
Proposed resolution

Overidable services:

  • lock
  • menu.tree_storage
  • router.route_provider
  • router.dumper
  • path.alias_storage
  • flood
  • session_manager

Remaining tasks

User interface changes

API changes

Support from Tag1 fosters the development of DrupalTag1 logo


dawehner’s picture

Priority: Normal » Major
Issue summary: View changes
3.2 KB

This is probably not all you need, but sure feel free to expand the list.

dawehner’s picture

Status: Active » Needs review


chx’s picture

dawehner’s picture

4.61 KB
7.62 KB

There are services which don't really make sense to be swapped out with our tagged backends: cache.backend.database. keyvalue.expireable.database, queue.factory
Alternative I could imagine that choosing the default for these factories could be chosen using the tag.

Status: Needs review » Needs work

The last submitted patch, 4: 2306071.patch, failed testing.

dawehner’s picture

Status: Needs work » Needs review
7.63 KB
724 bytes


dawehner’s picture

7.89 KB
893 bytes

@chx spotted a couple of instances.

chx’s picture

  1. forum_manager
  2. menu.tree_storage
  3. entity.query.sql this is an interesting one; but I believe we should make it overrideable so that it's optimizable per SQL engine independently of the storage controller. Yes it makes no sense for a NoSQL engine but those won't provide an override for this one.
  4. Finally, logger.dblog with the same logic.
dawehner’s picture

9.32 KB

With the same reasons we should add to the list.

chx’s picture

Status: Needs review » Reviewed & tested by the community

Let's do this. We can tweak this later.

alexpott’s picture

Status: Reviewed & tested by the community » Fixed

Committed e7e7666 and pushed to 8.x. Thanks!

  • alexpott committed e7e7666 on 8.0.x
    Issue #2306071 by dawehner: Tag backend services.

Status: Fixed » Closed (fixed)

Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.