between patients' and industry's interests.

Agrifood 04-01-2023

Germany’s core farm projects still in planning phase

Est. 5min

The start of 2023 saw the EU's new agricultural policy come into force in Germany, alongside new animal husbandry rules. However, some of German Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir's core projects remain in the planning phase.

OpinionPromoted content
Health 13-12-2022

What the EU must consider as it enacts its Global Health Strategy

Est. 5min

Partnership to Fight Infectious Disease, a non-profit group of patients, providers, community organizations, academic researchers, business and labor groups, and infectious disease experts shares its reaction to DG SANTE’s Global Health Strategy and key considerations such as the research and development pipeline for antibiotics, and global supply of antibiotics.

Agrifood 18-11-2022

EU countries see success in slashing veterinary antibiotics sales

Est. 4min

Sales of antibiotics used for animal use have almost halved between 2011-2021, according to a new report issued by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), putting the EU on track to attain its ambitions, but with a warning that the sector should not become complacent.

OpinionPromoted content
Health 18-11-2022

AMR pandemic: rising to the challenge with medical technologies

Est. 6min

Medical technologies can help to reduce infection risks, contain outbreaks and support antimicrobial stewardship. It is time for a broader view with more emphasis on prevention.

Agrifood 25-10-2022

Cut animal transport times to reduce rise of superbugs, says EU agency

Est. 4min

Animal transportation times should be cut to reduce the risk of spreading antimicrobial resistance, according to a new scientific opinion from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

Health 12-07-2022

EU designates AMR top priority as WHO calls for vaccine development

Est. 5min

The European Health Union indicated antimicrobial resistance (AMR) as one of its top three priority health threats in the EU on Tuesday (12 July) - the same day as the WHO called for accelerating of development of AMR-related vaccines.

Agrifood 01-07-2022

WOAH chief: Protecting environment key to ensuring human, animal health

Est. 5min

The COVID-19 crisis has underscored that there is no way to ensure human and animal health without wider consideration of environmental health, Monique Eloit, Director General of the World Organisation for Animal Health, told EURACTIV in an interview.