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Verizon Data Breach Report: Bad Actors Are Exploiting Vulnerabilities Way More Than They Did Last Year; + more news

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Texas Gooner
Premium Member
San Benito, TX

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Streaming services price increases bringing Piracy back to the table

I had stopped pirating content because I had relatively inexpensive, and convenient, means of getting what I wanted, but I am reconsidering my options.

Fair and Balanced
Premium Member
Katy, TX

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FCC will vote to ban Huawei, ZTE from certifying U.S. wireless equipment [

This is the FCC ban list. »www.fcc.gov/supplychain/ ··· eredlist

The main reason to ban them is for what they did to our supply chain during covid.
But, they need to share the actual evidence of the security threat with the American people. This blind faith way is wrong and not acceptable. We should be able to specifically know what these companies and the Chinese government has done.

Trolls are out this morning.
So far intelligence agencies keep saying China COULD use these Huawei and zte devices for espionage, but they provide no real world examples.
Why do they want to be secretive about threats? Just share the evidence.
Auburn, WA

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Anyone down to start a beta thread?

Anyone down to start a long term product review support AMA for the Walmart Chromecast rival?

If so would you link the forum thread?

Fair and Balanced
Premium Member
Katy, TX

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Premium Member

U.S. v. Google: As landmark 'monopoly power' trial closes, here's what to

This lawsuit makes no sense. Google has nothing on lock down to force anyone to use Google search. You can change your browser default search engine at any time.

Even with Google paying billions to be the default search engine on browsers, it does not stop anyone from changing to something else.
Edge default search is Bing and Edge is installed by default on all windows machines. No one is suing Microsoft for doing it.
People use Google as they like it better not because of any antitrust issue.

If anything Apple is committing antitrust issues by not letting Microsoft Bing pay more than Google to be the default search engine on Apple products. Unless the evidence shows Microsoft was out bid by Google. Apple's OS competes with windows thus there could be an issue if Apple is not accepting the highest bidder.
But suing Google makes no sense.

If they want to ban default browser and default search engines then do that, but suing Google won't make that happen. They need to pass a new law.

Trolls are out today just to argue against facts just to argue. Consumers are choosing google, no one has forced them to use google in anyway. You just go to your settings and change it to any search engine you want. Nothing is on lockdown.
Every search engine is already "in the door" as they can be chosen by the user.
There is nothing wrong with Firefox and Apple taking the highest bidders for a setting easily changed by the user. Microsoft Edge does not even take bidders and just puts Bing as their default. Google Chrome has google as its default option without bidders. Google has no control over who Apple chooses, if anything sue apple if you dont like that they chose google. None of these browsers have any control of what a user selects in the settings. If anything microsoft edge is the annoying browser as an update can cause it to revert back to Bing and then you have to change it back to the search engine you want, chrome does not do this.
But there are countries in the world that ban default search engines and require a user to choose on their first use or during installation. Suing google makes no sense as they committed no anti-trust issues, sue apple if you dont like what they are doing. If you want no default option then pass a law not allowing it like other countries have done. Microsoft can lobby for new laws.
This lawsuit is frivolous and a waste of time. Regardless of any judgement against google, apple will still be free to set google as their default search engine. I wonder what trolls will say next.