Elekta Esprit - Stereotactic Radiosurgery Cancer Care | Elekta

Elekta Esprit

Protect the mind
Protect the person

Not available in all markets.

Meet Esprit

The new Elekta Esprit is designed to do more than just preserve life, it's designed to preserve a whole lifetime.

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Dedication in design

  • Guaranteed precision spares healthy tissue to help protect the mind and the person
  • Continuous advances in design ensure optimised treatment planning and delivery, with flexible workflow options
  • A seamless integrated system, created for end-to-end ease of use

Patients at the center

  • Quality of life protected through very low body dose and exceptional accuracy that spares healthy tissue
  • Vital precision safeguards motor, sensory and neurocognitive function to help preserve the essence of the patient
  • Noninvasive brain treatment that establishes a gentler alternative to open surgery and conventional radiotherapy
Stereotactic Radiosurgery - Patients at the center

Protecting what matters the most

To know where we're going we need to know where we've been.
Our mind houses our memories, our passions, our aspirations.
Elekta Esprit is created with absolute expertise in mind.
Because protecting healthy tissue is protecting the person within.
To remember who we are is to remember where we want to go.

Stereotactic Radiosurgery - Protecting the person within
Stereotactic Radiosurgery - Protecting the mind
Stereotactic Radiosurgery - Protecting healthy tissue

Proven beyond compare

  • The most proven and well-documented Stereotactic Radiosurgery device on the market, delivering confidence and peace of mind for clinicians
  • Beneficial patient outcomes and improved quality of life established in long-term published data
  • Breaking SRS boundaries through evidence of success in a wide range of neurosurgical and oncological brain indications
Gamma Knife - Breaking Radiosurgery Boundaries

Request a demo

Thank you for your interest in Elekta Esprit. We can't wait to share with you more details on how Elekta Esprit can fit in your SRS program.

Not available in all markets.

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