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Starting a Business

Her Startup's Product Was Better and Cheaper Than the Competition, So Why Wasn't It Selling? The Answer Would Bring In $25 Million a Year

Molly He started Element Biosciences to compete with her old employer because she was sure she could do it better. But she'd missed an important reality of breaking into a market.


Her Son Struggled In School. After Helping Him Become an 'A' Student, She Started a Business to Replicate Their Success.

Maria Washington and her husband Aaron realized they were on to something.


These Are the Best Franchises in Every Industry

If you want to see the stars of franchising, look no further than this list.

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Entrepreneur Startups Magazine


The 10 Hottest Trends in Franchising

If you're looking to buy a franchise, start with this list. We break down 10 of the industry's hottest trends, and more than 400 brands to choose from.


Which Franchise Model is Right For You? Here's How to Choose.

There are thousands of brands and concepts, but franchises generally fall under two business models: "brick-and-mortar" and "service-based." Which is the best choice for you?

Starting a Business

These Four Words Can Change The Way You Approach Every Impossible Task

When a door closes, this is the question that opens a window.

Entrepreneur Startups Archive