Ecuador Eco Lodges-Tours

South America – Ecotourism in Ecuador Eco Lodges-Tours

To go to our Ecuador listings see Hacienda Zuleta and Black Sheep Inn Eco-Lodge.

Ecuador consists of three distinct terrains that include the Andes Mountains, the Amazon rainforest and the Pacific coastline. The Galapagos Islands are probably the best known area. Darwin was inspired to write his Origin of Species after viewing the Islands.

The Galapagos islands are tightly controlled by the government of Ecuador. They are very concerned about habitat destruction and only allow approved eco tour agencies in the area. Here you can see animals like the Galapagos turtles, the marine iguana, Galapagos penguins and Blue Footed boobies that are only found on the Galapagos Islands.

The Andes Mountains are home to the Quichua people, who are descendants of the Inca people. The mountains are home to volcanoes, deep lakes, and waterfalls. There are numerous National Parks in this area.

The Amazon Basin is on the eastern edge of the Amazon rainforest and houses only about five percent of the population, mostly indigenous tribes. Eco-tourism is popular in this area that is isolated and needs preservation.Hacienda Zuleta, one of our listings, is involved with the Andean Condor Huasi rehabilitation project. The Andean Condor is pictured below.

Ecuador Eco Lodges-Tours-Andean Condor Huasi Project
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