Continuation of the EU4Ocean Coalition’s work

The project

The overall aim of the project is to support the continuation of the established EU4Ocean coalition to contribute to changes in people’s mindsets delivering the required sustainable transition and transformation Europe needs to deliver the ocean-related objectives and ambitions of the EU Green Deal.

The objectives

  • Consolidate, strengthen, and expand the three communities (platform, youth, schools) of the EU4Ocean coalition. This includes increasing the number of coalition members but also their diversity, as well as identifying and setting up conditions required for self-sustained communities in terms of strategy, governance, financing, and so on;
  • Support the development of collective ocean literacy actions and projects at all (EU, sea basin, national and local) scales, in particular initiatives that mobilise members from the three communities and have been able to access financing from different sources including from existing EU financing mechanisms;
  • Strengthen capacity in ocean literacy in general, and in the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of (successful, individual and collective) ocean literacy projects and initiatives. Not that strengthening capacity as key factor to support the upscaling of OL initiatives, has received limited attention in the first phase of the EU4Oean coalition;
  • Raise the visibility, the (societal and political) profile of, and (policy/financial) support to, ocean literacy at different scales and for key (marine/maritime, environment, climate, education, youth, R&I….) policies and stakeholders

The consortium

  • ACTeon (Coordinator, France)
  • Seascape Belgium (Secretariat of the European Marine Observation and Data Network and the European Atlas of the Seas, Belgium)
  • Nausicaá-National Sea Centre (France)
  • Ciência Viva (Portugal)
  • The European Marine Science Educators Association (EMSEA, Belgium)
  • The European Centre for Information on Marine Science and Technology (EurOcean, Portugal)
  • European Schoolnet (Belgium)
  • Youth and Environment Europe (YEE, Czechia)
  • REVOLVE (Belgium)
    JPI Oceans (Belgium)
  • EuroGOOS (Belgium)
  • European Association of Zoos and Aquariums (EAZA, The Netherlands)
  • Overseas Countries and Territories Association (OCTA, Belgium)

Euractiv is a sub-contractor of ACTeon.

The activities

Euractiv is involved in the following tasks:

  • Editorial coverage (1 article per quarter) 
  • Multimedia product
    • Video interviews
    • Podcasts

The duration

The project started in January 2023 and will last for 36 months. 

Find out more about the project here.

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