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Mysterious Malware Attack Destroys 600 Routers On One ISP In 72 Hours; + more notable news

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Fair and Balanced
Premium Member
Katy, TX

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The US DOJ sues Adobe for allegedly harming ?consumers by enrolling them in

Adobe has been playing dirty with trying to lock people into subscriptions. Hiding terms in multiple levels of links within a TOS is the same dirty tactic that Comcast used to do.
After you signed up, Adobe would charge you 50% of the remainder of your plan type for a copy of the software. People did not know about this charge until they tried to cancel.
People would sign up for one plan and Adobe would charge them a higher price with auto debits.

The even dirtier tactic was to give a 7 day free trial, at the end they offer to give 2 more months of the free trial, then when people canceled the free trial they would charge them $120.
This lawsuit is valid. Adobe is trying milk their last customers ensuring they never come back.
Henderson, KY

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Social media isn't like cigarettes, and a warning label won't help much.

Maybe end up the same way with the states getting a big settlement.