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Comments on news posted 2024-04-24 07:37:09: • J.D. Power: 5G Fixed Wireless Has The Highest Customer Satisfaction [telecompetitor.com] • Biden-Backed Bill That Could Ban TikTok Passes in the Senate [pcmag. ..

united state

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8 recommendations



5G fixed wireless

I don't know why this site would recognize such balderdash as this JD Power thing. I mean, people here made it clear: fixed wireless absolutely cannot work, and regardless NO one would ever be satisfied with it.
Durham, NC

7 recommendations



Re: 5G fixed wireless

"The key reason for the high satisfaction with fixed wireless was price."

Loss-leaders tend to have high customer satisfaction. Just ask a drug dealer.
united state

-1 recommendation



Re: 5G fixed wireless

said by ncted:

"The key reason for the high satisfaction with fixed wireless was price."

Loss-leaders tend to have high customer satisfaction. Just ask a drug dealer.

no, not everyone buys on price. Just the ignorant people.
Durham, NC

9 recommendations



Re: 5G fixed wireless

said by adam1991:

said by ncted:

"The key reason for the high satisfaction with fixed wireless was price."

Loss-leaders tend to have high customer satisfaction. Just ask a drug dealer.

no, not everyone buys on price. Just the ignorant people.

Or the cost-conscious. Internet isn't the priority for a lot of people that is for most of the people around here.
Premium Member
Raleigh, NC

4 recommendations

cramer to ncted

Premium Member

to ncted
It's not remotely being sold at a loss. (Neither are any of the other internet options.)


6 recommendations

tc1uscg to adam1991


to adam1991
said by adam1991:

NO one would ever be satisfied with it.

I'm never surprised what people "like" when that's all they got.
united state

1 recommendation



Re: 5G fixed wireless

said by tc1uscg:

said by adam1991:

NO one would ever be satisfied with it.

I'm never surprised what people "like" when that's all they got.

I sincerely doubt that's ALL they got.

Of course, when your other choices are $100 coax cableco that you swore off, plus AT&T 6Mb DSL, yeah, you tend to have a different outlook than do I with my three wired providers plus a FWA provider.


3 recommendations



Re: 5G fixed wireless

For those who didn't have anything, FWA was the goto service. And as some have mentioned here on DSLR, their "DOCSIS" service sucks big time but it's ALL they got. Not even FWA is good enough. Where I am, 1 coax, 2 fiber, FWA 0. TMO's service is just really bad out here where I live. And though I'm in the "county", I'm not that far from any population. Heck, there's 3 new subs being built within 4 miles of my home. But thats isolated. I'm sure in other places it's fine, and AT&T's cell service seems to be the best around hear. Even driving to New Orleans, there are dead spots for TMO. So, if their cell service isn't reliable, FWA will be right behind it. Though I have my own cable modem, I'd not switch to Sparklight as long as I can bounce between two fiber providers, even if Coastconnect's system isn't as speedy as they claim.


2 recommendations



Re: 5G fixed wireless

FWA works for some people an not for others. For someone with crappy DSL it's an absolute blessing. For people who have other options it depends on location. I heard complaints about FWA getting throttled down to unusable at busy times of the day when everyone is on the phone because FWA is deprioritized .
If you use internet for movie streaming , watching bird cams, browsing, chit chat and similar, FWA is great in every case. If you need it for for something dead serious, it's just not reliable enough.

Landing is the REAL challenge
Premium Member
Columbus, OH

3 recommendations


Premium Member

Re: 5G fixed wireless

My cousin, who is in low income (But not enough to have gotten on the ACP plan), recently jumped on TMHI after Spectrum jacked their rates up. And their DSL option in the area at the time was abysmal offering like 25/1 or something for more than Spectrum was charging. TMHI got her down to a comfortable monthly rate with no promo BS and surprisingly the service has been solid and in a lot of cases is overkill for what they use it for (basic one TV streaming and a couple phones). Hell, when I visit it is more than enough for anything I would potentially need given I've seen baseline rates of 200/20 and often more at times with good latency/jitter.

