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BitGive announces beta launch of blockchain-powered donation tracking platform GiveTrack

Bitcoin nonprofit BitGive has announced that the beta version of its donation tracking platform, GiveTrack, is officially live.

By leveraging blockchain technology, GiveTrack offers donors the ability to transfer, track, and provide a permanent record of the route of global financial transactions from inception to endpoint. It also provides individual donors with direct evidence-based outcomes for their donations, empowering them to give more. Initial backers of GiveTrack include the Walter and Karla Goldschmidt Foundation, Matthew Roszak (Bloq), Rodolfo Andragnes (Bitcoin Argentina), CoinFabrik, and Rocelo Lopes, among many others supporting BitGive’s mission.

“We are delighted to finally unveil a working version of GiveTrack to our community after months of hard work. Donors now have more opportunities to engage with BitGive’s core mission to leverage the power of Bitcoin and blockchain technology to improve public health and the environment worldwide. By releasing GiveTrack, BitGive is utilizing the unique benefits these advanced technologies have to offer - like unparalleled transparency and security - to enhance and revolutionize the donation process. Furthermore, individuals can build more trust with charitable organizations by knowing how their funds are used to drive impact on the ground. In doing so, we hope to increase charitable giving to create a global movement towards philanthropy,” said Connie Gallippi, Founder of BitGive.

In its press release, BitGive said that GiveTrack will be piloting two new projects with long-standing nonprofit partners – Medic Mobile and The Water Project:

  • Medic Mobile, a nonprofit organization, develops mobile and web tools to help community health workers, clinics, and families communicate to improve healthcare access in hard-to-reach communities. It is working to support the East Bali Poverty Project to assist health workers in monitoring and facilitating timely treatment for malnourished children through the creation of a mobile application. The app will help community health workers calculate and utilize height and weight data to improve care coordination for malnutrition in Desa Ban, Bali.
  • The GiveTrack platform will also be supporting The Chandolo Primary School Water Project, with the mission to provide a new rain catchment tank, latrines, and sanitation training to the Kenyan school. This will dramatically improve the health of the students by improving water quality and hygiene, while also increasing opportunities for learning.

Both projects will be available on the newly unveiled GiveTrack website, giving individuals the opportunity to donate to the projects using the platform.


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