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Appeals Court Upholds NY Law Requiring ISPs Offer $15 Broadband; + more notable news

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united state

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TMobile and older rate plans

so, let me guess: they won't actually raise the rate, because that would go against what they told everyone.

Instead, they'll just add an "account access fee" or some such drivel, you know, so you can actually log in to their site and...access your account.

What else can you think of? List your suggestions here!
Henderson, KY

4 recommendations



TikTok to challenge the law that could ban the app in the states...

Ah the free speech argument combined with corporate person-hood brings us here. Should go about as well as the insurrection clause.

Fair and Balanced
Premium Member
Katy, TX

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Premium Member

Appeals Court Upholds NY Law Requiring ISPs Offer $15 Broadband [pcmag.com]

This was a frivioulus lawsuit as the FCC has not regulated internet prices. They knew that before filing.
Now in the future they may have a case if the FCC does any price controls that are relevant to that state law. Then the state law could be invalidated.

Here is the ruling: »storage.courtlistener.co ··· 32.0.pdf

For the trolls, the internet is telecommunications per the definitions in the communications act passed by congress. Information services are transferred via telecommunications/internet.
The internet is independent of data, it is independent of information services.