Another relative of mine lives way out in the boonies and has one wireline provider which is local and has very poor speed vs cost packages compared to the big national companies. My cousin who works with and visits them a lot has also been on the lookout to get them moved over to TMHI as they've got good 5G coverage out there now. And their usage is similar. Basic streaming and mild browsing/email duties.

FWA is great as another option/competition. My only gripe in the past is if providers decide to give up on wireline altogether and try to go FWA only everywhere. AT&T's the only company I'm aware of in the position to try this and thankfully it seems like recently they have put in some effort to do more fiber rollouts. But it's still a concern. As someone else commented below, when they try this and start to oversubscribe towers it is absolutely going to be a shitshow.
Auburn, WA

3 recommendations



Re: 5G fixed wireless

Sorry Verizon leads the charge on this one. They got sued to use FiOS and submitted. ATT is only following.

»money.cnn.com/2013/07/22 ··· dex.html

6 recommendations

Thistool to adam1991


to adam1991
Funny story people told me I couldn't live of of wireless either. Yet somehow I managed to sail the digital seas and stream to my heart's content all the way back in 2013. Odd how that works.
Durham, NC

3 recommendations



Re: 5G fixed wireless

said by Thistool:

Funny story people told me I couldn't live of of wireless either. Yet somehow I managed to sail the digital seas and stream to my heart's content all the way back in 2013. Odd how that works.

It can be very livable. The question in my mind is whether it will be nearly as successful as companies would have us believe. I am skeptical, but I've been wrong before and will be again. If it works for you, then that's great in my book.
Auburn, WA

4 recommendations



Re: 5G fixed wireless

As a Network Engineer Manager. I can assure you no it will not be effective for 100% penetration. Currently we close fixed wireless at 25% of tower capacity.

Now with that said we're stepping lightly into the FWA game and I'm set to retire in 18m. When marketing gets involved yes they can and have caused negativity to the network.

I can truly imagine a time frame were they over sell capacity by 200-300%. Because of cooperate greed.

Causing the network to get crippled and needing Qos/Cos to become ridiculous.
said by ncted:

said by Thistool:

Funny story people told me I couldn't live of of wireless either. Yet somehow I managed to sail the digital seas and stream to my heart's content all the way back in 2013. Odd how that works.

It can be very livable. The question in my mind is whether it will be nearly as successful as companies would have us believe. I am skeptical, but I've been wrong before and will be again. If it works for you, then that's great in my book.

united state

-2 recommendations



TikTok ban

so in other words, TikTok is a propaganda mouthpiece that Biden and his cronies don't control. And they simply won't have THAT.

(From 1948 until 1988, the Soviet government implemented a variety of jamming systems to prevent western radio signals from being available to and influencing Soviet citizens. I find the parallels here fascinating AND disturbing; which side is the US on in that analogy?)


2 recommendations



Re: TikTok ban

If I had $10 for every MIJI report I had to file, I'd retired a long time ago. Just my 3 years alone in Hawaii, at the facility I was at, I bet I did at least 2 every time I had duty. Minimum, out of 8 of us on duty, 24/7, 365, 10 every 12 hours. Mostly on our Ship/Shore RTTY circuits. Got to the point some days, we would fire up a "honey pot" (not a term used back in the 80's) and just send drill messages, press (news/weax) and just gibberish to make them think it was being used, while we shift to some lesser known freq's to send traffic. Only time it was really effective was when we would have a ship visiting Japan or our Polar ice breakers that were near Australia or McMurdo area and couldn't use satellite (yep, having to use HF).

meaconing, intrusion, jamming, and interference

Premium Member
Woodbridge, VA

4 recommendations


Premium Member

Re: TikTok ban

said by tc1uscg:

meaconing, intrusion, jamming, and interference

Thanks for that, was getting ready to google 'MIJI'


5 recommendations



Re: TikTok ban

YW.. Funny thing about the "Russians" screwing with the airwaves, they never messed with our CW (Morsecode) circuits. I'm guessing because we used to communicate with their fishing fleet who were allowed to operate in the Bering Sea, and they would send us fishery reports while fishing. So, they left those freq's alone.

