Uganda Eco Lodges Tours

Africa – Ecotourism in Uganda Eco Lodges Tours

To visit our Eco Lodges and Tours please go here: Hotels and Tours in Uganda. Click below to go to individual listings.

Green World Safaris

SITA Tourism Foundation

Tanzania is starting to promote ecotourism with initiatives like KAFRED (Kibale Association for Rural and Economic Development). It is a community based group that formed to preserve Magombe wetland which is next to Kibale Forest National Park. KAFRED also advances education, health and growth in the wider local community. They are involved with advancing conservation practices in the area’s primary schools and we all know that children are the hope for the future.

Another group that was formed is The Uganda Community Tourism Association (UCOTA). Their goal is to empower local communities in sustainable development. They help small scale community ecotourism.

Perhaps Uganda is best known for having the largest two populations of the endangered mountain gorilla. The gorilla populations are located in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park.

One of our Uganda Eco Lodges Tours is Green World Safari. Green World can set up your tour to see mountain gorillas in Uganda, Rwanda, and Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Uganda Eco Lodges Tours to see the mountain gorilla

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