Displaying 1 - 50 of 2486
Project Title Status Priority Category Version Replies Followers Last updatedsort ascending Status changed Assigned to Created
Drupal core Revamp descriptions of items in handler listings Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev 66 22 1 day 4 hours 1 year 5 months 11 years 8 months
Drupal core [META] Introduce PHP interfaces for views plugins Closed (won't fix) Normal Task 11.x-dev 41 17 1 day 4 hours 1 day 4 hours 11 years 1 month
Drupal core Dynamically provide action plugins for every moderation state change Needs work Major Task 11.x-dev 234 171 5 days 22 hours 7 months 2 weeks 7 years 10 months
Drupal core EntityViewsData is broken for fields with 'numeric' columns, such as decimal fields (DecimalItem) Needs work Major Bug report 11.x-dev 42 32 1 week 2 days 9 months 1 hour 9 years 1 month
Drupal core [meta] Much Views UI input is not validated Active Major Plan 11.x-dev 22 9 2 weeks 2 days 9 years 7 months 9 years 7 months
Drupal core Return computed fields in FieldAPIHandlerTrait::getFieldStorageDefinition() Needs work Normal Feature request 11.x-dev 22 13 3 weeks 2 days 5 years 1 month 6 years 6 months
Drupal core UI fatal caused by views argument handlers no longer can provide their own default argument handling Needs work Major Bug report 11.x-dev 214 112 3 weeks 2 days 5 months 3 weeks Carlos Romero 9 years 11 months
Drupal core Last read comment field/filter/argument uses still the node.changed instead of node_field_data.changed column Needs work Major Bug report 11.x-dev 141 53 3 weeks 3 days 7 months 2 days 10 years 10 months
Drupal core Add an isComputed method to field handlers Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev 93 29 3 weeks 3 days 1 year 11 months 9 years 9 months
Drupal core Entity reference field View output is not used for selected entity display Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev 86 78 3 weeks 4 days 5 months 17 min 7 years 10 months
Drupal core [PP-2] Use form element of type date instead textfield when selecting a date in an exposed filter Postponed Normal Feature request 11.x-dev 283 197 3 weeks 6 days 3 months 3 weeks 8 years 6 months
Drupal core Remove taxonomy term description field; provide description field for forum taxonomy Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev 204 57 1 month 2 weeks 1 year 7 months 14 years 10 months
Drupal core Representative Node Views fails due to invalid SQL Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev 72 45 2 months 1 day 1 year 10 months 9 years 8 months
Drupal core Provide helpful editing links on "admin/structure/block" for deriver blocks (menu, views, block content, etc.) Closed (fixed) Normal Task 10.3.x-dev 315 65 2 months 2 days 2 months 2 days 11 years 3 months
Drupal core "Has taxonomy term" contextual filter does not take the language value into account Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev 123 51 2 months 1 week 1 year 3 months 7 years 3 weeks
Forum Convert "Active forum topics" block to a View Needs work Normal Feature request 2.x-dev 196 35 2 months 2 weeks 2 months 2 weeks 11 years 1 month
Forum Try and build /forum and /forum/{tid} with views Needs work Major Feature request 2.x-dev 53 30 2 months 2 weeks 2 months 4 weeks 10 years 4 months
Drupal core Duplicated rows on admin/content if author is translated Active Major Bug report 11.x-dev 46 42 2 months 3 weeks 1 year 4 months 8 years 9 months
Activity Tracker Convert tracker listings to a view Needs work Major Task 1.0.x-dev 102 25 2 months 4 weeks 2 months 4 weeks 11 years 4 months
Drupal core \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\argument\ArgumentPluginBase should allow subplugins to specify a more specific url cache context Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev 49 17 3 months 2 days 3 months 2 days 9 years 3 weeks
Drupal core Error "Column 'langcode' in field list is ambiguous" thrown due to TranslationLanguageRenderer not rendering a field from a relationship Closed (cannot reproduce) Major Bug report 11.x-dev 47 29 3 months 3 days 4 months 2 weeks 9 years 4 months
Drupal core Adding contextual links via Views fields does not work Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev 72 48 3 months 4 days 1 year 5 months 9 years 1 week
Drupal core Inject various dependencies into DisplayPluginBase Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev 38 14 3 months 1 week 3 months 1 week 11 years 1 month
Drupal core Inject the display plugin manager into the view and view factory Closed (fixed) Normal Task 10.3.x-dev 43 10 3 months 1 week 3 months 1 week 11 years 2 months