Had you googled MiJi and went to the video.. you would have been REALLY CONFUSED

»www.youtube.com/watch?v= ··· 6wSfzhZ4

Trust me, the interference DID NOT sound like that.
Premium Member
Charlotte, NC

6 recommendations

ke4pym to adam1991

Premium Member

to adam1991
said by adam1991:

Biden and his cronies don't control.

If by cronies you mean most of Congress, then sure.

"The Senate passed the package 79-18 and the House approved the TikTok portion of the bill 360-58."

»www.usatoday.com/story/n ··· 4172007/
united state

-1 recommendation



Re: TikTok ban

said by ke4pym:

If by cronies you mean most of Congress, then sure.

oh my, yes.
Hot Springs National Park, AR

4 recommendations

SurfaceUnits to ke4pym


to ke4pym
they only read your email to keep you safe from them radical islamics the peoples' liberation army and putin

I Void Warranties
Billings, MT

3 recommendations

SimbaSeven to adam1991


to adam1991
said by adam1991:

so in other words, TikTok is a propaganda mouthpiece that Biden and his cronies don't control. And they simply won't have THAT.

(From 1948 until 1988, the Soviet government implemented a variety of jamming systems to prevent western radio signals from being available to and influencing Soviet citizens. I find the parallels here fascinating AND disturbing; which side is the US on in that analogy?)

Trump did the same crap, though. What makes me nervous is them adding this to an aid package. This should *NEVER* have been in an aid package.

This could make it easy to pass highly questionable bills in the future, like SOPA. This is extremely dangerous ground.


7 recommendations



Re: TikTok ban

What makes me nervous is {Congress} adding this to an {other} package. This should *NEVER* have been in an {other} package.

This could make it easy to pass highly questionable bills in the future, like SOPA. This is extremely dangerous ground.

Standard Operating Procedure, Congressional.
united state

1 recommendation

adam1991 to SimbaSeven


to SimbaSeven
said by SimbaSeven:

Trump did the same crap, though.

He did?
Premium Member
Charlotte, NC

5 recommendations


Premium Member

Re: TikTok ban

said by adam1991:

He did?

»trumpwhitehouse.archives ··· -tiktok/

"I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that additional steps must be taken to deal with the national emergency with respect to the information and communications technology and services supply chain declared in Executive Order 13873 of May 15, 2019 (Securing the Information and Communications Technology and Services Supply Chain). Specifically, the spread in the United States of mobile applications developed and owned by companies in the People’s Republic of China (China) continues to threaten the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States. At this time, action must be taken to address the threat posed by one mobile application in particular, TikTok."

Consider additional steps taken, Mr. Trump.
Expand your moderator at work


-1 recommendation

tc1uscg to SimbaSeven


to SimbaSeven
said by SimbaSeven:

Trump did the same crap, though. What makes me nervous is them adding this to an aid package.

Just to set the record strait, Trump pushed for it's sale to a U.S. company (for which I'm sure we all can agree the right or left would control, Microsoft, but it fell through), however his excuse was "National Security", which we again all know is a dogwhistle used to make it appear worse then it really is...) and this time the excuse is, "Election interference". What are the left and right afraid of? IMO it's all about control and data. The U.S. or it's many eye's countries do not get to share the perceived data China collects so it must be bad. If they, meaning our WHOLE govt doesn't have any control over big tech, they want it gone!

I can bet you a can of beans that if Twitter/X wasn't owned by a u.s. citizen, liberals would have banned it by now too and only reason the right wasn't going to beat up on X was because they felt Musk would tell the left to go F'k themselves if they tried to control it. Which I believe he did in a round about way when he re-instated Trump.




