Industry 4.0

Economy 04-03-2020

Breton wants EU industrial policy to focus less on consumers, more on businesses

Est. 2min

The EU's Internal Market Commissioner, Thierry Breton, wants to put businesses back at the heart of the European Commission's industrial strategy, with less emphasis on reducing consumer prices. EURACTIV France reports.

Economy 10-12-2019

Boosting circular economy requires joint effort, experts warn

Est. 6min

If Europe wants to transition towards a circular economy model, the practices have to be mainstreamed and all actors should be involved in the process, experts warned during an event hosted by EURACTIV.

Data protection 04-12-2019

Should the EU embrace artificial intelligence, or fear it?

Est. 6min

Advances in machine learning are progressing rapidly, and governments are struggling to keep up. The EU has emerged as the world’s regulator in this space, but some fear it's stifling European innovation.

Economy 15-10-2019

Europe seeks a comprehensive strategy to lift its competitiveness 

Est. 4min

The dominance of US firms and Chinese companies in the digital world has sounded the alarm bells in Europe. EU and national officials have agreed that the competitiveness of European firms requires a comprehensive strategy that goes beyond easing the bloc's competition rules.

Economy 12-07-2019

German ambassador to the EU: ‘China is changing us’

Est. 6min

Europe should increase its economic assertiveness abroad and put forward a new strategy to face China’s rivalry, as the challenges posed by Beijing are already affecting the way European countries are preparing to compete with global powers, experts and diplomats agreed on Thursday (12 July).

Economy 26-06-2019

Europe looks for its ‘formula’ to create industrial champions

Est. 4min

As Europe prepares for a comprehensive update of its competition, industrial and trade policies, experts and private sector representatives have warned against state interventionism proposed by France and Germany.

5G 21-05-2019

Huawei: US founding fathers would be ‘alarmed’ with Trump administration

Est. 6min

The US founding fathers would be ‘alarmed’ by the recent actions of the Trump administration to restrict access to the American market for Chinese businesses, Huawei’s EU chief, Abraham Liu, said on Tuesday (21 April).

Aerospace 03-05-2019

EU industrial policy under the spotlight as elections loom

Est. 9min

As the EU gears up for a big refresh after May’s elections, there is growing consent among business leaders that incoming policymakers should refocus attention and resources on industrial policy, particularly in the continent's most valuable sectors.

5G 26-04-2019

Investment in ‘first class connectivity infrastructure’ a priority, Commission says

Est. 10min

The cable industry's ambitions of ubiquitous gigabit connectivity have long been hindered by a number of obstacles, including patchy coverage and consumer trust issues. Carlota Reyners Fontana explains what the EU Commission is doing to improve the bloc's broadband gaps.

Economy 02-04-2019

Stopping the demise of Europe’s aluminium industry

Est. 7min

The European Commission needs to tackle the abusive market practices of aluminium producing countries like China that rely on state aid and environmental dumping to erode the market share of European companies, writes Mario Conserva.

OpinionPromoted content

How can the industry lead in the circular economy? Material and product passports are just the beginning

Est. 6min

Until recently, few businesses would advertise environmental principles like recycling and re-use, but now it is commonplace for them to brag about their ability to cut waste. At Tarkett, we have long believed in doing our little bit to make a difference for the planet.

Economy 12-02-2019

How robotics will shape Europe – and the policy that will support it

Est. 3min

Lawmakers need to focus on solving ethical questions and on the robotics technologies that will improve daily life, writes Eva Kaili.

Technology 11-02-2019

Europe: An industrial society of the future

Est. 7min

The responsibility for pursuing long-term sustainable goals falls upon those in the wider community who can stake a claim in the climate debate. One such player is Europe’s tech industry, who made their intentions clear during last week’s Industy Day’s conference in Brussels.

Technology 06-02-2019

EU’s future global industry leadership

Est. 7min

Addressing the Industry Days conference on Tuesday (5 February), European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker highlighted the importance of ensuring that the EU stays at the forefront of developments in economy and society, if it is to lead the way in the global industrial marketplace.

Technology 05-02-2019

Katainen: Innovation needed to address climate issues

Est. 6min

During a week in which the European Commission hosts the 2019 EU Industry Days, a series of conferences that examine key industrial challenges, EURACTIV sat down with Vice-President Jyrki Katainen to find out how far the EU's industries have come since 2014.

Technology 04-02-2019

A future vision for EU industry

Est. 5min

As part of his 2017 State of the Union address, European Commission President Juncker stood before the European Parliament and introduced a new Industrial Policy Strategy. His aim, he said, was to help the EU's industries become "world leaders in innovation, digitisation and decarbonisation." 

A renewed Europe: Innovation in technology industries

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Est. 1min

In the context of the EU's industry days, EURACTIV hears from industry leaders, high-ranking political officials and representatives from civil society, on the future challenges of the bloc's industrial sector.

Technology 30-01-2019

Construction: The least digitised sector in Europe

Est. 6min

Construction sites across the globe are developing rapidly as firms seek to take advantage of the technologies of tomorrow. However, the construction industry is the lowest ranked economic sector in terms of digital uptake globally, and more needs to be done, according to a leading EU industry organisation.

Economy 28-01-2019

Davos wrap-up: Watch out for a self-inflicted recession

Est. 6min

Decision-makers and business leaders attending Davos forum last week warned of the risk of triggering self-inflicted recession if the growing pessimistic due to the economic slowdown or political instability persist.

Economy 19-12-2018

19 EU countries call for new antitrust rules to create ‘European champions’

Est. 4min

A total of 19 EU governments have proposed updating the EU’s antitrust rules in order to facilitate the emergence of European industrial giants able to face “fierce competition” from the US and China.

Economy 05-11-2018

German industry expert: ‘No one will be bypassed by digitisation’

Est. 10min

Digitisation has become a fix point in the public debate as significant effects on the economy and the working world are expected. Are Germany and the EU well prepared? EURACTIV Germany spoke to Iris Plöger.

Economy 12-10-2018

Barriers to high-skilled labour mobility

European manufacturers are supposed to do business freely within the European Union’s single market, but in reality, companies face considerable restraints when sending employees abroad.

Economy 13-07-2018

EU should enforce market surveillance to protect single market

Est. 5min

The EU needs to take market surveillance more seriously. This is not only about spending more money, but also about creating more coherent and less complex single market legislation, writes Naemi Denz.

OpinionPromoted content
Technology 05-06-2018

Developing AI at the heart of European Rights and Freedoms

Est. 5min

The benefits of Artificial Intelligence are limited only by our imagination. Technology companies are listening closely to governments and civil society on issues of fairness, accountability and transparency to address concerns of bias and discrimination. Our industry stands firmly behind being part of this dialogue.