Displaying 1 - 50 of 827
Project Title Status Priority Category Version Replies Followers Last updatedsort ascending Status changed Assigned to Created
Experience Builder Evolve component instance edit form to become simpler: generate a Field Widget directly Needs work Critical Task 14 7 2 days 4 hours 2 days 6 hours bnjmnm 6 days 11 hours
Experience Builder Create validation constraint for ComponentTreeStructure Needs work Critical Task 21 4 2 days 8 hours 2 days 10 hours tedbow 1 week 3 days
Experience Builder Implement the updated insert menu and layers panel Active Critical Feature request 3 3 2 days 14 hours 3 days 6 hours jessebaker 3 days 6 hours
Experience Builder Lift most logic out of ComponentTreeItem::preSave() and into a new validation constraint Fixed Critical Task 26 6 3 days 12 hours 4 days 3 hours 1 month 1 day
Experience Builder [later phase] [META] 7. Content type templates — aka "default layouts" — affects the tree+props data model Active Critical Plan 30 19 3 days 17 hours 1 month 2 days lauriii 1 month 2 days
Experience Builder CI: phpcs job failing due to upstream changes in Drupal core: unused variables in catch statements now disallowed Fixed Minor Task 9 4 4 days 4 hours 4 days 4 hours 4 days 5 hours
Experience Builder [research] Allow directly creating/editing entity title and meta fields Postponed Critical Task 9 5 4 days 7 hours 2 weeks 2 days lauriii 2 weeks 2 days
Experience Builder [research] Define built-in components and categorization for components Postponed Critical Task 10 5 4 days 8 hours 2 weeks 3 days lauriii 2 weeks 3 days
Experience Builder Cypress teardown should check for dbUrl truthiness, not length Fixed Normal Bug report 4 3 4 days 9 hours 4 days 9 hours 5 days 7 hours
Drupal core Require `langcode: …` only for simple config that contains translatable values Active Critical Bug report 10.3.x-dev 38 15 4 days 11 hours 2 weeks 2 days 4 months 1 week
Experience Builder <Viewport> hard codes ids, leading to multiple. Fixed Normal Bug report 7 4 4 days 12 hours 4 days 12 hours 6 days 1 hour
Experience Builder Remove dependency on sdc_test Fixed Normal Task 11 4 5 days 12 hours 5 days 13 hours 1 week 2 days
Recipes Initiative Clarify recommended use case(s) for ensure_exists config action Needs review Major Task 1.0.x-dev 18 9 6 days 1 hour 1 month 1 week 1 year 11 months
Experience Builder FieldType: Support storing component *trees* instead of *lists* Fixed Critical Task 16 10 1 week 2 days 1 week 2 days 1 month 2 days
Experience Builder HTTP API: update /xb-render-component/{component_id} to use Component config entity's default values Needs review Major Task 12 6 1 week 3 days 1 week 5 days bnjmnm 1 month 1 day
Drupal core Allow parsing and writing PHP constants and enums in YAML files Needs work Major Task 11.x-dev 87 42 1 week 3 days 3 weeks 2 days 6 years 4 months
Experience Builder CI: use template's `eslint` job to validate YML and JS, add new `UI eslint` job for UI's TypeScript Closed (fixed) Major Task 26 6 1 week 3 days 3 weeks 2 days 1 month 3 weeks
Drupal core Cacheability information from route access checker access results are ignored by dynamic_page_cache Needs review Major Task 11.x-dev 41 16 1 week 3 days 1 week 4 days 6 years 2 months
Experience Builder Allow specifying default props values when opting an SDC in for XB Fixed Major Feature request 35 9 1 week 4 days 1 week 5 days 1 month 2 weeks
Experience Builder Add some basic example SDCs Fixed Major Task 8 3 1 week 4 days 1 week 4 days 1 week 6 days
Drupal core Entity view/form mode formatter/widget settings have no translation UI Needs work Major Bug report 11.x-dev 293 189 1 week 4 days 3 months 3 weeks 8 years 11 months
Drupal.org infrastructure [Packaging Pipeline] Securely sign packages hosted on Drupal.org using the TUF framework and Rugged Reviewed & tested by the community Normal Plan 16 16 1 week 6 days 1 week 6 days 1 year 7 months
Drupal core Create a trait and base class to implement \Drupal\Component\Plugin\ConfigurableInterface Needs review Normal Task 11.x-dev 145 37 1 week 6 days 1 week 6 days 7 years 5 months
Drupal core [meta] Add constraints to all config entity types Active Major Plan 11.x-dev 67 45 1 week 6 days 7 years 3 months 7 years 3 months
Experience Builder Connect client & server, with zero changes to client (UI): rough working endpoints that mimic the UI's mocks Closed (fixed) Critical Task 9 6 2 weeks 2 days 2 weeks 2 days 1 month 1 day
Drupal core Allow recipe command to write to the container - ensuring that cache does not be cleared after a recipe installs a module Closed (fixed) Major Bug report 10.3.x-dev 31 14 2 weeks 3 days 2 weeks 3 days 1 year 9 months