Re: TikTok ban

The U.S. or it's many eye's countries do not get to share sell the perceived data China collects so it must be bad

"Lost" revenues.
Auburn, WA

1 recommendation

Thistool to SimbaSeven


to SimbaSeven
This has a long way to go. Citizen untied and billions of dollars for litigation means this can go all the way to the supreme Court for a decade. By then there would be a new social media buzz and done.


4 recommendations

Anon8e375 to adam1991


to adam1991
said by adam1991:

so in other words, TikTok is a propaganda mouthpiece that Biden and his cronies don't control. And they simply won't have THAT.

Actually it was the Republicans who wanted to have the TikTok ban attached which made the approval a done deal but hey, we are in the post fact era.
Not that I am overly positive about the ban because I don't like quick fixes for a large, complex problem.

Premium Member
Melbourne, FL

3 recommendations

Astyanax to adam1991

Premium Member

to adam1991
said by adam1991:

TikTok is a propaganda mouthpiece that Biden and his cronies don't the CCP controls. And they simply won't have THAT.


Damn right we won't! Anything to shut up commies I'm all for and every other freedom-loving American should be for also!

Hopefully we can get those commies to sell it to an American company so at least a home-grown one can exploit, manipulate, and propagandize it's gullible users instead.


Sheboygan, WI

5 recommendations

Jaybonaut to adam1991


to adam1991
said by adam1991:

so in other words, TikTok is a propaganda mouthpiece that Biden and his cronies don't control.

You know that Republicans wrote the bill right? Are you lying on purpose?
Hot Springs National Park, AR

3 recommendations



Re: TikTok ban

that has nothing to do with tiktok's purpose
united state

-1 recommendation

adam1991 to Jaybonaut


to Jaybonaut
said by Jaybonaut:

said by adam1991:

so in other words, TikTok is a propaganda mouthpiece that Biden and his cronies don't control.

You know that Republicans wrote the bill right? Are you lying on purpose?

My statement stands...open your mind a bit, step back, and read it again.


-1 recommendation



Microsoft Windows

Wait, MS "support" actually helped? ( Why do people label a device as "smart" ? Because their pain smarts !? )
( But why such bad OS design in the first place ? Documenting endless intrusion attempts forever ? )

"Enshittification" is way too many syllables. Consider "Cheapen". "Users can disable ..." - until they can't.

Fair and Balanced
Premium Member
Katy, TX

-3 recommendations


Premium Member

Biden-Backed Bill That Could Ban TikTok Passes in the Senate [pcmag.com]

TikTok ban is because Republicans refused to spend money to defend against Russia and China without the ultimatum of banning TikTok. Republicans held the entire defense bill hostage unless democrats gave them the TikTok ban. Ukraine has always been an ally with the US, they have always sent Ukrainian troops to help the US.
Of course republicans did not release any facts how TikTok is being used as a weapon against the USA's security.
Democrats were concerned about National security and protecting our allies in Ukraine and Taiwan while Republicans were worried about censoring social media.

Biden did not bring up the TikTok ban in his speech as democrats did not support it as part of this bill. In fact he covered for republicans by not bringing up that republicans were against national security.

1 edit

-1 recommendation


Premium Member

T-Mobile doesn't want you moving around with your 5G gateway without paying

T-mobile only let's you sign up if there is extra capacity at your address from local towers.
They have let the devices be able to move freely, I guess for emergencies or just because they did not see people abusing it. But if they see people using it as a loophole then they will just lock it down as they originally intended.
They don't even need to use the GPS feature. They could lock them down to certain cell towers without GPS.

Sprint always had the goal of offering fixed wireless internet for those that had no options. Customers should be glad that tmobile is keeping that goal alive.
I knew people who had sprint BB direct for like 10 years. If you don't have land-line internet then wireless is your savior. Fixed wireless has always worked for people with no other option.
Also, some may buy it if it is the cheaper option. Smart people with options will choose their provider based on speed, caps, and price.
