Euractiv's Advocacy Lab

Euractiv’s Advocacy Lab is responsible for the production of all Euractiv content supported by a third party. With its own team of reporters and a managing editor, Euractiv’s Advocacy Lab offers in-depth coverage of stakeholder perspectives.

NewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Health 16-07-2024

Parallel imports and the role of pharmacies still unresolved in pharma package negotiations

Est. 5min

The ongoing pharma package negotiations were marked by Belgium’s focus on combating medicine shortages and shaping the incentives system for new medicines development. Key issues remain in play for Hungary, including parallel imports.

Special ReportNewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Agrifood 15-07-2024

Netting a better seal deal, balancing animal welfare with fishing rights

Est. 7min

Animal welfare groups are hoping EU legislation protecting seals is kept above board, while Baltic fishermen are trying to salvage political nets in their fight to ensure adequate fish hauls.

Special ReportNewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Economy 15-07-2024

Holistic farm policies needed to keep focus on SDGs argues EESC’s Peter Schmidt

Est. 7min

Governments are shifting their priorities away from Sustainable Development Goals, but the EESC’s Peter Schmidt argues for a holistic approach, designing policies that can help farmers and citizens transition to a more sustainable way of producing and consuming.

NewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Health 15-07-2024

Poland explores xenotransplantation to overcome organ transplant shortages

Est. 5min

At the latest meeting of the Polish Transplant Council, experts discussed the necessity of establishing a team to thoroughly analyse the risks associated with the introduction of xenotransplantation.

NewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Health 15-07-2024

Swedish maternity units failing health inspections, understaffing a key factor

Est. 6min

Swedish maternity care is failing to meet expected quality criteria standards. According to an alarming new report, only one of the 45 Swedish maternity units passed all of the health inspectorate's examinations.

NewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Health 15-07-2024

Political interference risks Slovak health technology authority’s independence

Est. 6min

Political interference risks the independence of a leading Slovak health institute. Without formal discussion, the Slovak parliament rushed through an amendment changing leadership and funding criteria - the institute's future now depends on the Constitutional Court.

Special ReportNewsAdvocacy Lab Content

Sustainable marine fuels: the key to finally decarbonise shipping?

Est. 7min

Recent advancements in low-carbon fuels for ships will likely mean new verification and reporting requirements. But the flexibility of ships has made for unique challenges – and opportunities.

NewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Economy 12-07-2024

Investment in European healthcare delivering innovation and improved patient care  

Est. 6min

Europe as a centre for health technology innovation has taken off in recent years with dozens of European companies leading the way in developing innovative solutions with the potential to raise the standard of healthcare and health systems globally.

Special ReportNewsAdvocacy Lab Content

Combatting energy poverty needs local community engagement, says EESC

Est. 6min

For many Europeans, flipping a light switch or turning the faucet for warm water is an unremarkable action, yet around 42 million people across Europe could not warm their homes effectively, the EESC is demanding more action.

Special ReportNewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Technology 12-07-2024

CODE calls for open ecosystems, enabling Europe to become AI app world leader

Est. 8min

Is openness at the heart of the EU’s competitiveness strategy? Euractiv spoke with Lorenzo Frollini founder, CEO & CTO of Flywallet, a wearable technology, biometrics and AI company. Frollini explains why Flywallet supports open digital ecosystems. 

NewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Health 10-07-2024

Bulgaria agrees to pay pharmacists higher fees, avoiding protest threat

Est. 5min

The Bulgarian government has averted large-scale pharmacy protests, agreeing to pay higher fees to pharmacies supplying patients with free medicines. Protests were threatened over government plans to cut already low fees.

Special ReportNewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Global Europe 10-07-2024

Mission critical partnerships, collaboration key to cohesive EU defence strategy

Est. 6min

Russia’s war in Ukraine has transformed the EU’s defence role. Euractiv spoke to Jeff Shockey, senior vice president, Global Government Relations, RTX about the role of the defence industry and his outlook for the future.

 VideoAdvocacy Lab Content
Agrifood 10-07-2024

HSI Europe Manifesto – Promoting and protecting animal welfare in Europe

In Europe, millions of citizens care about the protection of animals. The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union explicitly recognises that animals are sentient beings and that the EU and Member States must pay full regard to their welfare requirements in policymaking.

NewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Health 09-07-2024

Hungarians facing long hospital waiting lists, dissatisfaction rising

Est. 4min

Long waiting lists for scheduled operations at Hungarian hospitals are at the centre of a fierce political debate. Seven thousand patients were added to the lists in just one year, delays can take up to six years.

NewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Health 09-07-2024

European agreements with pharma can push development and production, says Belgian MEP Vautmans

Est. 5min

A staunch advocate for the European Health Union, Belgium's Hilde Vautmans begins her third MEP mandate with a renewed focus on healthcare equal access, preventive care and digitisation.

NewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Health 09-07-2024

Poland leans towards shorter data exclusivity period, one year market protection

Est. 5min

Warsaw has sided with the European Commission on the length of the Regulatory Data Protection (RDP) period in the EU Pharma Package. Poland advocates that the incentives scheme should focus on market protection and not last more than a year.

NewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Health 09-07-2024

Czechia lifts ban on blood donation by gay men

Est. 4min

New Czech regulation, which took effect on 1 July, allows gay men to donate blood, a practice previously prohibited.

Special Report VideoAdvocacy Lab Content
Technology 09-07-2024

CODE Talks: A More Competitive Europe Starts with Open Digital Ecosystems

On 22 May, the Coalition for Open Digital Ecosystems (CODE) hosted "CODE Talks: A More Competitive Europe Starts with Open Digital Ecosystems."

Special ReportNewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Economy 05-07-2024

EU election’s shift to right signals Green Industrial Deal validation

Est. 7min

For industries that work with raw materials, the EU Parliament’s shift to the right is being interpreted as a signal from voters that they want more attention paid to the economy.

Special ReportNewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Agrifood 05-07-2024

‘Plan Bee’ innovation driving new generation of crop and seed protection

Est. 7min

The mighty bee is increasingly deployed as a key player in maintaining biodiversity through pollination. Bee vectoring technology is just one innovation boosting crop and seed protection, but many alternative pest control methods are getting stuck in research labs.

Special ReportNewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Economy 03-07-2024

Two reports, one clear path: Joined-up thinking on public and private money is needed to fund European Innovation

Est. 6min

The first half of 2024 has been a period of stocktaking for the EU. Last year former Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta and former President of the European Central Bank Mario Draghi were tasked with drawing up comprehensive reports on the functioning of the Single Market.

Special ReportAdvocacy Lab Content
Economy 03-07-2024

Financing and insuring the future

Est. 1min

Over the next 5 years, the 'financing transition' will play an integral role in shaping the future of the EU economy and structural infrastructure. This financing transition will be key in implementing EU priorities such as the green and digital …

 VideoAdvocacy Lab Content
Health 03-07-2024

EU farm animal welfare: Time for an overhaul?

In this Policy Triangle, supported by Humane Society International/Europe, we delve into the state of farm animal welfare in the EU.

NewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Health 02-07-2024

Bulgaria facing critical shortage of general practitioners

Est. 5min

A critical shortage of general practitioners threatens the Bulgarian health system, according to a new report by the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF), serious bottlenecks look certain to occur.