Experience Builder [policy no patch] Set expectations around testing for Frontend Closed (fixed) Major Plan 18 7 2 weeks 6 days 2 weeks 6 days 1 month 2 weeks
Drupal core Autowire core services that do not require explicit configuration Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev 42 28 2 weeks 6 days 8 months 1 week 2 years 1 week
Drupal core Document the recommended ways to obtain the database connection object Needs review Major Task 11.x-dev 61 23 3 weeks 18 hours 3 weeks 18 hours 5 years 11 months
Drupal core Add validation constraints to `type: theme_settings` Needs work Major Task 11.x-dev 19 11 3 weeks 2 days 4 months 5 days 6 months 1 day
Experience Builder FieldForComponentSuggester must be able to work without an entity context Closed (fixed) Normal Task 8 3 3 weeks 2 days 3 weeks 2 days 1 month 1 week
Drupal core Remove dependency of "file_system" service on "logger" Closed (fixed) Normal Task 10.3.x-dev 68 16 3 weeks 3 days 4 months 1 week 7 years 7 months
Experience Builder [MR Only] Edit any component prop, powered by a new FieldForComponentSuggester service, which will power the JS UI Closed (fixed) Major Feature request 14 5 3 weeks 5 days 3 weeks 5 days 1 month 2 weeks
Project Browser phpstan.neon.dist fixes - Get phpstan to level 1 Closed (fixed) Normal Task 2.0.x-dev 20 6 3 weeks 6 days 3 weeks 6 days 1 month 2 weeks
Experience Builder "Developer-created components": mark which SDCs should be exposed in XB Closed (fixed) Major Task 20 11 3 weeks 6 days 3 weeks 6 days 2 months 3 weeks
Drupal core Allow themes to use a starterkit.yml file so it is easier to use the theme generator Closed (fixed) Major Task 10.3.x-dev 72 46 3 weeks 6 days 3 months 1 week 1 year 1 month
Drupal core Field [storage] config have incomplete settings until they are saved Closed (fixed) Major Bug report 11.x-dev 117 21 1 month 2 days 10 months 1 week 9 years 11 months
Experience Builder PHPUnit SQLite CI job (+ MariaDB + PostgreSQL) Closed (fixed) Major Task 9 2 1 month 3 days 1 month 3 days 1 month 2 weeks
Drupal core Add "json" as core data type to Schema and Database API Needs work Major Feature request 11.x-dev 74 60 1 month 1 week 2 months 14 hours 1 year 5 months
Drupal core Extract a common DataContainerInterface for lists and complex data Needs work Major Task 11.x-dev 60 24 1 month 2 weeks 7 years 4 months 9 years 9 months
Drupal core Replace container-inline with form--inline to display forms horizontally. Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev 75 27 1 month 3 weeks 1 month 3 weeks 9 years 5 months
Drupal core Spec Compliance: when error object 'id' key exists, it contains the individual resource URI, instead of "a unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem" Closed (works as designed) Major Bug report 8.9.x-dev 51 6 1 month 3 weeks 6 years 1 month e0ipso 6 years 5 months
Drupal core EntityResource::patch() makes an incorrect assumption about entity keys, hence results in incorrect behavior Closed (fixed) Major Bug report 8.5.x-dev 232 31 1 month 3 weeks 6 years 6 months 7 years 8 months
Drupal core Add a method to access the original property Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev 127 65 2 months 6 days 2 months 6 days 7 years 7 months
Recipes Initiative Account switching to user 1 is now fraught Closed (fixed) Major Bug report 11.x-dev 19 7 2 months 2 weeks 2 months 2 weeks 3 months 3 days
Statistics Retain historical node_counter information Needs work Normal Feature request 1.0.0-beta1 24 9 2 months 3 weeks 2 months 3 weeks Jeremy 17 years 2 months
Drupal core Remove legacy attributes, add supported_branches and consistently name update.module's XML fixtures Closed (fixed) Normal Task 10.3.x-dev 18 8 2 months 3 weeks 2 months 3 weeks 2 years 2 months
Forum Forum history markers ("new" and "updated" markers, "x new posts" links) forces render caching to be per user Needs work Major Bug report 1.0.1 29 16 2 months 4 weeks 2 months 4 weeks 10 years 10 months
Drupal core Handle computed fields in entity queries: throwing a helpful exception is better than a PHP fatal error Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev 41 29 2 months 4 weeks 2 years 4 months 6 years 3 months
Recipes Initiative Extend recipe runner to create content provided in the recipe's /content folder Closed (fixed) Major Task 10.3.x-dev 46 16 2 months 4 weeks 2 months 4 weeks 2 years 4 weeks


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