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Unleash the power of analytics

while maintaining the privacy of individuals

Unlock the potential of your data

with privacy-preserving analytics 

DPella provides privacy-preserving analytics enabling companies

to make well-informed business decisions. 

Our software tool, based on Differential Privacy, allows you to share and monetize data insights by breaking data silos while respecting privacy and complying with GDPR. 

Our technology


Differential privacy: we use the safest, and mathematically proven, privacy technology for analytics on sensitive data.


Secure by construction:  Our software use cutting-edge programming-language technology to ensure that our privacy protection system is done right! 

Isolated deployment: We deploy our solution in your infrastructure without ever seeing your data.



Utility first: Our patent-pending technology quickly calculates the impact of privacy protection in data aggregations. 

Designed by world-leader experts: Our approach is the result of more than ten years of experience in differential privacy and programming-language technology.

Customizable design: Our solution uses program analysis technology to quickly build customised analytics that are ensured to satisfy differential privacy.



Privacy governance: You have full control of the privacy protection applied to your data.

Privacy models: Our products support different models of data privacy to better suit your data and business needs.

Easy Integration: Our solution is designed to easily integrate into different data pipelines.

How it works

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What is Differential Privacy?

Differential privacy is a technology that applies an irreversible blur effect to data analytics.  It is considered the reference standard for privacy due to its mathematical proven guarantees. 

Read this introduction co-written by one of our founders

Get in Touch

DPella AB   Org. nummer: 559253-5115 - Göteborg, Sweden

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