The project

TARGET, supported by four National Football Federations, UEFA, and other partners, aims to combat gender inequalities using youth football players as advocates. The initiative focuses on coach training to promote gender equality within teams, integrating STEM and self-efficacy. A communication campaign, featuring influential role models, will amplify the message across the EU, making TARGET a pioneering effort to address societal gender disparities through the popularity of football.

The objectives

The main aim of TARGET is to promote gender equality within and beyond youth football teams. This is to be achieved by:

  • Educating youth football players about gender equality 
  • Providing coaches with skills to promote gender equality among female and male youth football players 
  • Promoting gender equality in the larger society 

The consortium

  • Latvijas Futbola Federacija (Coordinator)
  • Eesti Jalgpalli Liit
  • Ukrainian Association Of Football
  • Malta Football Association
  • Università Degli Studi Di Modena E Reggio Emilia
  • Formodena – Formazione Professionale Per I Territori Modenesi Soc. Cons. Arl
  • Associação Portuguesa de Apoio à Vítima
  • Euractiv Media Network B.v.

The activities

Euractiv is involved in the following tasks:

  • Editorial Coverage (Sustained editorial coverage) and newsletter
  • Multimedia Products
    • Promotional Video 
    • Infographic
  • Forums and Workshops to publicise the objectives and results of the project
    • Kick Off Conference
    • Workshop and Event Video
    • Final Forum and Event Video
  • Social media promotion

The duration

The project will be carried out over a period of 3 years (December 2023 – December 2026).

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