Euractiv Membership

You are:

  • Industry association
  • Consultancy
  • NGO
  • Political party/group
  • Region
  • Think tank
  • University

You want to:

  • Gain visibility in the Brussels EU bubble?
  • Communicate your messages to EU stakeholders?
  • Promote your positions and events?
  • Extend and engage your audience?

We offer services to support your communication strategy

To raise awareness of your policy priorities to an EU audience.

We offer a competitively-priced package including a wide range of services, helping you in your day-to-day communication and advocacy.

The package includes:

Communication services

  • Banner campaign – Running your banners on our website and text ads in our automated newsletters
  • Recording of a short video statement in our studio
  • Distribution of your video through Euractiv channels
  • Distribution of your infographic through Euractiv channels
  • Distribution of your promoted opinion through Euractiv channels
  • Distribution of your podcast through Euractiv channels
  • Support of our flagship newsletters – The Brief and The Capitals
  • Support of our weekly policy newsletters
  • Support of our Today in the EU podcast 
  • Publication of your press releases, events, and job ads (unlimited)


  • Your logo and name visibility on
  • Facilitation of contact with our editorial team
  • Invitations to our 50+ Euractiv policy events
  • Exclusive Yellow Academy workshops on communication and advocacy (members only)

Current members. 

Contact us to discuss the best service for your communication needs:





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