EU-India Archives

  • EU-India Relations in a Changing Strategic Environment

    Opinion | Stakeholder Opinion 02-08-2022

    Est. 8min

    India's relations with the European Union over the years have been built on the principles of cooperation, shared values and common concern for global peace, security, and development. This makes them natural partners as well as factors of stability in the present world order.

  • State of play in EU trade policy

    Special Report | News | Economy 01-08-2022

    Est. 5min

    After a slow year, the EU's free trade agenda is picking up speed under the Czech EU Council presidency. Nevertheless, more momentum still seems to be on the unilateral trade measures currently being negotiated in the bloc.

  • India’s green hydrogen push can have a European pull

    Opinion | Stakeholder Opinion 28-07-2022

    Est. 7min

    Even as major economies deal with urgent energy security challenges, we must start thinking about the energy sources of the future. The spread of renewables is accelerating but the pace of economic decarbonisation remains too slow.  Dr Arunabha Ghosh is CEO, …

  • The Primacy of Technology: Why digital needs to be at the core of the European Union’s relationship with India

    Opinion | Stakeholder Opinion 26-07-2022

    Est. 7min

    Speaking at a private event we held a few years ago, the former President of the European Council, Mr. Herman Von Rompuy, made an insightful comment: “Europe only and always makes progress during crises.” It is undeniable that the world has just faced down the mother of all crises in form of the pandemic, while so many risks still abound, ranging from climate and conflicts to stagflation and supply chain disruptions.

  • Sugar could become sour point in EU-India trade talks

    News | Global Europe 06-07-2022

    Est. 4min

    Following a recent WTO ruling condemning India’s sugar subsidies, the European Parliament on Tuesday (5 July) called for no concessions in the talks over a future trade and investment agreement between Brussels and Delhi.

  • Ayurveda: a holistic approach to health and personalized medicine

    Opinion | Promoted content 29-06-2022

    Est. 7min

    The Covid 19 pandemic has awakened the desire of going back to the roots and has initiated a strong urge to live a life in proximity with nature.  There is a consciousness to live in harmony with nature and to eschew the use of chemical and artificial substances in our diet and beauty regimen.

  • US talking with India on Russia oil price cap

    News | Global Europe 29-06-2022

    Est. 3min

    Talks on agreeing and implementing a price cap on Russian oil exports have begun with large oil consuming countries, including India, and will soon start with smaller consumers in Africa and Latin America, US officials said on Tuesday (28 June).

  • Iran applies to join BRICS group of emerging countries

    News | Global Europe 28-06-2022

    Est. 2min

    Iran has submitted an application to become a member in the group of emerging economies known as the BRICS, an Iranian official said on Monday (27 June).

  • Yoga – India’s gift to the world

    Opinion | Promoted content 23-06-2022

    Est. 4min

    Yoga, India’s gift to the world, is an ancient practice that began some five thousand years ago. The idea of an International Day of Yoga was first proposed by the current Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi, during his speech at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in 2014.

  • EU to strengthen sustainability enforcement in trade deals

    News | Economy 23-06-2022

    Est. 3min

    Sustainability concerns should receive increased attention in trade deals and, if necessary, also be enforced through sanctions, according to a new approach presented by the EU Commission on Wednesday (22 June).

  • EU, India relaunch talks for free trade agreement

    News 17-06-2022

    Est. 3min

    The EU and India on Friday (17 June) formally relaunched negotiations to forge a free trade agreement, with the aim of completing talks by the end of 2023. "This partnership will become a defining moment for world trade in the 21st …

  • Europe should see opportunity in India’s climate leadership

    Opinion | Stakeholder Opinion 16-06-2022

    Est. 6min

    Climate change will jeopardise development prospects across the world, imposing pressures on economic, social, and political systems that human civilisations have never experienced. Much has changed since the Glasgow climate negotiations at the end of last year. The latest science tells us that global greenhouse gas emissions must peak by 2025