Accelerate Scientific Discovery and Drive Outcomes.

Enthought takes scattered, complex, and varied R&D data and gives it new life as your value-generating engine.

Unlocking the Value of Scientific Data

Scientific innovation starts with data, and research labs are sitting on an untapped goldmine. Data need to be in the hands of scientists to allow for rapid iteration and discovery. However R&D data is different, making unlocking its value difficult.

In R&D, working with data is much more labor-intensive than other parts of the business because the data are complex, multimodal, scattered, and siloed. Scientific data includes images, time series, tables, machine-generated binary files, electronic lab notes, and much more. It is continuously being generated by individuals, instruments, third party sources, and secondary analysis. Some data is under management and some is not. 

Enthought | Unlock value of scientific data
Enthought | Scientific R&D

Getting Data Analysis-Ready

Before conducting any analysis, data must first be "analysis-ready." Analysis-ready data is highly curated and highly available data that support specific analytical use cases. In labs lacking the technical infrastructure to readily make their data analysis-ready, scientists and engineers are unnecessarily burdened with spending too much time wrangling their data instead of using it. Time is wasted trying to access data that are locked in data warehouses, data lakes, or other data management systems; setting up their computational environment; waiting for computing resources to be approved or become available; and figuring out how to share their work with colleagues for feedback or get into production. Sound familiar?

Solutions and Tools Purpose-Built for Research

Enthought develops data and workflow solutions that arm scientists with analysis-ready data. While many companies focus purely on the organizational structure of their data, our approach is different. Data management is absolutely critical, however, data stored and newly organized does not mean it’s more usable to achieve ambitious research goals. Our technical solutions are built to amplify value and have saved scientists up to 80% of their time by automating data compilation, accelerating data analysis by 10x, and optimizing workflows to achieve a 3x ROI within 2 years.

Please contact us to discuss how Enthought can help overcome the complex data and workflow challenges in your lab.

Enthought | Scientific Data

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[eBook] Digital Transformation in the Materials Science Industry

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