Drupal core Twig support in "Text area" fields just like "Custom text" fields Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev 21 15 3 months 1 week 3 years 10 months 7 years 7 months
Drupal core Finish the Views integration Needs work Major Task 11.x-dev 21 14 3 months 2 weeks 4 years 8 months 6 years 2 months
Drupal core Inject the view executable factory where possible Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev 61 19 4 months 1 week 7 years 11 months 10 years 9 months
Drupal core Lack of dynamic language field / filter makes shipping core views hard to be both compatible with mono and multilingual Closed (fixed) Major Bug report 10.3.x-dev 162 64 4 months 1 week 4 months 1 week 9 years 3 months
Drupal core Use theme_table() for views tables Closed (works as designed) Normal Feature request 11.x-dev 19 12 4 months 2 weeks 4 months 2 weeks 11 years 9 months
Drupal core REST views: double encoding of apostrophes in REST Export display Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev 54 38 4 months 2 weeks 1 year 2 months 6 years 7 months
Drupal core Cleanup get_value_options by returning the value options Closed (fixed) Normal Task 11.x-dev 31 8 4 months 2 weeks 4 months 2 weeks 11 years 3 months
Drupal core [meta] Make multilingual views work Active Major Plan 11.x-dev 88 80 4 months 3 weeks 9 years 11 months 9 years 11 months
Drupal core Adding File Usage "File" relationship results in broken/missing handler Closed (fixed) Major Bug report 11.x-dev 123 77 4 months 3 weeks 1 year 1 month 8 years 7 months
Drupal core Inject all plugin managers to the view executable object. Active Normal Task 11.x-dev 17 6 4 months 3 weeks 4 months 3 weeks 11 years 4 months
Drupal core REST views: pagination information and total count result Needs work Normal Feature request 11.x-dev 73 46 5 months 23 hours 5 months 1 week 6 years 3 weeks
Drupal core Allow views base tables to define additional cache tags and max age Needs work Major Bug report 11.x-dev 45 15 5 months 1 day 9 months 6 days 7 years 9 months
Drupal core Identifiers longer than 63 characters are truncated, causing Views to break on Postgres Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev 200 88 5 months 5 days 5 months 5 days 14 years 10 months
Drupal core Machine readable names for taxonomy terms Closed (outdated) Normal Task 9.5.x-dev 18 8 5 months 1 week 5 months 1 week 14 years 11 months
Drupal core Implement generic entity link view field handlers Closed (fixed) Critical Task 8.0.x-dev 121 26 5 months 1 week 9 years 1 month 9 years 11 months
Drupal core Move Views Translation link definitions from specific entity modules to Content translation module Closed (duplicate) Normal Task 9.5.x-dev 37 6 5 months 1 week 5 months 1 week vasike 11 years 2 weeks
Drupal core Dropbutton field pushed out of the table if no label set Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev 50 20 5 months 1 week 1 year 5 months 5 years 5 months
Drupal core [meta] Introduce specific annotations for each plugin type Closed (fixed) Normal Plan 9.5.x-dev 84 42 5 months 2 weeks 5 months 2 weeks 11 years 3 months
Drupal core Bad DX to create views access plugins Active Normal Task 11.x-dev 16 6 5 months 2 weeks 9 years 8 months 9 years 8 months
Drupal core Views exposed text filter set to required shows an empty error and form error on page load Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev 111 64 5 months 2 weeks 5 months 2 weeks 8 years 10 months
Drupal core Rewrite / Replacement pattern not working for (date?) fields in revisions Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 11.x-dev 13 7 5 months 3 weeks 5 months 3 weeks 5 years 5 months
Drupal core Add views integration for profile2 module Closed (won't fix) Normal Task 9.5.x-dev 17 14 5 months 3 weeks 5 months 3 weeks damiankloip 11 years 6 months
Drupal core Views entity operations lack cacheability support, resulting in incorrect dropbuttons Needs work Major Bug report 11.x-dev 128 53 5 months 3 weeks 5 months 3 weeks 9 years 3 months
Drupal core Aggregation settings are not removed from fields when turned off Needs work Major Bug report 11.x-dev 24 10 5 months 3 weeks 5 years 5 months 11 years 3 weeks
Drupal core Make CachePluginBase::generateResultsKey() to pass valid data to CacheContextsManager::convertTokensToKeys Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev 57 17 5 months 3 weeks 5 months 3 weeks 9 years 1 month
Drupal core Bring back contextual links support in views or drop it. Postponed (maintainer needs more info) Normal Task 11.x-dev 14 10 5 months 3 weeks 5 months 3 weeks 10 years 9 months


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